Objects that Start with T

Starting with TA
  1. tab
  2. tabard
  3. tabernacle
  4. tabi
  5. tabis
  6. table
  7. tablecloth
  8. tablefork
  9. tableland
  10. tablespoon
  11. tablet
  12. tabletop
  13. tableware
  14. tabor
  15. taboret
  16. tabour
  17. tabouret
  18. tabulator
  19. tach
  20. tacheometer
  21. tachistoscope
  22. tachograph
  23. tachometer
  24. tachymeter
  25. tack
  26. tacker
  27. tackle
  28. taenia
  29. taffeta
  30. taffrail
  31. tag
  32. tagus
  33. tail
  34. tailboard
  35. tailcoat
  36. tailfin
  37. tailgate
  38. taillight
  39. tailpiece
  40. tailpipe
  41. tailplane
  42. tailrace
  43. tails
  44. tailstock
  45. takakkaw
  46. talaria
  47. talcum
  48. talisman
  49. tallapoosa
  50. tallis
  51. tallith
  52. talus
  53. tam
  54. tambour
  55. tambourine
  56. tammy
  57. tamoxifen
  58. tamp
  59. tamper
  60. tampion
  61. tampon
  62. tandem
  63. tandoor
  64. tanganyika
  65. tangency
  66. tangle
  67. tangram
  68. tank
  69. tanka
  70. tankard
  71. tanker
  72. tannery
  73. tannoy
  74. tap
  75. tapa
  76. tape
  77. tapeline
  78. taper
  79. tapestry
  80. taphouse
  81. taping
  82. tapis
  83. tappa
  84. tappet
  85. taproom
  86. tarboosh
  87. tare
  88. target
  89. tarmac
  90. tarmacadam
  91. tarn
  92. tarot
  93. tarp
  94. tarpaulin
  95. tartan
  96. tartar
  97. tasse
  98. tassel
  99. tasset
  100. tatter
  101. tattoo
  102. tauon
  103. taurus
  104. tavern
  105. taw
  106. tawse
  107. taxi
  108. taxicab
  109. taximeter
  110. taxiway

Starting with TC
  1. tchotchke

Starting with TE
  1. teacart
  2. teacup
  3. teahouse
  4. teakettle
  5. teapot
  6. tear
  7. tearoom
  8. teaser
  9. teashop
  10. teaspoon
  11. technical
  12. technology
  13. teddy
  14. tee
  15. teepee
  16. teeter
  17. teeterboard
  18. teetertotter
  19. teetotum
  20. telamon
  21. telegraph
  22. telegraphy
  23. telemeter
  24. telephone
  25. telephoto
  26. telephotograph
  27. teleprinter
  28. telescope
  29. telescopium
  30. telethermometer
  31. teletypewriter
  32. television
  33. telex
  34. telfer
  35. telferage
  36. telly
  37. telpher
  38. telpherage
  39. tempera
  40. temple
  41. ten
  42. tender
  43. tenement
  44. tenia
  45. tennessee
  46. tenon
  47. tenoroon
  48. tenpin
  49. tensimeter
  50. tensiometer
  51. tent
  52. tenter
  53. tenterhook
  54. tepee
  55. teratogen
  56. term
  57. terminal
  58. terminus
  59. terrace
  60. terrarium
  61. terry
  62. terrycloth
  63. tessella
  64. tessera
  65. tester
  66. testiere
  67. testudo
  68. tether
  69. tetracaine
  70. tetrachlorethylene
  71. tetrachloroethylene
  72. tetracycline
  73. tetrahydrocannabinol
  74. tetraskele
  75. tetraskelion
  76. tetrode
  77. tevere
  78. textile

