
Colors Related to this Name: Yellow, Orange and Gold

Qualities Related to this Name: Born Leader, Determined

Popularity: This is a very popular name in the US. Ranking #206 in 2013 and #204 in 2014.


In English

Origin: From Latin Petrus, from Ancient Greek Πέτρος ‎(Pétros), from πέτρος ‎(pétros, “stone, rock”), related to πέτρα ‎(pétra)


-The leading Apostle in the New Testament.

-(biblical) The epistles of Peter in the New Testament of the Bible, 1 Peter and 2 Peter attributed to St. Peter.

-(rare _ compared to) (last name patronymic -comes from the language-)

-( male name -comes from the Ancient Greek language-).

In German

Origin: From Latin Petrus, from Ancient Greek Πέτρος ‎(Pétros), from πέτρος ‎(pétros, “stone, rock”), related to πέτρα ‎(pétra)


-( male name).

In Dutch


-( male name), related to Peter.

In Swedish

Origin: From Old Norse Pétr, from Latin Petrus, from Ancient Greek Πέτρος ‎(Pétros), from πέτρος ‎(pétros, “stone, rock”), related to πέτρα ‎(pétra). Later reinforced by the German Peter.


-( male name).

In Danish

Origin: From Old Norse Pétr, from Latin Petrus, from Ancient Greek Πέτρος ‎(Pétros), from πέτρος ‎(pétros, “stone, rock”), related to πέτρα ‎(pétra). Later reinforced by the German Peter.


-Peter (biblical figure).

-( male name).

In Norwegian

Origin: From Old Norse Pétr, from Latin Petrus, from Ancient Greek Πέτρος ‎(Pétros), from πέτρος ‎(pétros, “stone, rock”), related to πέτρα ‎(pétra). Later reinforced by the German Peter.


-Peter (biblical figure)

-( male name).

In Slovak


-( male name), related to (l en Peter).

In Slovene


-( male name), related to Peter.