Starting with NA
- nabalus
- nabalus alba
- nabalus serpentarius
- naboom
- nagami
- nagami kumquat
- nageia
- nageia nagi
- nagi
- naiad
- naiad family
- naiadaceae
- naiadales
- naias
- nailrod
- najadaceae
- najas
- naked lady
- nakedwood
- nameko
- napa
- napaea
- napaea dioica
- naples garlic
- naranjilla
- narcissus
- narcissus jonquilla
- narcissus papyraceus
- nardo
- nardoo
- narrow beech fern
- narrow goldenrod
- narrowhead morel
- narthecium
- narthecium americanum
- narthecium ossifragum
- nasturtium
- nasturtium amphibium
- nasturtium family
- nasturtium officinale
- natal plum
- native beech
- native cranberry
- native fuchsia
- native holly
- native orange
- native pear
- native pomegranate
- nauclea
- nauclea diderrichii
Starting with NE
- nebraska fern
- necklace poplar
- necklace tree
- nectarine
- nectarine tree
- nectary
- needle
- needle bush
- needle furze
- needle palm
- needle rush
- needle spike rush
- needle wood
- needlebush
- needlewood
- neem
- neem seed
- neem tree
- nelumbo
- nelumbo lutea
- nelumbo nucifera
- nelumbonaceae
- nemophila
- nemophila aurita
- nemophila maculata
- nemophila menziesii
- neohygrophorus
- neolentinus
- neolentinus ponderosus
- neophyte
- nepal trumpet flower
- nepenthaceae
- nepenthes
- nepeta
- nepeta cataria
- nepeta hederaceae
- nephelium
- nephelium lappaceum
- nephelium litchi
- nephelium longana
- nephelium mutabile
- nephrolepis
- nephrolepis exaltata
- nephrolepis pectinata
- nephthytis
- nephthytis afzelii
- nerium
- nerium oleander
- nerveroot
- nervure
- netted melon
- nettle
- nettle family
- nettle tree
- nettleleaf goosefoot
- neurospora
- new caledonian pine
- new caledonian yew
- new england aster
- new york aster
- new york fern
- new zealand beech
- new zealand cotton
- new zealand dacryberry
- new zealand daisybush
- new zealand spinach
- new zealand white pine
- new zealand wine berry
Starting with NI
- nicandra
- nicandra physaloides
- nicker nut
- nicker seed
- nicotiana
- nicotiana alata
- nicotiana glauca
- nicotiana rustica
- nicotiana tabacum
- nidularia
- nidulariaceae
- nidulariales
- nierembergia
- nierembergia frutescens
- nierembergia repens
- nierembergia rivularis
- nigella
- nigella damascena
- nigella hispanica
- nigella sativa
- night jasmine
- night jessamine
- nightshade
- nigroporus
- nigroporus vinosus
- nim tree
- nimble will
- nimblewill
- nipa
- nipa fruticans
- nipa palm
- nitta tree
- nitweed
Starting with NO
- noble cane
- nodding groundsel
- nodding onion
- nodding thistle
- nodding wild onion
- node
- nodule
- nolina
- nolina microcarpa
- nonesuch clover
- nonflowering plant
- nonvascular organism
- nonvascular plant
- nootka cypress
- nopal
- nopalea
- norfolk island pine
- north island edelweiss
- northern bedstraw
- northern beech fern
- northern dewberry
- northern dune tansy
- northern holly fern
- northern oak fern
- northern pin oak
- northern pitch pine
- northern red oak
- northern snow bedstraw
- northern white cedar
- northern woodsia
- norway maple
- norway spruce
- nothofagus
- nothofagus cuninghamii
- nothofagus dombeyi
- nothofagus menziesii
- nothofagus obliqua
- nothofagus procera
- nothofagus solanderi
- nothofagus truncata
Starting with NU
- nucellus
- nuphar
- nuphar advena
- nuphar lutea
- nuphar sagittifolium
- nut
- nut grass
- nut pine
- nut sedge
- nut tree
- nutgrass
- nutlet
- nutmeg
- nutmeg family
- nutmeg flower
- nutmeg geranium
- nutmeg hickory
- nutmeg melon
- nutmeg tree
- nutsedge
- nutshell
- nuttall oak
- nuytsia
- nuytsia floribunda
Starting with NY
Plants that Start with N
When people see flowers or trees they just think about them as “pretty flowers” or “tall trees.” The following nouns show plants, trees and herbs that start with the letter “N.”
