
Colors Related to this Name: Blue

Qualities Related to this Name: Romantic, Nurturing

Popularity: This is a very popular name in the US. Ranking #59 in 2013 and #53 in 2014.


In English

Origin: From Scottish Gaelic Camshròn, from cam ‎(“crooked, bent”) + sròn ‎(“nose”).


-A CDP in Arizona

-A CDP in Louisiana

-A city in Missouri

-A city in Texas

-A city in West Virginia

-A rural municipality in Manitoba, Canada

-A town in New York

-A town in North Carolina

-A town in Oklahoma

-A town in South Carolina

-A village and a town in Wisconsin

-An unincorporated community in Illinois

-An unincorporated community in Iowa

-An unincorporated community in Montana

-An unincorporated community in Ohio

-( female name -comes from the last names language-) that comes from the last name, used since the 1970s also in the spellings Camryn and Kamryn.

-( male name -comes from the last names language-) that comes from the last name.

-(last name -comes from the Scottish Gaelic language-) and a highland Scottish clan name