Starting with BA
- baba
- babka
- bacon
- bagel
- baguet
- baguette
- baklava
- baldwin
- banana
- banger
- bannock
- banquet
- bap
- barbados cherry
- barbados gooseberry
- barbecue
- barbeque
- barley
- barleycorn
- barmbrack
- bartlett
- basil
- bass
- batter
- battercake
Starting with BE
- beach plum
- bean
- bearnaise
- beaujolais
- bechamel
- beechnut
- beef
- beefburger
- beefsteak
- beer
- beet
- beetroot
- beigel
- beignet
- bell pepper
- benedictine
- benniseed
- bercy
- berry
- beverage
Starting with BI
- bialy
- bialystoker
- bigos
- bilberry
- biltong
- bird
- birdseed
- biriani
- biryani
- biscuit
- bishop
- bismark
- bisque
- bit
- bite
- bitok
- bitter
- bitter orange
Starting with BL
- black cherry
- black currant
- black pepper
- black salsify
- black walnut
- blackberry
- blackheart
- blade
- blanc
- blancmange
- bleu
- blintz
- bliny
- bloater
- bloody mary
- blowfish
- blueberry
- bluefin
- bluefish
- bluepoint
Starting with BO
- board
- bock
- boeuf
- bok choy
- bologna
- bomber
- bonbon
- bonito
- bootleg
- booze
- borage
- bordeaux
- bordelaise
- borscht
- bosc
- bouchee
- bouillabaisse
- bouillon
- bourbon
- bourguignon
- bovril
- boxberry
- boysenberry
Starting with BR
- brain
- bran
- brandy
- brandyball
- brandysnap
- brat
- bratwurst
- brazil
- brazil nut
- bread
- breadcrumb
- breadfruit
- breadstick
- breadstuff
- breakfast
- bream
- breast
- brew
- brewage
- bridecake
- brie
- brine
- brioche
- brisket
- brisling
- brittle
- broad bean
- broccoli
- broccoli raab
- broccoli rabe
- broiler
- broth
- brownie
- brunch
Starting with BU
Food that Starts with B
We have reached the foods category that start with the letter B. Some of these foods were difficult to find. Some of them are popular in spite of its names and some of them are just known where they occur.
Fruits that start with B
Bartlett: juicy yellow pear.
-Today I will have for lunch a fresh salad with lettuce, Bartlett, and nuts. I love the taste of Bartlett’s.
Bilberry: blue-black berries similar to American blueberries.
–Bilberries have a lot of medicinal uses. It is used to improve sight; it is also good for patients with diabetes and heart conditions.
Boxberry: spicy red berrylike fruit; source of wintergreen oil.
-The minty taste of the boxberry made it great to prepare herbal tea.
Blackheart: heart cherry with dark flesh and skin cherry.
-The Blackheart is one of the most difficult cherries species to found in nature.
Breadfruit: a large round seedless or seeded fruit with a texture like bread; eaten boiled or baked or roasted or ground into flour; the roasted seeds resemble chestnuts.
-My mother showed me a breadfruit at the supermarket. It is not the prettiest fruit I saw, but I decided to give it a try.
Meats that start with B
Biltong: meat that is salted and cut into strips and dried in the sun.
-Different types of meat are used to prepare biltong, even ostrich meat!
Bluefin: flesh of very large tuna.
-In the last years bluefin demand has growth due to oriental food introduction to the rest of the world.
Boeuf: meat from an adult domestic bovine.
-We enjoyed a tasty boeuf with caramelized vegetables and a cup of wine. It was a delicious dinner.
Brat: a small pork sausage.
-During the camping trip, the boy scouts enjoyed some brats after they’ve learned how to start a bonfire.
Brisket: -a cut of meat from the breast or lower chest especially of beef.
-One of the cheapest cuts of meat is the brisket, and it is also one of the tastiest cuts I ever tried, it is so juicy and tender.
Vegetables that start with B
Buttercrunch: -lettuce with delicate and relatively crunchy leaves.
– As many other types of lettuces, butter crunch is easy to grow in your garden. Just sow seeds on the ground, water and wait for the first sprouts.
Butternut squash: buff-colored squash with a long usually straight neck and sweet orange flesh.
– Butternut squash makes a tasty winter food. You can prepare a warm soup or simply roast it in the oven.
Beet: round red root vegetable.
-The farmers were satisfied with the news that they will be able to continue growing beet in their farms.
Bell pepper: large bell-shaped sweet pepper in green or red or yellow or orange or black varieties.
-Green, red, orange or yellow, bell peppers are a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C.
Grains that start with B
Bannock: a flatbread made of oat or barley flour; common in New England and Scotland.
–Bannock and other types of bread were served as a part of the buffet this morning.
Barley: a grain of barley. -cultivated since prehistoric times; grown for forage and grain.
– These lands are planted with wheat, barley, and corn. Barley is one of the main products to be sold.
Bran: broken husks of the seeds of cereal grains that are separated from the flour by sifting.
– Kate included the bran in her diet trying to improve her health, but it just makes her feeling worst.
Buckwheat: grain ground into flour.
-This year buckwheat crop was half a million bushes.
Bulgur: parched crushed wheat.
–Bulgur wheat is becoming more popular among people who look to stay healthy.