Objects that Start with D

Starting with DA
  1. dacha
  2. dachau
  3. dado
  4. dag
  5. dagger
  6. daggerboard
  7. daguerreotype
  8. dairy
  9. dais
  10. daishiki
  11. dale
  12. dam
  13. damascene
  14. damask
  15. dampener
  16. damper
  17. danau
  18. dander
  19. dandruff
  20. dandy
  21. danube
  22. dapsang
  23. dapsone
  24. darkroom
  25. darling
  26. darn
  27. dart
  28. dartboard
  29. dartmouth
  30. dashboard
  31. dashiki
  32. dasymeter
  33. dat
  34. daub
  35. davenport
  36. davit
  37. daybed
  38. daybook
  39. daystar

Starting with DE
  1. deadbolt
  2. deadeye
  3. deadhead
  4. deadlight
  5. deanery
  6. deathbed
  7. deathtrap
  8. decal
  9. decalcomania
  10. decanter
  11. deck
  12. decker
  13. deckle
  14. declension
  15. declination
  16. decline
  17. declinometer
  18. declivity
  19. decoagulant
  20. decoder
  21. decolletage
  22. decongestant
  23. decor
  24. decoration
  25. decoupage
  26. decoy
  27. deedbox
  28. deep
  29. deerstalker
  30. defence
  31. defense
  32. defibrillator
  33. defilade
  34. defile
  35. deflector
  36. defroster
  37. dehumidifier
  38. deicer
  39. deimos
  40. delaware
  41. delf
  42. delft
  43. deli
  44. delineation
  45. deliverable
  46. dell
  47. delphinus
  48. delta
  49. demerara
  50. demijohn
  51. demister
  52. demitasse
  53. demodulator
  54. demulcent
  55. den
  56. denali
  57. deneb
  58. denebola
  59. denim
  60. densimeter
  61. densitometer
  62. dentifrice
  63. denture
  64. deodorant
  65. deodourant
  66. deoxyephedrine
  67. depiction
  68. depilator
  69. depilatory
  70. deposit
  71. depositary
  72. depository
  73. depot
  74. depressant
  75. depression
  76. depressor
  77. derby
  78. derelict
  79. dermatome
  80. derrick
  81. derringer
  82. des
  83. descent
  84. desideratum
  85. design
  86. desipramine
  87. desk
  88. desktop
  89. destroyer
  90. detector
  91. detent
  92. detergent
  93. detonator
  94. detour
  95. detox
  96. deuce
  97. deuteron
  98. developer
  99. device
  100. dewar

Starting with DH
  1. dhaulagiri
  2. dhoti

Starting with DI
  1. diacetylmorphine
  2. diadem
  3. diaglyph
  4. diagram
  5. dial
  6. dialyzer
  7. diamante
  8. diamond
  9. diapason
  10. diaper
  11. diaphone
  12. diaphoretic
  13. diaphragm
  14. diapir
  15. diary
  16. dibber
  17. dibble
  18. dibucaine
  19. dice
  20. dicer
  21. dickey
  22. dicoumarol
  23. dictaphone
  24. dicumarol
  25. didanosine
  26. dideoxycytosine
  27. dideoxyinosine
  28. die
  29. diesel
  30. diestock
  31. diethylmalonylurea
  32. diethylstilbesterol
  33. differential
  34. diffuser
  35. diffusor
  36. digester
  37. digger
  38. diggings
  39. digitiser
  40. digitizer
  41. digitoxin
  42. digs
  43. dihydrostreptomycin
  44. dilater
  45. dilator
  46. dime
  47. dimity
  48. dimmer
  49. diner
  50. dinette
  51. dinghy
  52. dingle
  53. dinkey
  54. dinky
  55. dinnerware
  56. diode
  57. diorama
  58. dip
  59. dipole
  60. dipper
  61. dipstick
  62. diptych
  63. dirigible
  64. dirk
  65. dirndl
  66. disc
  67. discard
  68. disco
  69. discotheque
  70. discounter
  71. discus
  72. disguise
  73. dish
  74. dishcloth
  75. dishpan
  76. dishrag
  77. dishtowel
  78. dishware
  79. dishwasher
  80. disinfectant
  81. disk
  82. diskette
  83. dispensary
  84. dispenser
  85. display
  86. disposable
  87. disposal
  88. distaff
  89. distemper
  90. distillery
  91. distributary
  92. distributer
  93. distributor
  94. ditch
  95. diuretic
  96. divan
  97. dive
  98. divider
  99. divot
  100. diwan
  101. dixie

