
Colors Related to this Name: Green, Cream

Qualities Related to this Name: Diplomatic, Sensitive

Popularity: This is an semi-popular name in the US. Ranking #2677 in 2013 and #2904 in 2014.


In English

Origin: Originally Kirkby from kirk ‎(“church”) +‎ -by ‎(“habitation”)


-A CDP in Arkansas

-A city in Texas

-A hamlet in Ontario, Canada

-A town in Vermont

-A town in Wyoming

-A village in Ohio

-An English placename.

-( female name -comes from the last names language-) transferred from the last name.

-( male name -comes from the last names language-) transferred from the last name.

-(last name habitational -comes from the Old English language-) originally for a person from Kirby.