
Colors Related to this Name: Green, Cream

Qualities Related to this Name: Diplomatic, Sensitive

Popularity: This is a very popular name in the US. Ranking #423 in 2013 and #406 in 2014.


In English

Origin: From Middle English apprile, re-Latinized from aueril, from Old French avrill, from Latin Aprīlis ‎(“of the month of the goddess Venus”), perhaps based on Etruscan Apru, from Ancient Greek Αφροδίτη ‎(Aphrodítē, “Venus”).


-The fourth month of the Gregorian calendar, following March and preceding May. Abbreviation: '''Apr''' or '''Apr.'''

-( female name -comes from the English language-) for somebody born in April; used since early 20th century.

In German



In Afrikaans


-(l en April)

In Malay

Origin: From English April, from Middle English apprile, from aueril, from Old French avrill, from Latin Aprīlis.


-(April) (fourth month of the Gregorian calendar)