
Colors Related to this Name: Purple, Lilac, Mavve

Qualities Related to this Name: Creative, Light-Hearted

Popularity: This is a very popular name in the US. Ranking #726 in 2013 and #723 in 2014.


In English


-A county in the Republic of Ireland

-A nun of the order of (w Saint Clare).

-A town in the county of Cavan, Ireland.

-( female name -comes from the Latin language-), often spelled Claire in the 20th century.

-( male name -comes from the last names language-) transferred from the last names (much less common than the female name).

-(last name -comes from the Old English language-) that comes from place names in England and Ireland, and from Old_English ''clæg''"clay" as an occupational name for a worker in clay.

In Manx


-( female name), Manx equivalent to Clara.