
Colors Related to this Name: Red

Qualities Related to this Name: Compassionate, Idealistic

Popularity: This name is unique in the US. Ranking #4510 in 2013 and #4908 in 2014.


In English

Origin: A royal name in Sweden, traditionally explained (even by Gustav I Vasa himself) as Swedish göt + staf "staff (=support) of the Geats (southern Swedes)". But there is no such name in Old Norse, and Gustav is more probably a Swedish rendering of Old Polish / north-west Slavic Gostislav, from Proto-Slavic *Gostislavъ, from *gostь ‎(“guest”) + *slava ‎(“glory”).


-( male name -comes from the Germanic language-).

In German

Origin: From Swedish Gustav, probably ultimately from Proto-Slavic *Gostislavъ, from *gostь ‎(“guest”) + *slava ‎(“glory”).


-( male name) of Swedish origin.

In Swedish

Origin: From Old Swedish Gøtstaf, probably from Slavic (compare Old Polish Gościsław, Goscław, Czech Hostislav), from Proto-Slavic *Gostislavъ, from *gostь ‎(“guest”) + *slava ‎(“glory”). First recorded as Swedish given name in 1521.


-( male name).

In Czech

Origin: From Swedish Gustav, probably ultimately from Proto-Slavic *Gostislavъ, from *gostь ‎(“guest”) + *slava ‎(“glory”).


-( male name), related to Gustav.

In Danish

Origin: From Swedish Gustav, probably ultimately from Proto-Slavic *Gostislavъ, from *gostь ‎(“guest”) + *slava ‎(“glory”).


-( male name) of Swedish origin.

In Estonian

Origin: From Swedish Gustav, probably ultimately from Proto-Slavic *Gostislavъ, from *gostь ‎(“guest”) + *slava ‎(“glory”).


-( male name) of Swedish origin.

In Norwegian

Origin: From Swedish Gustav, probably ultimately from Proto-Slavic *Gostislavъ, from *gostь ‎(“guest”) + *slava ‎(“glory”).


-( male name) of Swedish origin.