Objects that Start with R

Starting with RA
  1. rabato
  2. rabbet
  3. rabbit warren
  4. race
  5. raceabout
  6. racecourse
  7. racer
  8. racetrack
  9. raceway
  10. rachet
  11. rack
  12. racket
  13. racquet
  14. racquetball
  15. radar
  16. radial
  17. radiator
  18. radio
  19. radiogram
  20. radiograph
  21. radiolocation
  22. radiometer
  23. radiomicrometer
  24. radiopharmaceutical
  25. radiophone
  26. radiophoto
  27. radiophotograph
  28. radiotelegraph
  29. radiotelegraphy
  30. radiotelephone
  31. radius
  32. radome
  33. raft
  34. rafter
  35. rag
  36. ragbag
  37. raglan
  38. rail
  39. railcar
  40. railhead
  41. railing
  42. railroad
  43. rails
  44. railway
  45. railyard
  46. raiment
  47. rainbow
  48. raincoat
  49. rainfly
  50. rainier
  51. raise
  52. rakaposhi
  53. rake
  54. ram
  55. ramekin
  56. ramjet
  57. rammer
  58. ramp
  59. rampart
  60. ramrod
  61. ranch
  62. range
  63. rangefinder
  64. rangeland
  65. rapid
  66. rapier
  67. rappahannock
  68. rappee
  69. rapper
  70. rariora
  71. rarity
  72. rasp
  73. raster
  74. rat
  75. ratan
  76. ratch
  77. ratchet
  78. rathole
  79. rathskeller
  80. ratlin
  81. ratline
  82. rattan
  83. rattle
  84. rattler
  85. rattrap
  86. ravehook
  87. ravine
  88. rayon
  89. rayons
  90. razor
  91. razorblade

Starting with RE
  1. reactor
  2. readout
  3. reamer
  4. reaper
  5. rear
  6. reata
  7. rebate
  8. rebato
  9. reboxetine
  10. rebozo
  11. recap
  12. receiver
  13. receptacle
  14. recess
  15. recliner
  16. record
  17. recorder
  18. rectifier
  19. rectory
  20. red
  21. redoubt
  22. reducer
  23. reed
  24. reef
  25. reefer
  26. reel
  27. refectory
  28. refill
  29. refinery
  30. reflection
  31. reflectometer
  32. reflector
  33. reflexion
  34. reformatory
  35. reformer
  36. refractometer
  37. refractory
  38. refrigerator
  39. refuge
  40. regalia
  41. regimentals
  42. register
  43. regulator
  44. regulus
  45. rein
  46. reinforcement
  47. relaxant
  48. relaxer
  49. relay
  50. release
  51. relic
  52. relict
  53. relief
  54. relievo
  55. reliquary
  56. remainder
  57. remains
  58. remake
  59. remaking
  60. remedy
  61. remise
  62. remnant
  63. remote
  64. rent
  65. rep
  66. repeater
  67. repertory
  68. replica
  69. replication
  70. repository
  71. repp
  72. representation
  73. represser
  74. repressor
  75. reproducer
  76. reproduction
  77. republican
  78. requirement
  79. requisite
  80. rerebrace
  81. reredos
  82. reseau
  83. reservoir
  84. reset
  85. residence
  86. resistance
  87. resistor
  88. resonator
  89. resort hotel
  90. respirator
  91. rest
  92. restaurant
  93. restoration
  94. restorative
  95. restraint
  96. restroom
  97. resuscitator
  98. retainer
  99. retardant
  100. retardation
  101. retardent
  102. reticle
  103. reticulation
  104. reticule
  105. reticulum
  106. retort
  107. retractor
  108. retread
  109. retreat
  110. retrenchment
  111. retrofit
  112. retrorocket
  113. return
  114. revere
  115. revers
  116. reverse
  117. reversible
  118. revetement
  119. revetment
  120. revolver

Starting with RH
  1. rhein
  2. rheometer
  3. rheostat
  4. rhine
  5. rhinoscope
  6. rhone

Starting with RI
  1. riata
  2. rib
  3. riband
  4. ribband
  5. ribbon
  6. ricer
  7. rickrack
  8. ricksha
  9. rickshaw
  10. ricrac
  11. riddle
  12. ride
  13. ridge
  14. ridgeline
  15. ridgepole
  16. rifle
  17. rifle range
  18. rift
  19. rig
  20. rigel
  21. rigger
  22. rigging
  23. right
  24. rightfield
  25. rigil
  26. rigout
  27. rilievo
  28. rill
  29. rim
  30. ring
  31. ringlet
  32. rings
  33. ringside
  34. ringway
  35. rink
  36. rip
  37. ripcord
  38. ripsaw
  39. rise
  40. riser
  41. ritz
  42. river
  43. riverbank
  44. riverbed
  45. riverside
  46. rivet
  47. riveter
  48. rivetter
  49. rivulet

Starting with RO
  1. roach
  2. road
  3. roadbed
  4. roadblock
  5. roadhouse
  6. roadside
  7. roadster
  8. roadway
  9. roaster
  10. robe
  11. robot
  12. rock
  13. rocker
  14. rockery
  15. rocket
  16. rockies
  17. rod
  18. rodeo
  19. roentgenogram
  20. roentgenoscope
  21. roll
  22. roller
  23. rom
  24. romper
  25. rood
  26. roof
  27. rooftree
  28. rook
  29. room
  30. roomette
  31. rooms
  32. roost
  33. rope
  34. ropewalk
  35. ropeway
  36. rosary
  37. rosemaling
  38. rosette
  39. rostrum
  40. rotary
  41. rotisserie
  42. rotor
  43. rotunda
  44. rouge
  45. roughcast
  46. rouleau
  47. roulette
  48. round
  49. roundabout
  50. roundel
  51. rounder
  52. roundhouse
  53. route
  54. router
  55. row
  56. rowboat
  57. rowel
  58. rowlock
  59. royal

Starting with RU
  1. rubber
  2. rubefacient
  3. rucksack
  4. rudder
  5. rudderpost
  6. rudderstock
  7. rue
  8. ruff
  9. ruffle
  10. rug
  11. ruhr
  12. ruin
  13. rule
  14. ruler
  15. rumble
  16. rummer
  17. run
  18. runabout
  19. rundle
  20. rung
  21. runnel
  22. runner
  23. runway
  24. rushlight
  25. rushmore
  26. russet

Starting with RY
  1. rya

Objects that Start with R

Furniture, clothing and electronics are the objects that start with R in the following section.


Furniture that start with R

 Rya: a shag rug made in Sweden.

  • The name of the rya rug comes from a beautiful place in Sweden

Rocker:a chair mounted on rockers.

  • I can always fall asleep when I sit down in my rocker.


Clothing that start with R

 Robe:any loose flowing garment.

  • I just bought this beautiful robe for my mother.

Russet: a reddish brown homespun fabric.

  • This russet fabric made this dress beautiful


Electronics that start with R

 Robot: a mechanism that can move automatically.

  • I built a robot to help me automate my daily work.