Colors Related to this Name: Yellow, Orange and Gold
Qualities Related to this Name: Born Leader, Determined
Popularity: This is a very popular name in the US. Ranking #16 in 2013 and #17 in 2014.
In English
Origin: From Jack + -son.
-A city in Alabama
-A city in California
-A city in Georgia, USA
-A city in Kentucky
-A city in Michigan
-A city in Minnesota
-A city in Missouri
-A city in Ohio
-A city in Tennessee
-A town in Louisiana
-A town in Maine
-A town in New Hampshire
-A town in New York
-A town in North Carolina
-A town in Queensland, Australia
-A town in South Carolina
-A town in Wyoming
-A village in Nebraska
-One of three towns in Wisconsin
-The capital of Mississippi.
-(US) A 20-dollar banknote
-( male name -comes from the last names language-) transferred from the last name.
-(last name British patronymic -comes from the language-)
-(w Andrew Jackson), President of the United States (1829-1837).