Starting with DN
  1. dnieper

Starting with DO
  1. dock
  2. dockage
  3. document
  4. dodgem
  5. doeskin
  6. dog
  7. dogcart
  8. doghouse
  9. dogleg
  10. dogsled
  11. dogtooth
  12. doily
  13. doll
  14. dollhouse
  15. dolly
  16. dolman
  17. dolmen
  18. dome
  19. domicile
  20. domiciliation
  21. domino
  22. don
  23. dongle
  24. donjon
  25. doodad
  26. doodle
  27. doodlebug
  28. doohickey
  29. doojigger
  30. door
  31. doorbell
  32. doorcase
  33. doorframe
  34. doorhandle
  35. doorjamb
  36. doorknob
  37. doorknocker
  38. doorlock
  39. doormat
  40. doornail
  41. doorplate
  42. doorpost
  43. doorsill
  44. doorstep
  45. doorstop
  46. doorstopper
  47. doorway
  48. dooryard
  49. dope
  50. dorado
  51. dorm
  52. dormer
  53. dormitory
  54. dory
  55. dosage
  56. dose
  57. dosemeter
  58. dosimeter
  59. dossal
  60. dossel
  61. dosshouse
  62. dot
  63. doubler
  64. doublet
  65. doubletree
  66. douche
  67. dove
  68. dovecote
  69. dovetail
  70. dowel
  71. down
  72. downcast
  73. downer
  74. downhill
  75. downslope
  76. downstage
  77. dowser
  78. doxorubicin
  79. doyley
  80. doyly
  81. dozer

Starting with DR
  1. draco
  2. draft
  3. drag
  4. dragee
  5. dragger
  6. dragnet
  7. dragon
  8. dragunov
  9. drain
  10. drainboard
  11. drainpipe
  12. drainplug
  13. drape
  14. drapery
  15. draught
  16. draw
  17. drawbar
  18. drawbridge
  19. drawer
  20. drawers
  21. drawing
  22. drawknife
  23. drawnwork
  24. drawshave
  25. drawstring
  26. dray
  27. dreadnaught
  28. dreadnought
  29. dreck
  30. dredge
  31. dredger
  32. dregs
  33. dress
  34. dresser
  35. drey
  36. drier
  37. drift
  38. drill
  39. drink
  40. drip
  41. dripstone
  42. drive
  43. driver
  44. driveshaft
  45. driveway
  46. drogue
  47. drome
  48. dronabinol
  49. drone
  50. drop
  51. dropper
  52. droshky
  53. drosky
  54. drove
  55. drug
  56. drugget
  57. drugstore
  58. drum
  59. drumhead
  60. drumlin
  61. drumstick
  62. drydock
  63. dryer
  64. drygoods
  65. drywall

Starting with DU
  1. duck
  2. duckboard
  3. duckpin
  4. duct
  5. dudeen
  6. duds
  7. duffel
  8. duffle
  9. dugout
  10. dulciana
  11. dulcimer
  12. dumbbell
  13. dumbwaiter
  14. dumdum
  15. dummy
  16. dump
  17. dumpcart
  18. dumper
  19. dune
  20. dungaree
  21. dungeon
  22. duomo
  23. duplex
  24. duplicate
  25. duplication
  26. duplicator
  27. durables
  28. durbar
  29. dustbin
  30. dustcart
  31. dustcloth
  32. duster
  33. dustmop
  34. dustpan
  35. dustrag
  36. duvet

Starting with DW
  1. dwelling

Starting with DY
  1. dynamite
  2. dynamo
  3. dynamometer

Objects that Start with D

In this following article, will be a list of objects that start with D. They’re put into four categories; furniture, clothing, electronic, and plastic. Each category will have five examples of it, with its definition next to it. And a sentence under it using the noun.


Furniture that Starts with D

Desk -a piece of furniture with a writing surface and usually drawers or other compartments.

As the kids walked into the classroom, there were test papers all on their desks.


Drawer -a boxlike container in a piece of furniture; made so as to slide in and out.

The girl kept all of her sketches in her drawer.


Dresser-furniture with drawers for keeping clothes.

As the girl opened her dresser she saw a brand new dress.


Clothing that Starts with D

Dress -clothing in general; a one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice.

Her sweet sixteen was nearing and the girl still had to look for the perfect dress to wear.


Diamante -fabric covered with glittering ornaments such as sequins or rhinestones; adornment consisting of a small piece of shiny material used to decorate clothing.

After wearing her diamante shirt, all the glitter came off during the wash.


Drygoods -textiles or clothing and related merchandise.

Making clothing a drygood, women in the 1900’s didn’t need to make their own clothes as much.


Deerskin – leather made from deer hide.

Finishing his meal, the hunter decided to make a new coat from deerskin.


Duck -a heavy cotton fabric of plain weave; used for clothing and tents.

Making his jacket out of duck, kept him warm during the winter.


Plastic that Starts with D


Diaphragm – a mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens

The diaphragm of the camera was damaged and the photographer was unable to zoom in.


Diskette -a small plastic magnetic disk enclosed in a stiff envelope with a radial slit; used to store data or programs for a microcomputer.

Losing the diskette for his computer, the guy lost all his data and had to recover everything.