
Colors Related to this Name: Red

Qualities Related to this Name: Compassionate, Idealistic

Popularity: This is a very popular name in the US. Ranking #358 in 2013 and #383 in 2014.


In English

Origin: Spanish Carmen, cognate with English Carmel. Made famous outside Spain by the opera Carmen (1875) by Georges Bizet.


-A town in Oklahoma.

-An unincorporated community in Idaho.

-( female name -comes from the Spanish language-) borrowed from Spanish in the nineteenth century.

-(dated) ( male name -comes from the Italian language-), an Anglicization of the Italian (Carmine). (Less common than the female name).

In Spanish

Origin: Shortened from María (del) Carmen, an epithet of the Virgin Mary at (Mount) Carmel, by folk etymology associated with Latin and Spanish carmen ‎(“song, poem”).


-The letter C in the Spanish phonetic alphabet

-( female name), traditionally popular in Spain.

In French


-( female name) of Spanish origin.

In German


-( female name) of Spanish origin.