
Colors Related to this Name: Green

Qualities Related to this Name: Philosophical, Spiritual

Popularity: This name is unique in the US. Ranking #9058 in 2013 and #5291 in 2014.


In English

Origin: From Latin Hannibal, from Punic 𐤇𐤍𐤁𐤏𐤋 ‎(ḥnbʿl), a compound of 𐤇𐤍 ‎(ḥn, “grace”) and 𐤁𐤏𐤋 ‎(bʿl, “master”), originally meaning “grace of (the god) Baal”, “(the god) Baal has been gracious”.


-A city in Missouri: Hannibal.

-( male name -comes from the Punic language-) of mostly historical use. Most notably borne by the the Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca.

In Faroese

Origin: From Latin Hannibal, from Punic 𐤇𐤍𐤁𐤏𐤋 ‎(ḥnbʿl), a compound of 𐤇𐤍 ‎(ḥn, “grace”) and 𐤁𐤏𐤋 ‎(bʿl, “master”), originally meaning “grace of (the god) Baal”, “(the god) Baal has been gracious”.


-(l en Hannibal)

In Latin


-A Carthaginian first name.

-The Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca.