
Colors Related to this Name: Blue

Qualities Related to this Name: Romantic, Nurturing

Popularity: This is an semi-popular name in the US. Ranking #3211 in 2013 and #2089 in 2014.


In German

Origin: From Dutch Hendrik, as a variant of the standard German Heinrich.


-( male name -comes from the Germanic language-).

In Dutch

Origin: From Germanic heim ‎(“homestead”) + ric ‎(“rich”), cognates include English Henry, French Henri, German Heinrich.


-( male name -comes from the Germanic language-)

In Estonian

Origin: Cognates include English Henry, French Henri, German Heinrich.


-( male name).

Origin: This entry lacks etymological information. If you are familiar with the origin of this term, please add it to the page as described here.

-( male name).