Places that Start with B

Starting with BA
  1. babylon
  2. babylonia
  3. back
  4. backside
  5. backwater
  6. backwoods
  7. badger state
  8. badlands
  9. badlands national park
  10. baffin island
  11. bagdad
  12. baghdad
  13. bahama islands
  14. bahamas
  15. bahia blanca
  16. bahrain
  17. bahrain island
  18. bahrein
  19. bahrein island
  20. bailiwick
  21. bairiki
  22. bakersfield
  23. baku
  24. balance
  25. bale
  26. balearic islands
  27. bali
  28. balk
  29. balkan country
  30. balkan nation
  31. balkan peninsula
  32. balkan state
  33. balkans
  34. balkline
  35. balmoral castle
  36. baltic republic
  37. baltic state
  38. baltimore
  39. bam
  40. bamako
  41. banana republic
  42. bandung
  43. banff
  44. bangalore
  45. bangkok
  46. bangladesh
  47. bangor
  48. bangui
  49. banjul
  50. barbados
  51. barbary
  52. barbary coast
  53. barbuda
  54. barcelona
  55. bari
  56. barony
  57. barranquilla
  58. barren
  59. barrio
  60. barstow
  61. bartlesville
  62. barycenter
  63. base
  64. basel
  65. baseline
  66. basia
  67. basilicata
  68. basin
  69. basle
  70. basra
  71. basseterre
  72. basutoland
  73. bath
  74. batna
  75. baton rouge
  76. battle born state
  77. battle line
  78. battlefield
  79. battlefront
  80. battleground
  81. baulk
  82. bavaria
  83. bay state
  84. bayonne
  85. bayrut
  86. bayt lahm

Starting with BE
  1. beachhead
  2. beacon hill
  3. bean town
  4. beantown
  5. bearing
  6. beat
  7. beaumont
  8. beaver state
  9. beckley
  10. bed
  11. bed ground
  12. bedground
  13. bedroom community
  14. bedside
  15. beehive state
  16. beeline
  17. beira
  18. beirut
  19. belarus
  20. belau
  21. belem
  22. belfast
  23. belgian congo
  24. belgique
  25. belgium
  26. belgrade
  27. belize
  28. belly
  29. belo horizonte
  30. belorussia
  31. belt
  32. bemidji
  33. bend
  34. bengal
  35. benghazi
  36. benin
  37. bent
  38. benthic division
  39. benthonic zone
  40. benthos
  41. beograd
  42. bergen
  43. berkeley
  44. berkshire
  45. berlin
  46. bermuda
  47. bermuda triangle
  48. bermudas
  49. bern
  50. berne
  51. berth
  52. bethlehem
  53. bethlehem ephrathah
  54. beverly hills

Starting with BH
  1. bharat
  2. bhutan

Starting with BI
  1. bible belt
  2. bida
  3. big bend
  4. bihar
  5. bikini
  6. bilocation
  7. biloxi
  8. binghamton
  9. biogeographical region
  10. bioko
  11. biosphere
  12. birmingham
  13. birthplace
  14. bisayas
  15. biscayne national park
  16. bishkek
  17. bishopric
  18. biskek
  19. bismarck
  20. bismarck archipelago
  21. bissau
  22. bithynia
  23. bivouac

Starting with BL
  1. black africa
  2. black hills
  3. black rock desert
  4. blackpool
  5. blacksburg
  6. blantyre
  7. blida
  8. blighty
  9. blind side
  10. block
  11. bloemfontein
  12. bloomington
  13. bloomsbury
  14. bluegrass
  15. bluegrass country
  16. bluegrass region
  17. bluegrass state

Starting with BO
  1. boeotia
  2. bogota
  3. bohemia
  4. boise
  5. bolivia
  6. bologna
  7. bolzano
  8. bomb site
  9. bombay
  10. bonaire
  11. bonn
  12. boom town
  13. boondocks
  14. bordeaux
  15. border
  16. border district
  17. borderland
  18. borderline
  19. borneo
  20. borough
  21. borscht belt
  22. borscht circuit
  23. borsht belt
  24. borsht circuit
  25. bosnia
  26. boston
  27. boston harbor
  28. botswana
  29. bottom
  30. bougainville
  31. boulder
  32. bound
  33. boundary
  34. boundary line
  35. bounds
  36. bourgogne
  37. bourn
  38. bourne
  39. bouvet island
  40. bowels
  41. bowery
  42. box number

