Starting with PA
- pablum
- pabulum
- paddy
- paella
- pancake
- pandowdy
- panfish
- panocha
- pap
- papaw
- papaya
- paprika
- parfait
- paring
- parmesan
- parsley
- parsnip
- partridge
- pasta
- paste
- pastil
- pastrami
- pastry
- pasturage
- pasture
- pasty
- pate
- patty
- pattypan squash
- pavlova
- pawpaw
Starting with PE
- pea
- peach
- peanut
- pear
- pearmain
- pecan
- peel
- pekoe
- pemmican
- penne
- penuche
- pepper
- peppercorn
- peppermint
- pepperoni
- perch
- perishable
- periwinkle
- pernod
- persian melon
- persimmon
- pesto
Starting with PF
Starting with PH
Starting with PI
- piccalilli
- pickerel
- pickle
- picnic
- pie
- piece
- pieplant
- pigeon pea
- pignolia
- pigswill
- pigweed
- pike
- pilaf
- pilau
- pilchard
- pimento
- pineapple
- pinole
- pippin
- pirogi
- pirozhki
- pistachio
- pita
- pitahaya
- pizza
Starting with PL
Starting with PO
- poi
- poilu
- poivrade
- polenta
- pollock
- polony
- pomegranate
- pomelo
- pompano
- pond apple
- pone
- pop
- popcorn
- popover
- popsicle
- porc
- porcupines
- porgy
- pork
- porkchop
- porkholt
- porridge
- port
- porter
- porterhouse
- portion
- posset
- postum
- potage
- potation
- potato
- potato bean
- poteen
- potherb
- potion
- potluck
- potpie
- pottage
- poulet
- poulette
- poultry
Starting with PR
- praline
- prawn
- preserve
- pretzel
- prickly pear
- prima
- produce
- profiterole
- prosciutto
- provender
- provisions
- prune
- pruno
Starting with PU
Food that Starts with P
There are wonderful and delicious foods around the world. Sweet, spicy, salty and, of course, healthy foods. Here you will discover names of foods that start with he letters P.
Fruits that start with P
Papaw: fruit with yellow flesh; related to custard apples.
– Papaw grows in every home garden in Sri Lanka. They practically let them rippen.
Persian melon: the fruit of a variety of winter melon vine; a large green melon with orange flesh.
– Persian melons have an elongated shape. Their flavor is sweet as the one of the net melons.
Persimmon: orange fruit resembling a plum; edible when fully ripe.
– Persimmons are very sweet when ripe but don’t even try them before they ripen.
Pitahaya: highly colored edible fruit of pitahaya cactus having bright red juice; often as large as a peach.
– Pitahayas are very exotic fruits. They are also known as dragon fruits. Pitahaya icecream is delicious!
Pomegranate: large globular fruit having many seeds with juicy red pulp in a tough brownish-red rind.
– The pomegranate is a symbol of fertility and health in many cultures.
Meats that start with P
Partridge: flesh of either quail or grouse.
– I cook roasted partridge with watercress wrapped in bacon.
Pastrami: Highly seasoned cut of smoked beef.
– A pastrami sandwich is a healthy and delicious lunch.
Pemmican: lean dried meat pounded fine and mixed with melted fat; used especially by North American Indians.
– Pemmican is a great treat, people say it’s even better than jerky beef.
Pepperoni: a pork and beef sausage (or a thin slice of this sausage).
– Pepperoni pizza is a classic! It is Michael’s favorite.
Porkchop: chop cut from a hog.
– Pork chops and mashed potatoes go very good together.
Vegetables that start with P
Parsnip: whitish edible root; eaten cooked.
– Parsnips look like giant white carrots!
Pattypan squash: round greenish-white squash having one face flattened with a scalloped edge.
– Pattypan squashes are so cute. They look like little pies and they taste delicious. My favorites are the ones stuffed with meat.
Pickle: vegetables (especially cucumbers) preserved in brine or vinegar.
– I can eat a whole jar of pickles just by myself.
Grains that start with P
Pilaf: Rice cooked in well-seasoned broth with onions or celery and usually poultry or game or shellfish and sometimes tomatoes.
– If you are tired of white plain rice, you mut try pilaf. It has a rich flavor.
Pita: Usually small round bread that can open into a pocket for filling.
– Maika had two pita wraps, and I had a Ceasar’s salad.
Pone: cornbread often made without milk or eggs and baked or fried (Southern).
– He drives an hour from home just to buy a pone loaf!