Starting with KA
- kaffir
- kaffir boom
- kaffir bread
- kaffir corn
- kafir corn
- kahikatea
- kaki
- kalantas
- kale
- kali
- kalmia
- kalmia angustifolia
- kalmia latifolia
- kalmia polifolia
- kalumpang
- kanaf
- kangaroo apple
- kangaroo paw
- kaoliang
- kapok
- kapuka
- katharobe
- katsura tree
- kauri
- kauri pine
- kaury
- kawaka
Starting with KE
- keeled garlic
- kei apple
- kei apple bush
- kelpwort
- kenaf
- kennedia
- kennedia coccinea
- kennedia prostrata
- kennedya
- kentan
- kentucky blue
- kentucky bluegrass
- kentucky coffee tree
- kentucky yellowwood
- kentucy blue grass
- kernel
- keteleeria
- ketembilla
- ketembilla tree
- keurboom
- key
- key fruit
- key palm
Starting with KH
Starting with KI
- kiaat
- kidney bean
- kidney begonia
- kidney fern
- kidney vetch
- kidney wort
- kiggelaria
- kiggelaria africana
- killarney fern
- king begonia
- king devil
- king fern
- king nut
- king nut hickory
- king orange
- king protea
- king william pine
- kingcup
- kingdom fungi
- kingfisher daisy
- kingwood
- kingwood tree
- kino
- kino gum
- kirkia
- kirkia wilmsii
- kitambilla
- kittul
- kitul
- kitul tree
- kiwi
- kiwi vine
Starting with KL
Starting with KN
- knapweed
- knawe
- knawel
- knightia
- kniphofia
- kniphofia praecox
- kniphofia uvaria
- knob celery
- knobcone pine
- knotgrass
- knotted marjoram
- knotty pine
Starting with KO
- kochia
- kochia scoparia
- koellia
- kohleria
- kohlrabi
- kola
- kola nut
- kola nut tree
- kolkwitzia
- kolkwitzia amabilis
- konini
- korean lawn grass
- korean lespedeza
- korean velvet grass
- kosteletzya
- kosteletzya virginica
- kowhai
Starting with KR
Starting with KU
Starting with KW
Plants that Start with K
Herbs, plants, and trees are widespread around the globe, in this section we will show you many other plants that start with K.
Herbs that start with K
Kosteletzkya: small genus of herbs of southeastern United States and tropical America and Africa.
– The kosteletzkya family includes thirty species around the world.
Krigia Bulbosa: small yellow-flowered herb resembling dandelions of central and southeastern United States.
– The flowers of the krigia bulbs look like yellow dandelions.
Flowers that start with K
Kalmia Polifolia: Laurel of bogs of northwestern United States having small purple flowers and pale leaves that are glaucous beneath.
– Despite its beautiful flowers, the Kalmia polifolia foliage is poisonous to animals.
Kangaroo Apple: Australian annual sometimes cultivated for its racemes of purple flowers and edible yellow egg-shaped fruit.
– The kangaroo apple flowers are very pretty, but its fruit is toxic until ripe.
Kangaroo paw: sedgelike spring-flowering herb having clustered flowers covered with wooly hairs; Australia.
– Love how the kangaroo paw flowers grow around the park near my house. Their bright red color always cheer me up.
Klammath Weed: yellow-flowered perennial common in fields and waste places but a weed in rangelands.
– The plant is poisonous to livestock, but the klammath weed flowers are beautiful.
Trees that start with K
Kaki: small deciduous Asiatic tree bearing large red or orange edible astringent fruit.
-It’s known that kaki trees are native to Asia, but you can also find them in California and Europe. The kaki tree is also known as Persimmon.
Kalantas: Philippine timber tree has hard red fragrant wood.
– The wood of Kalantas tree is used to make furniture, musical instruments, and carving.
Kalumpang: large tree of Old World tropics having foul-smelling orange-red blossoms followed by red pods enclosing oil-rich seeds sometimes used as food.
– Kalumpang trees are tall with a woody rounded pod as fruits.
Kapok: massive tropical tree with deep ridges on its massive trunk and bearing large pods of seeds covered with silky floss; source of the silky kapok fiber.
– The kapok tree has too many uses from carvings and coffins to soaps made with his oils in seeds.
King Orange: large citrus tree has large sweet deep orange fruit that is easily peeled; widely cultivated in Florida.
– Walking along the river we saw many king oranges. My little brother picked some fruits.