
Colors Related to this Name: Black, Purple

Qualities Related to this Name: Born Leader, Visionary

Popularity: This is a very popular name in the US. Ranking #144 in 2013 and #149 in 2014.


In English

Origin: Variant of Leila and Layla, from Arabic لَيْلَى ‎(laylā), related to لَيْلَة ‎(layla, “night”).


-( female name -comes from the Arabic language-).

In Swedish

Origin: First recorded in Sweden in 1884. Borrowed from Norwegian and Finnish Laila. Interpreted as a Sami name.


-( female name).

In Danish

Origin: From Norwegian or Finnish Laila, often interpreted as a Sami name, or from Arabic لَيْلَة ‎(layla, “night”). Used in Denmark since early 20th century.


-( female name).

In Finnish

Origin: First recorded in Finland in 1875. Explained as a Sami name, and used for Sami heroines in films and literature, without clear etymological proof. Possibly a variant of Aila. It may also derive from Arabic لَيْلَة ‎(layla, “night”), as a variant of Leila which is actually more popular in Finland than Laila.


-( female name).

In Latvian

Origin: First recorded as a given name of Latvians in the end of the 19th century. From Finnish or Norwegian Laila, or from Arabic لَيْلَة ‎(layla, “night”).


-( female name).

In Norwegian

Origin: Made popular by the Sami heroine in a short story "Fra Finmarken"(1881) by J.A.Friis. Explained as a possible variant of Aila. First recorded in Norway as a given name in the 1880s.


-( female name).