
Colors Related to this Name: Red

Qualities Related to this Name: Compassionate, Idealistic

Popularity: This name is unique in the US. Ranking #6044 in 2013 and #5475 in 2014.


In English

Origin: From Celtic


-A beautiful, but suicidal woman.

-(Irish mythology) The foremost tragic heroine in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. Daughter of Fedlimid mac Daill. At birth, Cathbad foretold that she would be very beautiful, but that kings and lords would go to war over her. She committed suicide.

-( female name -comes from the Irish language-).

In Irish

Origin: From an old Celtic root meaning "mysterious", "sorrowful"


-( female name).

In Scottish_Gaelic

Origin: From an old Celtic root meaning "mysterious", "sorrowful"


-( female name).