Places that Start with P

Starting with PA
  1. pa
  2. pacific northwest
  3. paddy
  4. paddy field
  5. padova
  6. padua
  7. paducah
  8. pago pago
  9. pahang
  10. paint
  11. painted desert
  12. pakistan
  13. palatinate
  14. palatine
  15. palau
  16. palau islands
  17. palermo
  18. palestine
  19. pall mall
  20. palm beach
  21. palmetto state
  22. palo alto
  23. pampas
  24. panama
  25. panama canal zone
  26. panama city
  27. pango pango
  28. panhandle
  29. papal states
  30. papeete
  31. paper round
  32. paper route
  33. papua
  34. papua new guinea
  35. para
  36. parade ground
  37. paradise
  38. paraguay
  39. parallel
  40. parallel of latitude
  41. paramaribo
  42. parcel
  43. parcel of land
  44. paris
  45. parish
  46. park
  47. park ave.
  48. park avenue
  49. parkersburg
  50. parking area
  51. parking lot
  52. parking space
  53. parking zone
  54. parkland
  55. part
  56. parthia
  57. parts
  58. pasadena
  59. passero cape
  60. pasto
  61. pasture
  62. pastureland
  63. patagonia
  64. patagonian desert
  65. patavium
  66. patch
  67. paterson
  68. path
  69. patrai
  70. patras
  71. patriarchate
  72. pattern
  73. paumotu archipelago
  74. pays de la loire

Starting with PE
  1. peace garden state
  2. peach state
  3. peak
  4. pearl harbor
  5. peiping
  6. peking
  7. pelew
  8. pelican state
  9. peloponnese
  10. peloponnesian peninsula
  11. peloponnesus
  12. penang
  13. penetralium
  14. peninsular malaysia
  15. pennine chain
  16. pennines
  17. pennsylvania
  18. pensacola
  19. peoria
  20. perak
  21. perch
  22. pergamum
  23. periapsis
  24. perigee
  25. perihelion
  26. perijove
  27. perilune
  28. periselene
  29. perlis
  30. perm
  31. pernambuco
  32. persepolis
  33. persia
  34. persian empire
  35. perth
  36. peru
  37. peshawar
  38. pesthole
  39. peterburg
  40. petersburg
  41. petrograd

Starting with PH
  1. phenicia
  2. philadelphia
  3. philippi
  4. philippine islands
  5. philippines
  6. philippopolis
  7. philistia
  8. phnom penh
  9. phoenicia
  10. phoenix
  11. phrygia

Starting with PI
  1. piazza
  2. picardie
  3. picardy
  4. picnic area
  5. picnic ground
  6. pico de orizaba
  7. piece of ground
  8. piece of land
  9. piedmont
  10. piemonte
  11. pierre
  12. pilsen
  13. pinatubo
  14. pine bluff
  15. pine tree state
  16. pinnacle
  17. pinsk
  18. pisa
  19. pisces
  20. pisces the fishes
  21. pitch
  22. pittsburgh
  23. pittsburgh of the south
  24. pittsfield

Starting with PL
  1. place
  2. place of birth
  3. place of origin
  4. plane section
  5. planetary house
  6. planned community
  7. plano
  8. plataea
  9. platt national park
  10. playground
  11. playing area
  12. playing field
  13. plaza
  14. pleasance
  15. pleasant island
  16. pleasure ground
  17. plimsoll
  18. plimsoll line
  19. plimsoll mark
  20. plot
  21. plot of ground
  22. plot of land
  23. plovdiv
  24. plymouth
  25. plymouth colony
  26. plymouth rock
  27. plzen

Starting with PN
  1. pnom penh

Starting with PO
  1. po box no
  2. po box number
  3. pocatello
  4. pocket borough
  5. point
  6. point of apoapsis
  7. point of departure
  8. point of entry
  9. point of periapsis
  10. point source
  11. poitou
  12. poland
  13. polar circle
  14. polar region
  15. polar zone
  16. pole
  17. pole position
  18. police precinct
  19. polling place
  20. polling station
  21. polls
  22. polska
  23. polynesia
  24. pompeii
  25. pompey
  26. pontus
  27. pool
  28. poplar bluff
  29. populated area
  30. port
  31. port arthur
  32. port louis
  33. port moresby
  34. port of call
  35. port of entry
  36. port of spain
  37. port sudan
  38. port vila
  39. portland
  40. porto
  41. porto novo
  42. porto rico
  43. portsmouth
  44. portugal
  45. portuguese guinea
  46. portuguese republic
  47. position
  48. possession
  49. post
  50. potomac
  51. potsdam
  52. pozsony

