Objects that Start with E

Starting with EA
  1. eardrop
  2. earflap
  3. earlap
  4. earmuff
  5. earphone
  6. earpiece
  7. earplug
  8. earring
  9. earth
  10. earthenware
  11. earthwork
  12. easel
  13. eatery
  14. eaves

Starting with EB
  1. ebro

Starting with EC
  1. echelon
  2. echinus
  3. echocardiograph
  4. echoencephalograph
  5. echogram
  6. ecstasy

Starting with ED
  1. edge
  2. edger
  3. edging
  4. edifice
  5. edronax
  6. eds

Starting with EF
  1. effigy

Starting with EG
  1. eggbeater
  2. eggcup
  3. eggshell
  4. eggwhisk
  5. egis

Starting with EI
  1. eiderdown
  2. eight

Starting with EJ
  1. ejector

Starting with EL
  1. el
  2. el libertador
  3. elastic
  4. elbe
  5. elbow
  6. electric
  7. electrocardiograph
  8. electrode
  9. electrodynamometer
  10. electroencephalograph
  11. electrograph
  12. electrolytic
  13. electromagnet
  14. electrometer
  15. electromyograph
  16. electron
  17. electrophorus
  18. electroplate
  19. electroscope
  20. element
  21. elevated
  22. elevation
  23. elevator
  24. eliminator
  25. ell
  26. elongation
  27. elvis

Starting with EM
  1. embankment
  2. embassy
  3. embayment
  4. embellishment
  5. ember
  6. emblem
  7. embossment
  8. embouchure
  9. embrasure
  10. embrocation
  11. embroidery
  12. emergency
  13. emetic
  14. emitter
  15. emollient
  16. empennage
  17. emplacement
  18. emporium
  19. empty
  20. emulsion

Starting with EN
  1. enamel
  2. enamelware
  3. encampment
  4. encaustic
  5. encephalogram
  6. enclosure
  7. encrustation
  8. encumbrance
  9. end
  10. endoscope
  11. energiser
  12. energizer
  13. engine
  14. engineering
  15. enginery
  16. engraving
  17. enlargement
  18. enlarger
  19. enlivener
  20. ensemble
  21. ensign
  22. entablature
  23. entanglement
  24. enterolith
  25. entrance
  26. entranceway
  27. entrant
  28. entree
  29. entrenchment
  30. entrepot
  31. entresol
  32. entry
  33. entryway
  34. envelope

Starting with EO
  1. eolith

Starting with EP
  1. epaulet
  2. epaulette
  3. epauliere
  4. epee
  5. epergne
  6. epidiascope
  7. epilator
  8. episode
  9. eprom

Starting with EQ
  1. equaliser
  2. equalizer
  3. equatorial
  4. equipage
  5. equipment

Starting with ER
  1. er
  2. eraser
  3. erection
  4. ergometer
  5. eridanus
  6. erie

Starting with ES
  1. escalator
  2. escape
  3. escapement
  4. escarp
  5. escarpment
  6. escritoire
  7. escutcheon
  8. esker
  9. esophagoscope
  10. espadrille
  11. espalier
  12. esplanade
  13. essence
  14. essential
  15. establishment
  16. estaminet
  17. estuary

Starting with ET
  1. etagere
  2. etamin
  3. etamine
  4. etcetera
  5. etd
  6. ether
  7. ethernet
  8. ethoxyethane
  9. etna
  10. etui

Starting with EU
  1. eudiometer
  2. euphonium
  3. euphoriant
  4. euphrates
  5. eurasia
  6. europa
  7. europe

Starting with EV
  1. evaporometer
  2. eveningwear
  3. everest
  4. everglades

Starting with EW
  1. ewer

Starting with EX
  1. excalibur
  2. excavation
  3. excavator
  4. exchange
  5. excitant
  6. exerciser
  7. exercycle
  8. exfoliation
  9. exhaust
  10. existence
  11. exit
  12. exocet
  13. exosphere
  14. expanse
  15. expectorant
  16. expectorator
  17. explosive
  18. export
  19. exportation
  20. exposure
  21. express
  22. expressway
  23. extension
  24. extinguisher
  25. extra
  26. extractor

Starting with EY
  1. eye
  2. eyebath
  3. eyecup
  4. eyeglass
  5. eyeglasses
  6. eyehole
  7. eyelet
  8. eyeliner
  9. eyepatch
  10. eyepiece
  11. eyeshade
  12. eyeshadow
  13. eyewash
  14. eyre
  15. eyrie
  16. eyry

Objects that Start with E

From furniture to electric objects, discovered some objects that start with the letter E. You might know some of them.


Furniture that starts with E

Etagere: a piece of furniture with open shelves for displaying small ornaments.

– The girls’ room looks incredible with their new etageres. Now the will have some extra storage space.


Epergne: a large table centerpiece with branching holders for fruit or sweets or flowers.

– The silver epergne on the dining room is a unique piece.

Escritoire: a desk used for writing.

– I like the antique pieces at the exhibition, but what I like most was the escritoire.



Clothing that start with E

Espadrille: a sandal with a sole made of rope or rubber and a cloth upper part.

– It was a great experience to see how espadrilles are made by hand in Spain.


Evening wear: attire to wear on formal occasions in the evening.

-She looks pretty in her turquoise evening wear.


Earmuff: either of a pair of ear coverings (usually connected by a headband) that are worn to keep the ears warm in cold weather.

-During my trip to Finland, I bought a nice pair of comfy earmuffs.



Electronic objects that start with E

Earphone: electro-acoustic transducer for converting electric signals into sounds; it is held over or inserted into the ear.

-He spent the whole flight wearing his earphones.


Eggbeater: a mixer for beating eggs or whipping cream.

-I give my grandmother a brand new battery eggbeater. Instead she rather uses the old one.


Electrode: a conductor used to make electrical contact with some part of a circuit.

– Don’t forget to replace the electrodes, use new ones on the next patient, please.


Electric: a car that is powered by electricity.

– Pam received an electric car for Christmas. She rode it all day long.


Echocardiograph: a sonograph that creates an image of the heart and its abnormalities.

– The doctor made an emergency echocardiograph to the patient.


Plastic objects that start with E


Elastic: a fabric made of yarns containing an elastic material. A narrow band of elastic rubber used to hold things (such as papers) together.

– Little girls wear elastic bands as bracelets. I have to admit they look pretty.