Objects that Start with S

Starting with SA
  1. saale
  2. sabaton
  3. saber
  4. sabine
  5. sable
  6. sabot
  7. sabre
  8. sachet
  9. sack
  10. sackbut
  11. sackcloth
  12. sacque
  13. sacristy
  14. saddle
  15. saddleback
  16. saddlebag
  17. saddlebow
  18. saddlecloth
  19. saddlery
  20. safe
  21. safehold
  22. safety
  23. sagitta
  24. sagittarius
  25. sail
  26. sailboat
  27. sailcloth
  28. sailor
  29. sailplane
  30. saint francis
  31. saint john
  32. saint lawrence
  33. sajama
  34. salade
  35. salamander
  36. saleroom
  37. salesroom
  38. salinometer
  39. sallet
  40. salmon
  41. salon
  42. saloon
  43. saltbox
  44. saltcellar
  45. saltire
  46. saltpan
  47. saltshaker
  48. saltworks
  49. salve
  50. salver
  51. salvinorin
  52. salwar
  53. salyut
  54. sam
  55. samanala
  56. sambre
  57. samisen
  58. samite
  59. samovar
  60. sampan
  61. sample
  62. sampler
  63. sanatarium
  64. sanatorium
  65. sanctuary
  66. sanctum sanctorum
  67. sandal
  68. sandbag
  69. sandbank
  70. sandbar
  71. sandblaster
  72. sandbox
  73. sander
  74. sandglass
  75. sandpile
  76. sandpit
  77. sangraal
  78. sanitarium
  79. saone
  80. sap
  81. sarape
  82. sarcenet
  83. sarcophagus
  84. saree
  85. sari
  86. sarong
  87. sarsenet
  88. sash
  89. satchel
  90. sateen
  91. satellite
  92. satin
  93. satinet
  94. satinette
  95. satisfier
  96. saturn
  97. sauceboat
  98. saucepan
  99. saucepot
  100. saucer
  101. sauna
  102. sausage
  103. savannah
  104. saw
  105. sawbuck
  106. sawhorse
  107. sawmill
  108. sawpit
  109. sawtooth
  110. sax
  111. saxhorn
  112. saxophone

Starting with SC
  1. scabbard
  2. scablands
  3. scaffold
  4. scaffolding
  5. scag
  6. scale
  7. scaler
  8. scalpel
  9. scan
  10. scanner
  11. scantling
  12. scanty
  13. scape
  14. scapular
  15. scapulary
  16. scarecrow
  17. scarer
  18. scarf
  19. scarfpin
  20. scarp
  21. scattergun
  22. scauper
  23. scene
  24. scenery
  25. scheduler
  26. scheldt
  27. schematic
  28. schlock
  29. schnorchel
  30. schnorkel
  31. school
  32. schoolbag
  33. schoolhouse
  34. schoolroom
  35. schooner
  36. schwarzwald
  37. scimitar
  38. scintilla
  39. scissors
  40. scissure
  41. sclerometer
  42. sconce
  43. scoop
  44. scooter
  45. scope
  46. scopolamine
  47. scoreboard
  48. scorper
  49. scorpio
  50. scorpius
  51. scourge
  52. scow
  53. scrabble
  54. scrambler
  55. scrap
  56. scrapbook
  57. scraper
  58. scratcher
  59. scratchpad
  60. scree
  61. screed
  62. screen
  63. screw
  64. screwtop
  65. scribble
  66. scribe
  67. scriber
  68. scrim
  69. scrimshaw
  70. scriptorium
  71. scrubber
  72. scrubs
  73. scsi
  74. scuff
  75. scuffer
  76. scuffle
  77. scull
  78. scullery
  79. sculptor
  80. sculpture
  81. scum
  82. scupper
  83. scurf
  84. scutcheon
  85. scuttle
  86. scyphus
  87. scythe

