Starting with CA
- Cäcilia
- Cäcilie
- Cadence
- Cairistìona
- Cáit
- Caitlin
- Caitlyn
- Caitríona
- Callie
- Camila
- Camilla
- Cammilla
- Candace
- Candi
- Candice
- Cándida
- Candy
- Canola
- Capucine
- Cara
- Caren
- Caridad
- Carin
- Carina
- Carita
- Carla
- Carlee
- Carleigh
- Carlene
- Carley
- Carli
- Carlie
- Carline
- Carlota
- Carly
- Carmel
- Carmela
- Caro
- Carola
- Carole
- Carolin
- Carolina
- Caroline
- Carolyn
- Carrie
- Carys
- Casina
- Cassandra
- Cassidy
- Cassie
- Casta
- Cat
- Catalina
- Catarina
- Cate
- Caterina
- Cath
- Catharijne
- Catharina
- Catharine
- Cathay
- Catherine
- Catheryn
- Cathi
- Cathie
- Cathleen
- Cathrin
- Cathrine
- Cathryn
- Cathy
- Cátia
- Catie
- Catreeney
- Catrin
- Catrina
- Catriona
- Caty
- Caz
Starting with CE
- Cecelia
- Cecie
- Cecile
- Cecilia
- Cecilie
- Cecily
- Cecylia
- Ceecee
- Celeste
- Celestyna
- Celia
- Celina
- Celine
- Cennet
- Ceren
- Cerys
- Ceylan
Starting with CH
- Chandra
- Chandrika
- Chantal
- Chantaya
- Chantelle
- Charis
- Charity
- Charlene
- Charlott
- Charlotta
- Charlotte
- Charmaine
- Charmian
- Chastity
- Chatrin
- Chatrine
- Chaya
- Chelsea
- Chelsia
- Cher
- Cheri
- Cherie
- Cherry
- Cheryl
- Chiara
- Chicca
- Chinote
- Chloe
- Chouchanik
- Chrissie
- Chrissy
- Christa
- Christabel
- Christel
- Christelle
- Christiana
- Christiane
- Christin
- Christina
- Christine
- Christy
- Christyn
Starting with CI
Starting with CL
- Claira
- Clara
- Clarabel
- Clarabella
- Clarah
- Claribel
- Clarice
- Clarinda
- Clarissa
- Clarisse
- Clary
- Claudette
- Claudia
- Claudie
- Claudile
- Claudine
- Clelia
- Clélie
- Clémence
- Clementina
- Clementine
- Clemmy
- Cleopatra
- Clídna
- Clio
- Clorinda
- Clothilde
- Clotilda
- Clotilde
Starting with CO
- Co
- Coleen
- Colette
- Coline
- Colleen
- Conceição
- Concepción
- Concetta
- Concha
- Conni
- Connie
- Consolación
- Constance
- Constanze
- Consuelo
- Cooney
- Cora
- Coral
- Coralie
- Cordelia
- Cordula
- Core
- Cori
- Corina
- Corinna
- Corinne
- Cornelia
- Corrine
- Corrinne
- Cosmina
- Covadonga
Starting with CR
Starting with CS
Starting with CU
Starting with CY
Girl Names that Start with C
This is a list of female names starting with C, the meaning and an example are also included. Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment.
Famouns female names that start with with letter C
- Christina Aguilera: singer.
- Charlize Theron: film actress.
- Cindy Crawford: model, tv and film actress.
- Cher: singer.
- Carmen Electra: tv and film actress.
We hope you have enjoyed this list of the girl names that start with C.