
Colors Related to this Name: Green

Qualities Related to this Name: Philosophical, Spiritual

Popularity: This is a very popular name in the US. Ranking #501 in 2013 and #526 in 2014.


In English

Origin: A feminine form of Alan; variant spelling of Alana. Also possibly derived from Elaine (Old French) "bright, shining" or Helen (Greek) "light." The spelling Alannah is possibly influenced by names of Hebrew origin such as Hannah and Susannah and by the Anglo-Irish term of endearment "alanna", "alannah" "alanah" or "a leanbh" meaning "O child.". From the Celtic/Gaelic, Alanna possibly means "Fair". It can also be derived from the combination of the father`s name Allan, with the mother`s name Donna, to form Alanna.


-( female name -comes from the Celtic language-).