Places that Start with U

Starting with U.
  1. u.k.
  2. u.s.a.

Starting with UG
  1. uganda

Starting with UK
  1. uk
  2. ukraine
  3. ukrayina

Starting with UL
  1. ulaanbaatar
  2. ulan bator
  3. ulster
  4. ultima thule

Starting with UM
  1. umbria

Starting with UN
  1. underbelly
  2. underside
  3. undersurface
  4. union
  5. union of burma
  6. united arab emirates
  7. united arab republic
  8. united kingdom
  9. united mexican states
  10. united states
  11. unknown
  12. unknown region

Starting with UP
  1. upper egypt
  2. upper limit
  3. upper side
  4. upper volta
  5. uppsala
  6. upsala
  7. upside
  8. uptown

Starting with UR
  1. ur
  2. urban area
  3. urban center
  4. urban sprawl
  5. urbana
  6. urga
  7. urmia
  8. uruguay

Starting with US
  1. us
  2. usa
  3. uskub
  4. ussr
  5. usumbura

Starting with UT
  1. ut
  2. ut.
  3. utah
  4. utica
  5. utrecht
  6. uttar pradesh

Starting with UZ
  1. uzbek
  2. uzbekistan

Places that Start with U

The following sections will present several places that start with U that are found all around the world.

Places in Africa that start with U

Uganda: a landlocked republic in eastern Africa; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1962.

Places in Europe that start with U

Ukraine: a republic in southeastern Europe; formerly a European soviet; the center of the original Russian state which came into existence in the ninth century.

Places in Asia that start with U

uzbekistan: a landlocked republic in west central Asia; formerly an Asian soviet.