Starting with SE
  1. sea
  2. seabag
  3. seabed
  4. seaboard
  5. seacoast
  6. seal
  7. sealskin
  8. seam
  9. seamount
  10. seaplane
  11. searchlight
  12. seascape
  13. seashore
  14. seaside
  15. seat
  16. seatbelt
  17. seats
  18. seawall
  19. seaway
  20. secateurs
  21. second
  22. second hand
  23. secondary
  24. secretaire
  25. secretary
  26. section
  27. sectional
  28. sector
  29. security
  30. sedan
  31. sedative
  32. sediment
  33. sedna
  34. seedbed
  35. seeder
  36. seeker
  37. seesaw
  38. segment
  39. seidel
  40. seine
  41. seismogram
  42. seismograph
  43. selector
  44. selsyn
  45. selvage
  46. selvedge
  47. semaphore
  48. semblance
  49. semi
  50. semiautomatic
  51. semiconductor
  52. semigloss
  53. semitrailer
  54. sender
  55. sennit
  56. sens
  57. sensitometer
  58. sensor
  59. separate
  60. separator
  61. sepulcher
  62. sepulchre
  63. sepulture
  64. sequenator
  65. sequence
  66. sequencer
  67. sequin
  68. seraglio
  69. serail
  70. serape
  71. serge
  72. serger
  73. serigraph
  74. serpens
  75. serpent
  76. serration
  77. server
  78. service
  79. serviette
  80. servo
  81. servomechanism
  82. servosystem
  83. sess
  84. set
  85. setline
  86. setoff
  87. setscrew
  88. sett
  89. settee
  90. setting
  91. settle
  92. settlings
  93. setup
  94. seven
  95. severn
  96. sewer
  97. sewerage
  98. sextant
  99. seyhan

Starting with SG
  1. sgraffito

Starting with SH
  1. shabu
  2. shack
  3. shackle
  4. shade
  5. shades
  6. shadowgraph
  7. shaft
  8. shaker
  9. shako
  10. shallow
  11. shalwar
  12. sham
  13. shambles
  14. shamisen
  15. shampoo
  16. shank
  17. shantung
  18. shanty
  19. shaper
  20. shard
  21. share
  22. shari
  23. sharkskin
  24. sharp
  25. sharpener
  26. sharpie
  27. sharpshooter
  28. shasta
  29. shawl
  30. shawm
  31. shay
  32. sheaf
  33. shear
  34. shears
  35. sheath
  36. sheathing
  37. shed
  38. sheepcote
  39. sheepfold
  40. sheeprun
  41. sheepshank
  42. sheepwalk
  43. sheesha
  44. sheet
  45. sheeting
  46. shelf
  47. shell
  48. shellac
  49. shelter
  50. shelterbelt
  51. sheraton
  52. sherd
  53. sherman
  54. shield
  55. shift
  56. shifter
  57. shillalah
  58. shillelagh
  59. shim
  60. shimmy
  61. shiner
  62. shingle
  63. shinpad
  64. ship
  65. shipment
  66. shipway
  67. shipwreck
  68. shipyard
  69. shirt
  70. shirtdress
  71. shirtfront
  72. shirting
  73. shirtsleeve
  74. shirttail
  75. shirtwaist
  76. shirtwaister
  77. shisha
  78. shiv
  79. shlock
  80. shoal
  81. shock
  82. shoe
  83. shoebox
  84. shoehorn
  85. shoelace
  86. shoestring
  87. shoetree
  88. shofar
  89. shoji
  90. shoofly
  91. shook
  92. shooter
  93. shop
  94. shopfront
  95. shophar
  96. shopwindow
  97. shore
  98. shoreline
  99. short
  100. shortcut
  101. shortener
  102. shorts
  103. shot
  104. shotgun
  105. shoulder
  106. shovel
  107. showboat
  108. showcase
  109. shower
  110. showerhead
  111. showpiece
  112. showroom
  113. shrapnel
  114. shred
  115. shredder
  116. shrimper
  117. shrine
  118. shroud
  119. shunt
  120. shunter
  121. shutter
  122. shuttle

Starting with SI
  1. sialolith
  2. siamese
  3. sickbag
  4. sickbay
  5. sickbed
  6. sickle
  7. sickroom
  8. side
  9. sideboard
  10. sidelight
  11. sideline
  12. siderite
  13. sidesaddle
  14. sidetrack
  15. sidewalk
  16. sidewall
  17. sidewinder
  18. siding
  19. sierra
  20. sieve
  21. sifter
  22. sights
  23. sigmoidoscope
  24. sign
  25. signboard
  26. signet
  27. silencer
  28. silesia
  29. silhouette
  30. silk
  31. silks
  32. silkscreen
  33. sill
  34. silo
  35. silva
  36. silver
  37. silverpoint
  38. silverware
  39. silverwork
  40. similitude
  41. simulacrum
  42. simulation
  43. simulator
  44. sinai
  45. sinapism
  46. singlestick
  47. singlet
  48. singleton
  49. sink
  50. sinker
  51. sinkhole
  52. siphon
  53. siren
  54. sirius
  55. sitar
  56. six
  57. sixpack

