Starting with PA
- pa
- pacemaker
- pachouli
- pacific
- pacifier
- pack
- package
- packet
- packinghouse
- packsack
- packsaddle
- packthread
- pad
- padding
- paddle
- paddlewheel
- paddock
- padlock
- pager
- pagoda
- pail
- paillasse
- painkiller
- paint
- paintball
- paintbox
- paintbrush
- painter
- paisley
- pajama
- palace
- palaestra
- palankeen
- palanquin
- pale
- paleolith
- palestra
- palette
- paling
- palisade
- pall
- pallas
- pallasite
- pallet
- pallette
- palliasse
- palliative
- pallium
- pan
- panacea
- panache
- panama
- panatela
- pane
- panel
- paneling
- panelling
- panetela
- panetella
- panga
- pangaea
- pangea
- panhandle
- pannier
- pannikin
- panopticon
- panorama
- panpipe
- pant
- pantaloon
- pantechnicon
- pantheon
- pantograph
- pantry
- pants
- pantsuit
- pantyhose
- panzer
- paper
- paperback
- paperclip
- paperknife
- paperweight
- para
- parachute
- paramagnet
- parana
- parang
- parapet
- paraphernalia
- parasail
- parasol
- parcel
- paregoric
- parer
- pargetry
- paring
- park
- parka
- parkway
- parlor
- parlour
- parnahiba
- parnaiba
- parnassus
- parquet
- parqueterie
- parquetry
- parsonage
- part
- parterre
- parthenon
- particle
- partisan
- partition
- partizan
- parvis
- paseo
- pass
- passage
- passageway
- passementerie
- passkey
- pastiche
- pasty
- patch
- patchboard
- patchcord
- patchouli
- patchouly
- patchwork
- paternoster
- path
- pathway
- patina
- patio
- patisserie
- patka
- patten
- pattern
- pave
- pavement
- pavilion
- pavior
- paviour
- pavis
- pavise
- pavo
- pawl
- pawn
- pawnshop
- payload
Starting with PD
Starting with PE
- peacekeeper
- peacemaker
- peacoat
- peag
- peak
- peavey
- peavy
- pebble
- pecos
- pectoral
- peculiarity
- pedal
- pedestal
- pedicab
- pediment
- pedometer
- peeler
- peen
- peephole
- peg
- pegasus
- pegboard
- pegleg
- peignoir
- pel
- pelham
- pelisse
- pellet
- pelmet
- pelvimeter
- pen
- pencil
- pendant
- pendent
- pendulum
- peneplain
- peneplane
- penicillin
- peninsula
- penitentiary
- penknife
- penlight
- penn
- pennant
- pennon
- pennoncel
- pennoncelle
- pennsylvania
- pennywhistle
- penobscot
- penoncel
- penstock
- pentagon
- pentamethylenetetrazol
- penthouse
- pentimento
- pentode
- pentylenetetrazol
- peplos
- peplum
- peplus
- perambulator
- percale
- perch
- percolator
- percussor
- perejil
- perforation
- perfume
- perfumery
- pergola
- peripheral
- periscope
- peristyle
- periwig
- permafrost
- perpendicular
- perseus
- peruke
- pessary
- pesthouse
- pestle
- petard
- petrifaction
- petticoat
- pew
- peyote
Starting with PH
- phaeton
- pharmaceutic
- pharmaceutical
- pharmacopoeia
- pharmacy
- pharos
- phenacetin
- phencyclidine
- pheniramine
- phenobarbital
- phenobarbitone
- phenolphthalein
- phenylacetamide
- phenylephrine
- phenylpropanolamine
- phenyltoloxamine
- phial
- phlebogram
- phobos
- phoenix
- phone
- phonograph
- phosphorus
- photo
- photocathode
- photocell
- photocoagulator
- photocopier
- photocopy
- photoelectron
- photoengraving
- photoflash
- photoflood
- photograph
- photogravure
- photolithograph
- photometer
- photomicrograph
- photomontage
- photomosaic
- photon
- photosphere
- photostat
- phrontistery
- physic
Starting with PI
- pi
- piano
- pianoforte
- pianola
- pibgorn
- pic
- piccolo
- pick
- pickax
- pickaxe
- pickelhaube
- picket
- picot
- pictor
- picture
- piece
- piedmont
- pier
- pieta
- piezometer
- pig
- pigboat
- pigeonhole
- piggery
- pigment
- pigpen
- pigsty
- pike
- pikestaff
- pilaster
- pile
- piling
- pill
- pillar
- pillbox
- pillion
- pillory
- pillow
- pillowcase
