
Colors Related to this Name: Green

Qualities Related to this Name: Philosophical, Spiritual

Popularity: This is a popular name in the US. Ranking #1469 in 2013 and #1404 in 2014.


In English

Origin: An Anglo-Norman baronial surname derived from place names in Normandy, from Transalpine Gaulish ver(n) "alder" + -o, -onis (a locative suffix), hence "place of alder trees".


-A CDP in Colorado

-A city in Alabama

-A city in British Columbia, Canada

-A city in California

-A city in Florida

-A city in Texas

-A town and village in New York

-A town in Connecticut

-A town in Indiana

-A town in Utah

-A town in Vermont

-A town in Wisconsin

-A village in Illinois

-A village in Michigan

-An unincorporated community in Oklahoma

-( male name -comes from the last names language-), transferred from the last name since the nineteenth century.

-(last name -comes from the Old French language-)