Starting with PR
  1. prag
  2. prague
  3. praha
  4. praia
  5. prairie
  6. prairie state
  7. precinct
  8. prefecture
  9. premises
  10. prescott
  11. presence
  12. preserve
  13. pressburg
  14. pressure point
  15. pretoria
  16. preussen
  17. pride of place
  18. prime meridian
  19. prince edward island
  20. princedom
  21. princeton
  22. principality
  23. principality of andorra
  24. principality of monaco
  25. principe
  26. profile
  27. property
  28. property line
  29. protectorate
  30. provenance
  31. provence
  32. provenience
  33. providence
  34. province
  35. provo
  36. proximity
  37. prussia

Starting with PU
  1. public housing
  2. public square
  3. puddle
  4. puebla
  5. puebla de zaragoza
  6. pueblo
  7. puerto rico
  8. puglia
  9. punjab
  10. punta arenas
  11. purace
  12. purlieu
  13. pusan
  14. putrajaya
  15. putting green
  16. putting surface

Starting with PY
  1. pyongyang

Places that Start with P

It is impossible for everybody to travel around the world and visit each country on Earth. Besides it will be very expensive. Here are some suggestions of places that start with the letter P, that maybe you would be interested to visit.


Places in Europe that start with P


Palermo: the capital of Sicily; located in northwestern Sicily; an important port for 3000 years.

– There are a lot of migrants from Asia and Africa in Palermo.


Peloponnese: the southern peninsula of Greece; dominated by Sparta until the 4th century BC.

– The temples of Apollo and Octavia are in the Peloponnese. Well they are mostly ruins.


Picardy: a region of northern France on the English Channel.

Picardy is a small city with a lot of histories gathered from all great times.


Plzen: a town in Czech Republic where Pilsner beer originated.

– The city of Plzen is one of the most expensive cities to live in Europe.


Polska: a republic in central Europe; the invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939 started World War II.

Polska or Polland offers many different activities to tourists such as countryside excursions, skiing, and agrotourism.


Places in Asia, that start with P


Pakistan: a Muslim republic that occupies the heartland of ancient south Asian civilization in the Indus River valley; formerly part of India; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1947.

– It is a shame that such beautiful place like Pakistan suffers from armed conflicts.


Perlis: the smallest Malaysian state; located in the northern part of the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia.

Perlis is a very small state in Malaysia but it still has some interesting places to visit.


Phnom Penh: the capital and the largest city of Kampuchea.

Phnom Penh is the wealthiest city in Cambodia. You can visit the Royal Palace.


Pyongyang: capital of North Korea and an industrial center.

Pyongyang is a very modern city and has ridiculously expensive prices in coffee.



Places in America that start with P


Pampas: the vast grassy plains of northern Argentina.

– The name “Pampas” comes from a word meaning flat surface. The Pampas region is perfectly fat.


Pelican State: a state in southern United States on the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War.

Pelican State is the nickname for the state of Louisiana.The brown pelican is the state bird.


Pittsburgh: a city in southwestern Pennsylvania where the confluence of the Allegheny River and Monongahela River forms the Ohio River; long an important urban industrial area; site of Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh.

– The city of Pittsburgh is famous for its sandwiches served with fries on top.


Prairie State: a midwestern state in north-central United States.

– The state of Illinois also has a nickname! It is called the “Prairie State.”


Pago Pago: a port in American Samoa.

– The island of Pago Pago is a real paradise.



Places in Africa that start with P


Portuguese Guinea: a republic on the northwestern coast of Africa; recognized as independent by Portugal in 1974.

– Just a small percentage of the population in Portuguese Guinea speaks Portuguese, about 14%.