- pilocarpine
- pilot
- pilothouse
- pimlico
- pimozide
- pin
- pinafore
- pinata
- pincer
- pincushion
- pinetum
- pinfold
- ping
- pinger
- pinhead
- pinhole
- pinion
- pinnace
- pinnacle
- pinner
- pinny
- pinpoint
- pinprick
- pinstripe
- pintle
- pinwheel
- piolet
- pion
- pipage
- pipe
- pipefitting
- pipeline
- piperazine
- piperocaine
- pipet
- pipette
- pipework
- pique
- pirate
- pirogue
- piscary
- pisces
- pissis
- piste
- pistol
- piston
- pit
- pitcher
- pitchfork
- pitfall
- pithead
- piton
- pitot
- pitprop
- pitsaw
- pivot
- pix
- pixel
- pizzeria
Starting with PL
- placebo
- placer
- placket
- plage
- plaid
- plain
- plait
- plan
- planchet
- planchette
- plane
- planer
- planet
- planetarium
- planetesimal
- planetoid
- planimeter
- planner
- plant
- plantation
- planter
- plaque
- plasmid
- plaster
- plasterboard
- plasterwork
- plastique
- plastron
- plat
- plate
- plateau
- platen
- platform
- platte
- plattensee
- platter
- playback
- playbox
- playground
- playhouse
- playpen
- playroom
- playsuit
- plaything
- plaza
- pleat
- plectron
- plectrum
- pleiades
- plenum
- plessimeter
- plessor
- plethysmograph
- pleximeter
- plexor
- pliers
- plimsoll
- plinth
- plotter
- plough
- ploughland
- ploughshare
- plow
- plowland
- plowshare
- plug
- plugboard
- plughole
- plumb
- plume
- plummet
- plunger
- plush
- pluto
- pluviometer
- ply
- plyboard
- plyers
- plywood
Starting with PN
Starting with PO
- po
- poacher
- pob
- pocketbook
- pocketcomb
- pocketknife
- pod
- podium
- point
- pointel
- pointer
- pointillism
- pointrel
- poke
- poker
- pokey
- poky
- polarimeter
- polaris
- polariscope
- polder
- pole
- poleax
- poleaxe
- polestar
- polisher
- pollux
- polonaise
- polychrome
- polyester
- polygraph
- polymyxin
- polynya
- pomade
- pomatum
- pommel
- pompon
- poncho
- pond
- pongee
- poniard
- pontifical
- pontoon
- pony
- ponycart
- pool
- poolroom
- poorhouse
- popgun
- poplin
- popper
- poppet
- porcelain
- porch
- porkpie
- porringer
- port
- portable
- portage
- portal
- portcullis
- portfolio
- porthole
- portico
- portiere
- portion
- portmanteau
- portrait
- portrayal
- positioner
- positive
- positron
- post
- postbag
- postbox
- postern
- posthole
- posthouse
- postiche
- postmodernism
- posy
- pot
- potbelly
- potentiometer
- potholder
- pothole
- pothook
- pothouse
- potomac
- potpourri
- potsherd
- pottery
- pottle
- potty
- pouch
- pouf
- pouffe
- poultice
- pound
- pounder
- powder
- powderpuff
- powerboat
- powerhouse
- poyang
Starting with PR
- praetorium
- pram
- precipice
- precipitator
- predictor
- prefab
- presbytery
- prescription
- presentation
- preserver
- presidio
- press
- pressor
- pretorium
- preventative
- preventive
- pricker
- pricket
- primaquine
- primary
- primer
- primitivism
- primus
- prince albert
- princeton
- printer
- prion
- priory
- prism
- prison
- privateer
- privy
- prize
- probe
- probenecid
- procarbazine
- processor
- prochlorperazine
- proctoscope
- procyon
- prod
- product
- production
- projectile
- projection
- projector
- prolonge
- promenade
- promontory
- prompter
- prong
- proof
- prop
- propeller
- propellor
- property
- propjet
- proscenium
- prosthesis
- protection
- proteosome
- proton
- protractor
- protriptyline
- prow
- proxima
- pruner
- pry
Starting with PS
Starting with PT
Starting with PU
- pub
- public square
- puck
- puddle
- puff
- pull
- pullback
- pulley
- pullman
- pullover
- pulp
- pulpit
- pulsar
- pump
- punch
- punchball
- punchboard
- puncher
- punching bag
- puncture
- pung
- punkah
- punnet
- punt
- puppet
