
Colors Related to this Name: Green, Cream

Qualities Related to this Name: Diplomatic, Sensitive

Popularity: This is a very popular name in the US. Ranking #1224 in 2013 and #944 in 2014.


In English

Origin: In Scandinavia, Frida mainly derives from the Old Norse name Fríða, short for female names ending in fríðr "beautiful, beloved".In Central and Eastern Europe, Frida is a short form of compound names containing the Germanic element fried "peace"; cognate to English Freda.


-( female name -comes from the Germanic language-) occasionally used in English.

In Spanish


-( female name)

In German


-( female name) of Germanic origin; a less common spelling of Frieda.

In Swedish


-( female name) of mainly Old Norse origin. The oldest known use in Sweden is from 1388. It can also be a short form of the Germanic names Frideborg, Alfrida, Elfrida and Valfrida.

In Danish


-( female name) of Old Norse and Germanic origin.

In Norwegian


-( female name) of Old Norse and Germanic origin.