
Colors Related to this Name: Green, Cream

Qualities Related to this Name: Diplomatic, Sensitive

Popularity: This is a popular name in the US. Ranking #2304 in 2013 and #1873 in 2014.


In English


-(Norse mythology) The goddess of love, fertility, beauty and seiðr, who recieves half of those who die in battle in her heavenly abode of Fólkvangr (the other half going to Odin's hall, Valhalla), and whose chariot is drawn by cats.

In Icelandic

Origin: From Old Norse Freyja, from freyja ‎(“lady”), from Proto-Germanic *frawjǭ.


-(Norse mythology) Freyja or Freya, goddess of love and fertility

-( female name)

In Old_Norse

Origin: From freyja ‎(“lady”), from Proto-Germanic *frawjǭ.


-(Norse mythology) Freya, goddess of love and fertility