Starting with SK
  1. skag
  2. skagerak
  3. skagerrak
  4. skate
  5. skateboard
  6. skaw
  7. skeg
  8. skein
  9. skeleton
  10. skep
  11. sketch
  12. sketchbook
  13. sketcher
  14. skewer
  15. ski
  16. skiagram
  17. skiagraph
  18. skibob
  19. skid
  20. skid road
  21. skidder
  22. skidpan
  23. skiff
  24. skillet
  25. skim
  26. skimmer
  27. skin
  28. skirt
  29. skittle
  30. skullcap
  31. skunk
  32. sky
  33. skybox
  34. skyhook
  35. skylab
  36. skylight
  37. skyrocket
  38. skysail
  39. skyscraper
  40. skywalk

Starting with SL
  1. slab
  2. slack
  3. slacks
  4. slammer
  5. slapstick
  6. slash
  7. slasher
  8. slat
  9. slate
  10. slaughterhouse
  11. sled
  12. sledge
  13. sledgehammer
  14. sleeper
  15. sleepwear
  16. sleeve
  17. sleigh
  18. slicer
  19. slick
  20. slicker
  21. slide
  22. slideway
  23. slingback
  24. slingshot
  25. slip
  26. slipcover
  27. slipknot
  28. slipover
  29. slipper
  30. slipstick
  31. slipway
  32. sliver
  33. sloop
  34. slope
  35. slopshop
  36. slot
  37. slough
  38. sluice
  39. sluicegate
  40. sluiceway

Starting with SM
  1. smack
  2. smelter
  3. smeltery
  4. smithy
  5. smock
  6. smocking
  7. smoke
  8. smokehouse
  9. smoker
  10. smokescreen
  11. smokestack
  12. smoothbore
  13. smoother

Starting with SN
  1. snaffle
  2. snag
  3. snake
  4. snake pit
  5. snap
  6. snapline
  7. snapper
  8. snapshot
  9. snare
  10. sneaker
  11. snifter
  12. snip
  13. snippet
  14. snipping
  15. snips
  16. snood
  17. snorkel
  18. snorter
  19. snow
  20. snowball
  21. snowbank
  22. snowboard
  23. snowcap
  24. snowdrift
  25. snowfield
  26. snowman
  27. snowmobile
  28. snowplough
  29. snowplow
  30. snowshoe
  31. snowsuit
  32. snuff
  33. snuffbox
  34. snuffer
  35. snuffers
  36. snug
  37. snuggery

Starting with SO
  1. soap
  2. soapbox
  3. soapsuds
  4. sock
  5. socket
  6. socle
  7. sod
  8. soddy
  9. sofa
  10. soffit
  11. softback
  12. softball
  13. soil
  14. solarium
  15. sole
  16. solenoid
  17. solent
  18. solitaire
  19. solleret
  20. sombrero
  21. sonar
  22. sonogram
  23. sonograph
  24. sonometer
  25. soporific
  26. sorbonne
  27. sordino
  28. sorter
  29. sothis
  30. souk
  31. sound
  32. soundboard
  33. soundbox
  34. sounder
  35. soundtrack
  36. soupspoon
  37. source
  38. sourdine
  39. sousaphone
  40. soutache
  41. soutane
  42. souvenir

