
Colors Related to this Name: Blue, Gray

Qualities Related to this Name: Pratical, Dependable

Popularity: This is a very popular name in the US. Ranking #26 in 2013 and #30 in 2014.


In English

Origin: From Ancient Greek Χριστόφορος ‎(Khristóphoros, “Christ-bearing”). The meaning of the name suggested the legend of St. Christopher carrying the Christ child across water.


-( male name -comes from the Ancient Greek language-).

-(last name patronymic -comes from the language-)

In French

Origin: From English Christopher, as a variant of the standard French Christophe.


-( male name), borrowed from the English equivalent of Christophe.

In German

Origin: From English Christopher, as a variant of the standard German Christoph.


-( male name) borrowed from English.

In Swedish

Origin: English style spelling variant of the standard Swedish Kristoffer.


-( male name) borrowed from English.

In Danish

Origin: English style spelling variant of the standard Danish Christoffer.


-( male name) borrowed from English.

In Norwegian

Origin: English style spelling variant of the standard Norwegian Kristoffer.


-( male name) borrowed from English.