
Colors Related to this Name: White, Gray

Qualities Related to this Name: Extroverted, Adventurous

Popularity: This is a popular name in the US. Ranking #1761 in 2013 and #1515 in 2014.


In English


-A river in eastern Slovakia.

-(greekmyth) Name of two sacred mountains situated in present-day Turkey and Crete, also called Mount Ida.

-( female name -comes from the Germanic language-).

In German

Origin: Name of early female saints, shortened from compound given names beginning with Germanic element Ida-, Idu-. The meaning is debated, possibly cognate with the Old Norse ið ‎(“work”). Since its revival in the 19th century also used as a diminutive of Adelaide.


-( female name).

In Swedish

Origin: From German Ida. First recorded as a given name in Sweden in 1351, but not in general use before the 19th century.


-( female name).

In Czech


-( female name), related to German Ida.

In Danish

Origin: From German Ida.


-( female name).

In Italian


-( female name), similar to German Ida

In Norwegian

Origin: From German Ida. First recorded in Norway in 1660, but not in general use before the 19th century.


-( female name).