- puppis
- purdah
- purgative
- purifier
- purl
- purple
- purse
- purus
- push
- pushcart
- pushchair
- pusher
- pushpin
- puttee
- putter
- puzzle
Starting with PY
Objects that Start with P
Common objects are around us in our daily lives and sometimes we don’t even think about their names. Here is a list of some useful nouns that start with the letter P.
Furniture that starts with P
Pelmet: a decorative framework to conceal curtain fixtures at the top of a window casing.
– I would like to replace the living room pelmets. They are old-fashioned.
Pillow: a cushion to support the head of a sleeping person.
– Mia chose some colorful pillows for her bedroom.
Planter: a decorative pot for houseplants.
– The planters in the driveway hold tall bamboo trees.
Pool room: a room with pool tables where pool is played.
– Finally, my husband is getting his pool room. That will be his man’s cave.
Clothing that start with P
Paisley: a soft wool fabric with a colorful swirled pattern of curved shapes.
– I love this paisley fabric. I may sew a couple of pillows.
Pajama: (usually plural) loose-fitting nightclothes worn for sleeping or lounging; have a jacket top and trousers. A pair of loose trousers tied by a drawstring around the waist; worn by men and women in some Asian countries.
– Sunday is my favorite day. I spend the whole day in my pajamas.
Pantsuit: a pair of pants and a matching jacket worn by women.
– Stephanie wears pantsuits to work each day of the week.
Peignoir: a loose dressing gown for women.
– This peignoir is so comfy! My mother gave it to me on Christmas.
Pinny: a sleeveless dress resembling an apron; worn over other clothing.
– I remember my granny always wearing a pinny. She was all dressed up but still wearing her pinny.
Electronic objects that start with P
Pacemaker: an implanted electronic device that takes over the function of the natural cardiac pacemaker.
– John needed a pacemaker. He is so young but at least it would save his life.
Phonograph: machine in which rotating records cause a stylus to vibrate, and the vibrations are amplified acoustically or electronically.
– Mrs. Robinson has a phonograph collection. One of them looks like a flower.
Photocopier: a copier that uses photographic methods of making copies.
– They have been asking for the photocopier for a few months now. It would make their job easier.
Polisher: a power tool used to buff surfaces.
– When I was a kid, I liked to climb on the polisher machine and go around the hallways while mom polished the floors. It was too much fun!
Plastic objects that start with P
Pacifier: device used for an infant to suck or bite on. Anything that serves to pacify.
– I think the baby doesn’t like the pacifier. He keeps spitting it out of his mouth.
Pipage: a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc..
– Water is leaking from the pipage under the sink. I should give the plumber a call.
Plaster: adhesive tape used in dressing wounds. A medical dressing consisting of a soft heated mass of meal or clay that is spread on a cloth and applied to the skin to treat inflamed areas or improve circulation etc..
– The nurse brings some cartoon plasters for the kids. They don’t have complaints about wearing them.
Playbox: a box of a child’s toys and personal things (especially at a boarding school).
– Lucas always takes out all his toys from the playbox. Then he doesn’t put them back in.
Poke: a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer’s purchases.
-People are changing from plastic pokes to paper ones. People are getting more conscious about pollution.