Starting with CA
- caaba
- cab
- cabana
- cabaret
- cabasset
- caber
- cabin
- cabinet
- cabinetwork
- cable
- caboose
- cabriolet
- cache
- cachet
- cachi
- caddy
- caelum
- cafe
- cafeteria
- caff
- caftan
- cage
- cagoule
- caisson
- cake
- calabash
- calash
- calceus
- calcimine
- calculator
- calculus
- caldera
- caldron
- calean
- caleche
- calender
- calico
- caliper
- calk
- calkin
- calliope
- calliper
- callisto
- caloosahatchee
- calorimeter
- calpac
- calpack
- calumet
- cam
- camail
- camber
- cambric
- cambridge
- camcorder
- cameo
- camera
- camion
- camise
- camisole
- camlet
- camo
- camouflage
- camp
- campanile
- camper
- campstool
- camshaft
- can
- canadian
- canal
- cancer
- candelabra
- candelabrum
- candle
- candlepin
- candlesnuffer
- candlestick
- candlewick
- cane
- cangue
- canicula
- caning
- canister
- cannery
- cannikin
- cannister
- cannon
- cannonball
- cannula
- canoe
- canon
- canopus
- canopy
- cant
- canteen
- cantilever
- cantle
- cantonment
- canvas
- canvass
- canyon
- canyonside
- cap
- capacitance
- capacitor
- caparison
- cape
- capella
- capillary
- capital
- capitol
- capote
- capricorn
- capricornus
- capstan
- capstone
- capsule
- capuchin
- car
- carabiner
- carack
- carafe
- caravan
- caravansary
- caravanserai
- carbine
- carbomycin
- carbon
- carboy
- carburetor
- carburettor
- card
- cardcase
- cardcastle
- cardhouse
- cardigan
- cardiograph
- cardroom
- cargo
- caribbean
- carillon
- carina
- carminative
- caroche
- carousel
- carpathians
- carpentaria
- carpet
- carpetbag
- carport
- carrack
- carrefour
- carrel
- carrell
- carriage
- carriageway
- carrier
- carrousel
- carryall
- carrycot
- cart
- carton
- cartouch
- cartouche
- cartridge
- cartroad
- cartwheel
- carvedilol
- caryatid
- cascabel
- cascade
- cascades
- case
- casein
- casement
- casern
- cashbox
- cashmere
- casing
- casino
- cask
- casket
- caspian
- casque
- casquet
- casquetel
- casserole
- cassette
- cassiopeia
- cassock
- cast
- castanets
- caster
- castle
- castor
- cat
- catacomb
- catafalque
- catamaran
- cataphract
- cataplasm
- catapult
- cataract
- catboat
- catch
- catchall
- catchment
- catgut
- cathartic
- cathedra
- cathedral
- catheter
- cathode
- catholicon
- cathouse
- cation
- catling
- catskills
- cattleship
- catwalk
- caucasus
- cauldron
- causeway
- cauterant
- cautery
- cave
- cavern
- cavetto
- cavity
- cay
Starting with CE
- ceiling
- celesta
- cell
- cellar
- cellarage
- cellaret
- cellblock
- cello
- cellophane
- cellphone
- cembalo
- cenotaph
- censer
- centaur
- centaurus
- center
- centerboard
- centerfield
- centerpiece
- central
- centre
- centreboard
- centrepiece
- centrex
- centrifuge
- cephaloridine
- cepheus
- ceramic
- cerate
- cerecloth
- cerement
- ceres
- cesspit
- cesspool
- cetus
Starting with CH
- chachka
- chad
- chadar
- chaddar
- chador
- chaff
- chain
- chains
- chainsaw
- chair
- chairlift
- chaise
- chalet
- chalice
- chalk
- chalkboard
- chalkpit
- challis
- chamaeleon
- chamber
- chamberpot
- chambray
- chameleon
- chamfer
- chamfron
- champaign
- champlain
- chancel
- chancellery
- chancery
- chandelier
- chandlery
- chanfron
- chang
- change
- changer
- changjiang
- changtzu
- channel
- chanter
- chantry
- chap
- chapeau
- chapel
- chapiter
- chaplet
- chapterhouse
- charabanc
- charcoal
- charcoal burner
- charcuterie
- charge
- charger
- chari
- chariot
- charioteer
- charles
- charm
- charnel
- chart
- charterhouse
- chase
- chasm
- chassis
- chasuble
- chateau
- chatelaine
- chattahoochee
- check
- checker
- checkerboard
- checkout
- checkrein
- checkroom
- cheekpiece
- cheeseboard
- cheesecake
- cheesecloth
- chemise
- chenille
- chequer
- cheroot
- chessboard
- chessman
- chest
- chesterfield
- chevron
- chiaroscuro
- chicane
- chicha
- chiffon
- chiffonier
- chimborazo
- chime
- chimney
- chimneypiece
- chimneypot
- chimneystack
- china
- chinaware
- chinchilla
- chino
- chinoiserie
- chinos
- chintz
- chip
- chiron
- chisel
- chiton
- chlamys
- chloramine
- chloramphenicol
- chlorhexidine
- chloroform
- chloromycetin
- chloroquine
- chock
- choir
- choke
- choker
- chokey
- choky
- chondrite
- chondrule
- chophouse
- chopine
- chopper
- chopstick
- chordophone
- chrism
- chrisom
- christmas tree
- chromatogram
- chromosphere
- chronograph
- chronometer
- chronoscope
- chrysarobin