Starting with SP
  1. spa
  2. space
  3. spacecraft
  4. spaceship
  5. spacesuit
  6. spade
  7. spall
  8. span
  9. spandau
  10. spandex
  11. spandrel
  12. spandril
  13. spangle
  14. spanker
  15. spanner
  16. spar
  17. spare
  18. spark
  19. sparker
  20. sparkler
  21. spasmolytic
  22. spat
  23. spatula
  24. spawl
  25. speakeasy
  26. speaker
  27. speakerphone
  28. spear
  29. spearhead
  30. spearpoint
  31. specific
  32. specs
  33. spectacle
  34. spectacles
  35. spectator
  36. spectinomycin
  37. spectrogram
  38. spectrograph
  39. spectrometer
  40. spectrophotometer
  41. spectroscope
  42. speculum
  43. speed
  44. speedboat
  45. speedometer
  46. speedway
  47. spermatocide
  48. spermicide
  49. sphere
  50. spherometer
  51. sphinx
  52. sphygmomanometer
  53. spica
  54. spicemill
  55. spider
  56. spigot
  57. spike
  58. spikenard
  59. spile
  60. spill
  61. spiller
  62. spillikin
  63. spillway
  64. spindle
  65. spine
  66. spinet
  67. spinnaker
  68. spinner
  69. spiral
  70. spire
  71. spirogram
  72. spirograph
  73. spirometer
  74. spit
  75. spitball
  76. spittoon
  77. splashboard
  78. splasher
  79. splat
  80. splay
  81. splice
  82. splicer
  83. splicing
  84. spliff
  85. spline
  86. splint
  87. splinter
  88. split
  89. splitsaw
  90. spoiler
  91. spoke
  92. spokeshave
  93. spool
  94. spoon
  95. spoor
  96. sporran
  97. sportswear
  98. spot
  99. spotlight
  100. spout
  101. spouter
  102. sprag
  103. spray
  104. sprayer
  105. spread
  106. spreader
  107. sprig
  108. springer
  109. sprinkler
  110. sprit
  111. spritsail
  112. sprocket
  113. spud
  114. spume
  115. spur
  116. sputnik
  117. spyglass
  118. spyhole

Starting with SQ
  1. squab
  2. square
  3. squark
  4. squawker
  5. squeaker
  6. squeegee
  7. squeezer
  8. squelch
  9. squelcher
  10. squib
  11. squinch
  12. squirter

Starting with SS
  1. ssri

Starting with ST
  1. st. francis
  2. st. john
  3. st. lawrence
  4. stabile
  5. stabiliser
  6. stabilizer
  7. stable
  8. stabling
  9. stack
  10. stacks
  11. staddle
  12. stadium
  13. staff
  14. stage
  15. stagecoach
  16. stair
  17. staircase
  18. stairhead
  19. stairs
  20. stairway
  21. stairwell
  22. stake
  23. stalactite
  24. stalagmite
  25. stall
  26. stalls
  27. stammel
  28. stamp
  29. stamper
  30. stanchion
  31. stand
  32. standard
  33. standby
  34. standee
  35. standpipe
  36. stanford
  37. stanhope
  38. staple
  39. staplegun
  40. stapler
  41. star
  42. starboard
  43. starlet
  44. starship
  45. starter
  46. statehouse
  47. stateroom
  48. statin
  49. station
  50. stator
  51. statue
  52. statuette
  53. stave
  54. stay
  55. stays
  56. staysail
  57. steakhouse
  58. steamboat
  59. steamer
  60. steamroller
  61. steamship
  62. steel
  63. steelworks
  64. steelyard
  65. steep
  66. steeper
  67. steeple
  68. steerage
  69. stein
  70. stela
  71. stele
  72. stem
  73. stemmer
  74. stencil
  75. stenograph
  76. stent
  77. step
  78. stepladder
  79. steppe
  80. stepper
  81. steps
  82. stercolith
  83. stereo
  84. stereophony
  85. stereoscope
  86. steriliser
  87. sterilizer
  88. stern
  89. sternpost
  90. sternwheeler
  91. sterope
  92. stethoscope
  93. stetson
  94. stewpan
  95. stick
  96. sticker
  97. stickpin
  98. stilbesterol
  99. stile
  100. stiletto
  101. still
  102. stillroom
  103. stilt
  104. stimulant
  105. stinker
  106. stirrer
  107. stirrup
  108. stitch
  109. stitchery
  110. stob
  111. stock
  112. stockade
  113. stockcar
  114. stockhorn
  115. stockinet
  116. stockinette
  117. stockpot
  118. stockroom
  119. stocks
  120. stockyard
  121. stoep
  122. stogie
  123. stogy
  124. stokehold
  125. stokehole
  126. stoker
  127. stole
  128. stomacher
  129. stone
  130. stoneware
  131. stonework
  132. stool
  133. stool pigeon
  134. stoop
  135. stop
  136. stoppage
  137. stopper
  138. stopple
  139. stopwatch
  140. storage
  141. store
  142. storefront
  143. storehouse
  144. storeroom
  145. storey
  146. story
  147. stoup
  148. stove
  149. stovepipe
  150. stowage
  151. strad
  152. stradavarius
  153. straight
  154. straightaway
  155. straightedge
  156. straightener
  157. straightjacket
  158. strainer
  159. strait
  160. straitjacket
  161. strake
  162. strand
  163. strap
  164. strapless
  165. stratosphere
  166. stratus
  167. straw
  168. strawman
  169. stream
  170. streambed
  171. streamer
  172. streamlet
  173. streamliner
  174. street
  175. streetcar
  176. streetlight
  177. strengthener
  178. streptomycin
  179. streptothricin
  180. stressor
  181. stretch
  182. stretcher
  183. strickle
  184. striker
  185. stringer
  186. strip
  187. stripe
  188. stripper
  189. strobe
  190. stroboscope
  191. stroller
  192. strongbox
  193. stronghold
  194. strongroom
  195. strop
  196. structure
  197. strut
  198. stub
  199. studio
  200. study
  201. stuff
  202. stuffing
  203. stump
  204. stupa
  205. sty
  206. style
  207. stylus
  208. styptic
  209. styx