Starting with BR
  1. braga
  2. brandenburg
  3. brasil
  4. brasilia
  5. brasov
  6. bratislava
  7. brattleboro
  8. braunschweig
  9. brazil
  10. brazzaville
  11. breadbasket
  12. breiz
  13. bremen
  14. bremerhaven
  15. brescia
  16. breslau
  17. brest
  18. bretagne
  19. bridgehead
  20. bridgeport
  21. bridgetown
  22. brighton
  23. brindisi
  24. brink
  25. brisbane
  26. bristol
  27. britain
  28. british columbia
  29. british east africa
  30. british empire
  31. british guiana
  32. british honduras
  33. british isles
  34. british virgin islands
  35. british west africa
  36. british west indies
  37. brittany
  38. brno
  39. broadcast area
  40. broadway
  41. bromberg
  42. bronx
  43. brooklyn
  44. brow
  45. brownsville
  46. bruges
  47. brummagem
  48. brunei
  49. brunn
  50. brunswick
  51. brusa
  52. brussels
  53. bruxelles
  54. bryan

Starting with BU
  1. bucharest
  2. bucharesti
  3. buckeye state
  4. buckingham palace
  5. bucuresti
  6. budapest
  7. buenos aires
  8. buffalo
  9. buffer
  10. buffer country
  11. buffer state
  12. buffer zone
  13. buganda
  14. bujumbura
  15. bulawayo
  16. bulgaria
  17. bull
  18. bull run
  19. burg
  20. burgh
  21. burgundy
  22. burial ground
  23. burial site
  24. burkina faso
  25. burlington
  26. burma
  27. bursa
  28. burundi
  29. bus route
  30. bus stop
  31. bush
  32. business address
  33. business district
  34. butte

Starting with BY
  1. byblos
  2. bydgoszcz
  3. byelarus
  4. byelorussia
  5. byzantine empire
  6. byzantium

Places that Start with B

Do you like to travel? If the answer is yes, here you will find a list of different cities and interesting places to visit around the world.


Places in Europe that start with B


Basel: a city in northwestern Switzerland.

Basel is the city with the largest number of museums in Switzerland.


Bergen: a port city in southwestern Norway.

-Susan and Jeremy are planning to travel to Bergen for the Bergen International Festival in May.


Birmingham: a city in central England; 2nd largest English city and an important industrial and transportation center.

-The Library of Birmingham continues its extraordinary job of bringing culture to everybody by spreading reading programs.


Bologna: the capital of Emilia-Romagna; located in northern Italy to the east of the Apennines.

Bordeaux: -a port city in southwestern France; a major center of the wine trade.

– Jeff got a scholarship to study in Bologna. He will be a great chef.


Places in Asia that start with B


Bahrein: an island country in the Persian Gulf off the coast of Saudi Arabia.

-Protests continue in Bahrein due to the oil conflict.


Bida: the capital and chief port of Qatar.

-Many commercial trades take place in Bida, the most important port in Qatar.


Bisayas: group of islands in the central Philippines.

– The trip includes a visit to the Bisayas. It worth the wait and the hot weather.


Burma: a mountainous republic in southeastern Asia on the Bay of Bengal.

– Never heard before about Burma, but the teacher did a great job explaining us about it.


Places in Latin America that start with B


Bahia Blanca: a port city in eastern Argentina to the southwest of Buenos Aires on an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean.

– The port of Bahia Blanca is located between La Pampa and La Patagonia.


Belize: a country on the northeastern coast of Central America in the Caribbean; formerly under British control.

– Despite we live in Mexico, near Belize, we never had the opportunity to travel there.


Biloxi: -an old town in southern Mississippi on the Gulf of Mexico.

-The children are you excited about the Children’s Biloxi Parade in two weeks.


Bogota: capital and the largest city of Colombia; located in central Colombia on a high fertile plain.

Bogota is known because of its drug trafficking, but the truth is that Bogota is a beautiful city.


Bolivia: a landlocked republic in central South America; Simon Bolivar founded Bolivia in 1825 after winning independence from Spain.

– This year Bolivia will hold its miniature fair for the 10th year in a row.


Places in Africa that start with B


Bamako: the capital of Mali; located in the south on the Niger.

-We had the opportunity to ride along the Bamako Bridge crossing the Niger River.


Batna: a town in north-central Algeria.

-Right now it is 7:11 p.m. in Batna while in the United States is 12:11 p.m.


Beira: a port city in eastern Mozambique on the Mozambique Channel.

-Beira is the busiest port city in Mozambique, and it’s famous for its nightlife.


Black Africa: the region of Africa to the south of the Sahara Desert.

– The Saharan region is often called Black Africa because of its large population of black people.


Brazzaville: the capital and the largest city of the Republic of the Congo.

-Sure its name sounds like a title for a movie, but Brazzaville is real, and it’s the capital of Congo.