- chuck
- chuddar
- chukka
- chum
- chunnel
- church
- churidars
- churn
- chute
Starting with CI
- ciderpress
- cigar
- cigaret
- cigarette
- cigarillo
- cimarron
- cinch
- cincture
- cinder
- cinema
- cinerarium
- cinquefoil
- circinus
- circle
- circlet
- circuit
- circuitry
- circus
- cirque
- cirrocumulus
- cirrostratus
- cirrus
- cistern
- citadel
- cither
- cithern
- citole
- cittern
- cityscape
- civic center
- civies
- civvies
Starting with CL
- clack
- clamp
- clamshell
- clapper
- clapperboard
- clappers
- clarence
- clarinet
- clarion
- claro
- clasp
- classic
- classroom
- clast
- clavichord
- clavier
- claw
- clawhammer
- claxon
- claymore
- clayware
- cleaner
- cleaners
- cleanser
- clearstory
- clearway
- cleat
- cleats
- cleaver
- cleft
- clench
- clepsydra
- clerestory
- clevis
- clews
- click
- client
- cliff
- climb
- climber
- clinch
- clincher
- clinic
- clink
- clinker
- clinometer
- clioquinol
- clip
- clipboard
- clipper
- cloaca
- cloak
- cloakroom
- cloche
- clock
- clockwork
- clodhopper
- clog
- cloisonne
- cloister
- clomipramine
- clone
- closet
- closeup
- closure
- cloth
- clothes
- clothesbrush
- clotheshorse
- clothesline
- clothespin
- clothespress
- clothing
- cloud
- clout
- cloverleaf
- club
- clubhead
- clubhouse
- clubroom
- clutch
- clyde
Starting with CO
- coach
- coal
- coalbin
- coalpit
- coast
- coaster
- coastland
- coat
- coatdress
- coatee
- coatrack
- coatroom
- coattail
- coax
- cobble
- cobblestone
- cobweb
- coca
- cocain
- cockleshell
- cockpit
- cocytus
- codeine
- codpiece
- coelostat
- coffeehouse
- coffeepot
- coffer
- cofferdam
- coffin
- cog
- cogwheel
- coif
- coign
- coigne
- coil
- col
- colander
- colchicine
- coldcream
- coliseum
- collage
- collar
- collectable
- collectible
- collector
- college
- collet
- collider
- colliery
- collimator
- collyrium
- cologne
- colonnade
- colonoscope
- colophon
- colorado
- colorimeter
- colors
- colosseum
- colours
- colter
- columba
- columbarium
- columbary
- columbia
- column
- coma
- comb
- comber
- combine
- comet
- comfort
- comforter
- commemorative
- commissary
- commode
- commodity
- commutator
- commuter
- compact
- companionway
- compartment
- compass
- complex
- component
- composition
- compound
- compress
- compressor
- computer
- concealment
- concertina
- concourse
- concretion
- condenser
- conditioner
- condo
- condominium
- conductor
- conduit
- cone
- conestoga
- confectionary
- confectionery
- confessional
- confetti
- confluent
- conge
- congee
- congo
- conjunction
- connecter
- connecticut
- connection
- connective
- connector
- connexion
- conservatoire
- conservatory
- consignment
- console
- consolidation
- constance
- constellation
- constituent
- constitution
- constraint
- construction
- consulate
- contact
- container
- containership
- containment
- content
- continent
- contraband
- contrabass
- contrabassoon
- contraceptive
- contrafagotto
- contrail
- contraption
- contrivance
- control
- controller
- convector
- convenience
- convent
- conventicle
- converter
- convertible
- convertor
- conveyance
- conveyer
- conveyor
- cooker
- cookfire
- cookhouse
- cookstove
- cookware
- cooler
- coonskin
- coop
- coosa
- cope
- copernicus
- copestone
- copier
- copperplate
- copperware
- coprolite
- coprolith
- copy
- copyholder
- coquille
- coracle
- corbel
- corbiestep
- cord
- cordage
- cordite
- cordon
- cords
- corduroy
- corduroys
- core
- corer
- cork
- corker
- corkscrew
- corncrib
- corner
- cornerstone
- cornet
- cornice
- corona
- coronal
- coronet
- coropuna
- corral
- corrective
- corrida
- corridor
- corrie
- corsage
- corsair
- corselet
- corset
- corslet
- corvette
- corvus
- cosh
- cosmetic
- cosmography
- cosmos
- cosmotron
- costume
- cosy
- cot
- cote
- cottage
- cottar
- cotter
- cotton
- couch
- couchette
- coulisse
- coulter
- counter
- counterbalance
- counterbore
- counterfeit
- counterirritant
- counterpane
- counterpart
- counterpoise
- counterpoison
- countersink
- countertop
- counterweight
- coupe
- couple
- coupler
- course
- court
- courthouse
- courtroom
- courtyard
- cove
- cover
- coverall
- coverlet
- covert
- cowbarn
- cowbell
- cowcatcher
- cowhide
- cowhouse
- cowl
- cowshed
- coxcomb
- cozy
Starting with CP
Starting with CR
- crack
- cracker
- crackerjack
- crackle
- crackleware
- cradle
- craft