Starting with SU
  1. sub
  2. subbase
  3. subcompact
  4. subcontinent
  5. subdivision
  6. subject
  7. submarine
  8. submersible
  9. subsection
  10. substation
  11. substructure
  12. subtilin
  13. subtracter
  14. subway
  15. subwoofer
  16. succinylcholine
  17. sudatorium
  18. sudatory
  19. sudorific
  20. suede
  21. suit
  22. suitcase
  23. suite
  24. suiting
  25. sulfa
  26. sulfadiazine
  27. sulfamethazine
  28. sulfamezathine
  29. sulfanilamide
  30. sulfapyridine
  31. sulfonamide
  32. sulfonylurea
  33. sulky
  34. sulpha
  35. sum
  36. summerhouse
  37. sump
  38. sun
  39. sunblind
  40. sunblock
  41. sunbonnet
  42. sunburst
  43. sundial
  44. sundress
  45. sundries
  46. sunglass
  47. sunglasses
  48. sunhat
  49. sunlamp
  50. sunporch
  51. sunroof
  52. sunroom
  53. sunscreen
  54. sunshade
  55. sunsuit
  56. suntrap
  57. supercharger
  58. supercomputer
  59. superficies
  60. supergiant
  61. superhet
  62. superhighway
  63. superior
  64. superload
  65. superman
  66. supermarket
  67. supernatant
  68. supernova
  69. superstring
  70. superstructure
  71. supertanker
  72. supplejack
  73. supplement
  74. support
  75. supporter
  76. suppressant
  77. suppresser
  78. suppressor
  79. surbase
  80. surcoat
  81. surface
  82. surfboard
  83. surfboat
  84. surgery
  85. surplice
  86. surprint
  87. surrey
  88. surtout
  89. suspender
  90. suspension
  91. suspensory
  92. susquehanna
  93. suture
  94. suv

Starting with SW
  1. swab
  2. swag
  3. swage
  4. swale
  5. swallowtail
  6. swamp
  7. swampland
  8. sward
  9. swatch
  10. swath
  11. swathe
  12. swathing
  13. swatter
  14. sweatband
  15. sweatbox
  16. sweater
  17. sweatpants
  18. sweats
  19. sweatshirt
  20. sweatshop
  21. sweatsuit
  22. sweep
  23. sweeper
  24. sweet potato
  25. swell
  26. swimsuit
  27. swimwear
  28. swingletree
  29. switch
  30. switchblade
  31. switchboard
  32. swivel
  33. swob
  34. sword

Starting with SY
  1. sylva
  2. synagogue
  3. synchro
  4. synchrocyclotron
  5. synchroflash
  6. synchromesh
  7. synchroniser
  8. synchronizer
  9. synchronoscope
  10. synchroscope
  11. synchrotron
  12. synergist
  13. synthesiser
  14. synthesizer
  15. synthetism
  16. syphon
  17. syringe
  18. syrinx
  19. system

Objects that Start with S

Objects can be found all around us in our daily lives. This is a list of all of those objects that start with S.

Furniture that start with S

 Sheraton: a furniture style that originated in England around 1800; simple in design with straight lines and classical ornamentation.

  • The sheraton style furniture is very beautiful, but too expensive for my taste!

Sleeper: a piece of furniture that can be opened up into a bed.

  • My sleeper couch that I use when a guest stays overnight.


Clothing that start with S

Samite: a heavy silk fabric (often woven with silver or gold threads); used to make clothing in the Middle Ages.

  • Samite was a very elegant fabric used to make beautiful clothing a long time ago.


Electronics that start with S

Sander : a power tool used for sanding wood; an endless loop of sandpaper is moved at high speed by an electric motor.

  • I used a sander to fix my wooden patio.