Objects that Start with I

Starting with IC
  1. icbm
  2. ice
  3. iceberg
  4. iceboat
  5. icebox
  6. icebreaker
  7. icecap
  8. icefall
  9. icehouse
  10. icepick
  11. icetray
  12. icon
  13. iconography
  14. iconoscope

Starting with ID
  1. idol

Starting with IE
  1. ied

Starting with IG
  1. igloo
  2. iglu
  3. igniter
  4. ignition
  5. ignitor
  6. iguassu
  7. iguazu

Starting with IJ
  1. ijssel
  2. ijsselmeer

Starting with IK
  1. ikon

Starting with IL
  1. illampu
  2. illimani
  3. illumination
  4. illustration
  5. ilmen

Starting with IM
  1. image
  2. imaret
  3. imbrication
  4. imitation
  5. immunogen
  6. immunosuppressant
  7. immunosuppressive
  8. immunosuppressor
  9. impairer
  10. impasse
  11. impediment
  12. impedimenta
  13. impeller
  14. imperial
  15. implant
  16. implement
  17. import
  18. importation
  19. impost
  20. impression
  21. impressionism
  22. imprint
  23. improver
  24. improvisation

Starting with IN
  1. incendiary
  2. incinerator
  3. incline
  4. inclinometer
  5. inclusion
  6. incrustation
  7. incubator
  8. incumbrance
  9. indiaman
  10. indicator
  11. indigirka
  12. inductance
  13. inductor
  14. indument
  15. indumentum
  16. indus
  17. inessential
  18. infield
  19. infirmary
  20. inflater
  21. inflator
  22. infrastructure
  23. inglenook
  24. ingot
  25. ingrowth
  26. inhalant
  27. inhalation
  28. inhalator
  29. inhaler
  30. injector
  31. inkle
  32. inkpad
  33. inkpot
  34. inkstand
  35. inkwell
  36. inlay
  37. inlet
  38. inn
  39. innersole
  40. innovation
  41. input
  42. insert
  43. inset
  44. insole
  45. inspiration
  46. installation
  47. instep
  48. instillator
  49. institution
  50. instrument
  51. instrumentality
  52. instrumentation
  53. intaglio
  54. intake
  55. integrator
  56. intelnet
  57. interceptor
  58. interchange
  59. intercom
  60. interface
  61. interference
  62. interferometer
  63. interferon
  64. interlayer
  65. interlock
  66. intermixture
  67. internet
  68. interphone
  69. interrupter
  70. intersection
  71. interstate
  72. interstice
  73. intranet
  74. intrenchment
  75. intrusion
  76. invention
  77. inventory
  78. inverter
  79. invigorator

Starting with IO
  1. io
  2. iodine
  3. iodochlorhydroxyquin
  4. iodoform
  5. iol
  6. ion

Starting with IP
  1. ipecac
  2. ipod
  3. iproclozide
  4. ipv

Starting with IR
  1. iris
  2. iron
  3. ironclad
  4. ironmonger
  5. ironmongery
  6. irons
  7. ironware
  8. ironwork
  9. ironworks
  10. irrawaddy
  11. irregular
  12. irtish
  13. irtysh

Starting with IS
  1. isere
  2. island
  3. isle
  4. islet
  5. isoflurane
  6. issue
  7. isthmus

Starting with IT
  1. item

Starting with IV
  1. ivp

Starting with IZ
  1. izar

Objects that Start with I

There are many objects in the world. Some we use every day. An example would be, clothing. And things made of plastic. Even the furniture in homes. And let’s not forget about electronics. Continue reading the following the section to learn more about the different objects.


Clothing that start with I


Izar -a voluminous cotton outer garment (usually white) traditionally worn by Muslim women of northern Africa and the Middle East; covers the entire body.


The Muslim women were on a riot and strongly believed that they should be allowed to wear other types of clothing besides an izar.


Electronics that start with I

Ipod – (trademark) a pocket-sized device used to play music files.

After the kid bought his ipod, he immediately started to download music onto it.


Plastics that start with I

Icetray – a tray for making cubes of ice in a refrigerator.

When the ice maker in the freezer stopped working, the family had to buy icetrays to make ice.


IUD -contraceptive device consisting of a piece of bent plastic or metal that is inserted through the vagina into the uterus.

The lady didn’t want birth control pills, so the doctors recommended an iud.


IOL -a clear plastic lens that is implanted in the eye; usually done when the natural lens has been removed in a cataract operation.


Having the cataract removed from his eye, the man was given the IOL to replace it.