
Colors Related to this Name: Yellow, Orange and Gold

Qualities Related to this Name: Born Leader, Determined

Popularity: This is a popular name in the US. Ranking #1705 in 2013 and #1564 in 2014.


In English


-A former city occupied by the tribe

-A river in Shaanxi

-One of the Israelite tribes, descended from Dan.

-The Dan River, the principal tributary of the Jordan, named for the city

-The fifth son of Jacob, whose mother was his wife's handmaid Bilhah.

-(obsolete) A title of respect: Sir, Master.

-( male name -comes from the Hebrew language-) ''& nickname'', that comes from the prophet Daniel.

-( male name -comes from the Hebrew language-), that comes from the son of Jacob.

-(last name)

In Spanish


-(Dan) (Biblical character and tribe)

In Swedish


-(biblical character) Dan.

-( male name) that comes from Old_Norse Danr " a Dane", Daniel, and biblical Dan. Casual pet form: Danne.

In Breton



In Danish


-(biblical character) Dan.

-( male name) that comes from Old_Norse ''Danr'' "a Dane" (originally a medieval byname), from Daniel, and from biblical Dan.

In Finnish


-(biblical character) Dan.

In Norwegian


-(biblical character) Dan.

-( male name) that comes from Old_Norse Danr " a Dane", Daniel, and biblical Dan.