
Colors Related to this Name: Black, Purple

Qualities Related to this Name: Born Leader, Visionary

Popularity: This name is unique in the US. Ranking #7008 in 2013 and #8751 in 2014.


In English

Origin: Ancient Gallo-Latin name for Britain, Albiōn (Middle Welsh Albbu, Old Irish Albu), is from Proto-Celtic *albiyū ‎(“world”) (stem : *albiyon-), ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *h₂élbʰos, *álbʰos ‎(“white”), whence also Latin albus ‎(“white”) and Ancient Greek ἀλφός ‎(alphós, “whiteness, white leprosy”). The primary meaning of Common Celtic word is "upper world" (as opposed to underworld), with semasiological development similar to e.g. Russian свет ‎(svet, “world; light”).


-Any of several small towns in the United States.

-The ancient name for England Oriya sometimes, the British Isles), now only used poetically.

-(w West Bromwich Albion Football Club), a football team from West Bromwich

In Swedish