Herbs that start with N
Nepeta cataria: hairy aromatic perennial herb having whorls of small white purple-spotted flowers in a terminal spike; used in the past as a domestic remedy; strongly attractive to cats.
– Liquid extracted from Nepeta Cataria relieves some digestive conditions such as nausea and colics.
Nigella Sativa: herb of the Mediterranean region having pungent seeds used like those of caraway.
– The nigella saliva properties include digestive, diuretic, purgative, parasiticide, among some others.
Nightshade: any of numerous shrubs or herbs or vines of the genus Solanum; most are poisonous though many bear edible fruit.
– Immature berries and foliage from the nightshade are toxic. Although ripe fruit is edible.
North Island edelweiss: perennial herb closely resembling European edelweiss; New Zealand.
– The north island edelweiss blooms little pretty white flowers.
Northern Jacob’s ladder: perennial erect herb with white flowers; circumboreal.
– The northern Jacob’s ladder is used in potpourri and as a black dye.
Flowers that start with N
Narcissus: bulbous plant having erect, linear leaves and showy yellow or white flowers either solitary or in clusters.
– The narcissus was used as a perfume in India.
Needle furze: prickly yellow-flowered shrub of the moors of New England and Europe.
– The needle furze got it name from the thorns on its stem.
Nemophila: any plant of the genus Nemophila.
– The Hitachi Seaside Park in Japan is famous for its nemophila flowers or baby blue.
Nerium oleander: an ornamental but poisonous flowering shrub having narrow evergreen leaves and clusters of fragrant white to pink or red flowers: native to East Indies but widely cultivated in warm regions.
– The Nerium oleander can be found all over the world. It has been studied as a cancer treatment.
Nutmeg geranium: geranium with round fragrant leaves and small white flowers.
– Each time I smell the scent of the nutmeg geranium I remember my grandparents home.
Trees that start with N
Nagi: Medium-sized tree having glossy lanceolate leaves; southern China to Taiwan and southern Japan.
– The nagi tree grows blue fruits that look like marbles.
Nakedwood: tree of extreme southern Florida and West Indies having thin scaly bark and aromatic fruits and seeds and yielding hard, heavy close-grained zebrawood. Any of several small to medium-sized trees of Florida and West Indies with thin scaly bark and heavy dark heartwood.
– The forest looks impressive with all the nakedwood trees in there.
Neem: large semi-evergreen tree of the East Indies; trunk exudes a tenacious gum; bitter bark used as a tonic; seeds yield an aromatic oil; sometimes placed in genus Melia.
– The neem trees have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years.
Nicker nut: hard shiny gray seed of a bonduc tree; used for making e.g. jewelry.
– The nicker nut is a climber tree and grows big pods used for jewelry.
Nothofagus: beeches of temperate southern hemisphere except Africa: southern beech.
– The nothofagus are very common trees in Ireland. Though they can be found in other places.
Nut tree: tree bearing edible nuts.
– The almonds from the nut tree are a favorite for baking, especially desserts.
Jungle and swamps that start with N
Najadaceae: monotypic family of aquatic plants having narrow leaves and small flowers.
– My foot got tangled with the Najadaceae while fishing in the pond. I almost fall in the wáter.
Needle Rush: fine-leaved aquatic spike rush; popular as aerator for aquariums.
– The needle rush likes salty water and covers coastal salt and tidal marshes.
Nuphar advena: common water lily of eastern and central North America, having broad leaves and globe-shaped yellow flowers; in sluggish fresh or slightly brackish water.
– She was sitting on the lakeshore surrounded by pretty Nuphar advenas.
Nymphaea odorata: a water lily having large leaves and showy, fragrant flowers that float on the water; of temperate and tropical regions.
– During my stay in Brazil, I saw a beautiful botanic garden. Nymphaeas were floating on the water.