
Colors Related to this Name: Green, Cream

Qualities Related to this Name: Diplomatic, Sensitive

Popularity: This is a very popular name in the US. Ranking #107 in 2013 and #111 in 2014.


In English

Origin: From Latin Iēsus, from Ancient Greek Ἰησοῦς ‎(Iēsoûs), from Hebrew יֵשׁוּעַ ‎(yeshúa'). The Greek texts makes no distinction between Jesus and Joshua, referring to them both as Ἰησοῦς ‎(Iēsoûs). The Latin Vulgate is likely the earliest to make a distinction, referring to Jesus as Iēsus and Joshua as Iosue.


-A Christian savior.

-An artistic representation of a Christian savior.

-An expletive, the use of which is considered blasphemous among some Christians.

-Jesus of Nazareth. the son of God in Christianity.

-( male name -comes from the Spanish language-) in Spanish culture; an anglicized spelling of (Jesús).

In Spanish

Origin: From Latin I?sus, from Ancient Greek ?????? ?(I?soûs), from Hebrew Yeshúa.


-A male name, traditionally popular in Spanish-spesimilarg countries.

In German


-(Christianity) (l en Jesus)

In Afrikaans

Origin: From Dutch Jezus.



In Norwegian



In Portuguese

Origin: From Latin Iēsus, from Ancient Greek Ἰησοῦς ‎(Iēsoûs), from Hebrew ישוע ‎(y'hoshúa).


-(Christianity) Jesus Christ

-( male name).