
Colors Related to this Name: Purple, Lilac, Mavve

Qualities Related to this Name: Creative, Light-Hearted

Popularity: This is a very popular name in the US. Ranking #1038 in 2013 and #1063 in 2014.


In English

Origin: From a Middle English feminine form of John, from Old French Jehane; sometimes considered Scottish.


-An unincorporated community in Nevada

-( female name -comes from the Hebrew language-).

-( male name -comes from the Hebrew language-)

-(last name)

In French

Origin: From Old French Jehan, from Latin Iohannes, from Ancient Greek Ἰωάννης ‎(Iōánnēs), from Hebrew יוחנן ‎(Yôḥānān, “Yahweh is gracious”).


-John (biblical character).

-( male name), traditionally very popular in France, also common as the first part of hyphenated first names.

In Limburgish

Origin: From French.


-( male name).

In Norman

Origin: From Old French Jehan, from Latin Iohannes, from Ancient Greek Ἰωάννης ‎(Iōánnēs), from Hebrew יוחנן ‎(Yôḥānān, “Yahweh is gracious”).


-( male name -jer), equivalent to French (Jean) and English (John).