- crag
- cramp
- crampon
- crampoon
- crane
- craniometer
- crank
- crankcase
- crankshaft
- cranny
- crape
- crapper
- crate
- crater
- craton
- cravat
- crayon
- cream
- creamery
- crease
- creation
- creche
- credence
- credenza
- creek
- creel
- creep
- creese
- crematorium
- crematory
- crenel
- crenelation
- crenellation
- crenelle
- crepe
- crest
- cretonne
- crevasse
- crevice
- crewelwork
- crewet
- crib
- crimper
- cringle
- crinoline
- cristal
- cro
- crochet
- crocheting
- crock
- crockery
- crocket
- croft
- cromlech
- cromorne
- crook
- crop
- cross
- crossbar
- crossbeam
- crossbench
- crossbow
- crosscut
- crosse
- crosshead
- crossjack
- crossover
- crosspiece
- crossroad
- crosstie
- crosswalk
- crossway
- crotchet
- crow
- crowbar
- crown
- crown of thorns
- crownwork
- crucible
- crucifix
- cruet
- cruiser
- crumhorn
- crupper
- cruse
- crusher
- crust
- crutch
- crux
- cryocautery
- cryometer
- cryoscope
- cryostat
- crypt
- cryptograph
- crystal
- crystallite
- crystallization
Starting with CU
- cubby
- cube
- cubeb
- cubicle
- cubitiere
- cuddy
- cudgel
- cue
- cuff
- cufflink
- cuirass
- cuisse
- cul
- culdoscope
- cullender
- cullis
- culotte
- cultivator
- culverin
- culvert
- cumberland
- cummerbund
- cumulonimbus
- cumulus
- cup
- cupboard
- cupel
- cupola
- cuquenan
- curative
- curb
- curbside
- curbstone
- cure
- curet
- curette
- curio
- curiosity
- curler
- currycomb
- cursor
- curtain
- curtilage
- curve
- cushion
- cusp
- cuspidation
- cuspidor
- customhouse
- customshouse
- cut
- cutaway
- cutlas
- cutlass
- cutlery
- cutoff
- cutout
- cutter
- cutwork
Starting with CY
Objects that Start with C
When we were kids, we learned that the word “car” begins with the letter C. Now that we have grown up it’s important to discover and learn new objects that start with C.
Furniture that starts with C
Cabinet: a piece of furniture resembling a cupboard with doors and shelves and drawers.
– The kitchen looks great with the new cabinets.
Chair: a seat for one person, with a support for the back.
– My mother still keeps my favorite little blue chair from my childhood days.
Charcoal Burner: a stove that burns charcoal as fuel.
– It’s fabulous to have a charcoal burner in the cabin; now we need some charcoal!
Chiffonier: a tall, elegant chest of drawers.
– Mary is an antique collector. She just got a wooden chiffonier at the auction.
Chest: furniture with drawers for keeping clothes.
– I saw this red chest, and I couldn’t help to buy it.
Clothing that start with C
Caftan: a woman’s dress style that imitates the caftan cloaks worn by men in the Near East.
– Marika wore a red caftan for the gala. She looked like a movie star!
Cagoule: lightweight parka; waterproof.
– The reporter had to wear a cagoule; there was a bad weather outside.
Camise: a loose shirt or tunic; originally worn in the middle Ages.
-When Mark saw her in her white lace camise, he put a big smile on his face.
Chaddar: a cloth used as a head covering (and veil and shawl) by Muslim and Hindu women.
– I didn’t know that the woman across the street was Muslim. That’s why she always wear a chaddar.
Electronic objects that start with C
Calculator: a small machine that is used for mathematical calculations; can be mechanical or electronic.
– Calculators replaced abacus, nowadays everybody uses them.
Calorimeter: a measuring instrument that determines quantities of heat.
– Physics students used a styrofoam cup as a calorimeter.
Capacitor: an electrical device characterized by its capacity to store an electric charge.
– Some capacitors from the computer’s motherboard are burned.
Chip: electronic equipment consisting of a small crystal of a silicon semiconductor fabricated to carry out a number of electronic functions in an integrated circuit.
– The engineers replaced the damaged chips.
Plastic objects that start with C
Cannula: a small flexible tube inserted into a body cavity for draining off fluid or introducing medication.
– The vet inserted a plastic cannula into the dog’s leg.
Cardcase: a small case for carrying business cards.
– He gave me this Swarovski crystals cardcase. I loved it!
Catheter: a thin flexible tube inserted into the body to permit introduction or withdrawal of fluids or to keep the passageway open.
– After the accident, she needed a catheter to release urine.