Starting with TH
  1. thalidomide
  2. thames
  3. thatch
  4. theater
  5. theatre
  6. theodolite
  7. therapeutic
  8. theremin
  9. thermel
  10. thermion
  11. thermistor
  12. thermocouple
  13. thermograph
  14. thermogravimeter
  15. thermohydrometer
  16. thermojunction
  17. thermometer
  18. thermometrograph
  19. thermopile
  20. thermoregulator
  21. thermos
  22. thermosphere
  23. thermostat
  24. thiabendazole
  25. thiazide
  26. thill
  27. thimble
  28. thingamabob
  29. thingamajig
  30. thingmabob
  31. thingmajig
  32. thingumabob
  33. thingumajig
  34. thingummy
  35. thioguanine
  36. thiotepa
  37. third
  38. thole
  39. tholepin
  40. thong
  41. thoroughfare
  42. thrasher
  43. thread
  44. threader
  45. threads
  46. three
  47. thresher
  48. threshold
  49. thriftshop
  50. throat
  51. thrombolytic
  52. throne
  53. throstle
  54. throttle
  55. throughput
  56. throughway
  57. throw
  58. thruster
  59. thruway
  60. thumb
  61. thumbhole
  62. thumbnut
  63. thumbscrew
  64. thumbstall
  65. thumbtack
  66. thunder
  67. thundercloud
  68. thunderer
  69. thunderhead
  70. thurible
  71. thwart

Starting with TI
  1. tiara
  2. tiber
  3. tick
  4. ticker
  5. ticking
  6. tideland
  7. tidemark
  8. tidewater
  9. tideway
  10. tidy
  11. tie
  12. tieback
  13. tiepin
  14. tier
  15. tightrope
  16. tights
  17. tigris
  18. tile
  19. till
  20. tillage
  21. tiller
  22. tilter
  23. tilth
  24. timber
  25. timberland
  26. timbrel
  27. timecard
  28. timekeeper
  29. timepiece
  30. timer
  31. timpani
  32. tin
  33. tincture
  34. tinderbox
  35. tine
  36. tinfoil
  37. tinplate
  38. tinsel
  39. tinsnips
  40. tintack
  41. tintometer
  42. tinware
  43. tipi
  44. tipper
  45. tippet
  46. tire
  47. tirolean
  48. titan
  49. titfer
  50. titrator

Starting with TO
  1. toaster
  2. toastrack
  3. tobacco
  4. tobacconist
  5. toboggan
  6. toby
  7. tocantins
  8. tocsin
  9. toe
  10. toecap
  11. toehold
  12. toga
  13. toggle
  14. togs
  15. toilet
  16. toiletry
  17. tokamak
  18. token
  19. tolazoline
  20. tole
  21. tollbar
  22. tollbooth
  23. tollgate
  24. tollhouse
  25. tomahawk
  26. tomb
  27. tombigbee
  28. tombstone
  29. tomograph
  30. tompion
  31. toner
  32. tongs
  33. tongue
  34. tonic
  35. tonometer
  36. tool
  37. toolbox
  38. toolhouse
  39. toolshed
  40. tooth
  41. toothbrush
  42. toothpaste
  43. toothpick
  44. toothpowder
  45. top
  46. topcoat
  47. tope
  48. topee
  49. topgallant
  50. tophus
  51. topi
  52. topiary
  53. topknot
  54. topmast
  55. topper
  56. topsail
  57. topside
  58. topv
  59. toque
  60. tor
  61. torch
  62. tore
  63. tormenter
  64. tormentor
  65. tornado
  66. torpedo
  67. torus
  68. total
  69. totalisator
  70. totaliser
  71. totality
  72. totalizator
  73. totalizer
  74. tote
  75. totem
  76. touchscreen
  77. toupe
  78. toupee
  79. tourer
  80. tourniquet
  81. towboat
  82. towel
  83. toweling
  84. towelling
  85. tower
  86. towline
  87. towpath
  88. towrope
  89. toy
  90. toyshop

Starting with TR
  1. trace
  2. tracer
  3. tracery
  4. track
  5. trackball
  6. tractor
  7. trade route
  8. trail
  9. trailer
  10. train
  11. trainer
  12. tram
  13. tramcar
  14. tramline
  15. trammel
  16. trampoline
  17. tramway
  18. tranquilizer
  19. tranquilliser
  20. tranquillizer
  21. transcription
  22. transducer
  23. transept
  24. transformer
  25. transistor
  26. transit
  27. transmission
  28. transmitter
  29. transom
  30. transparency
  31. transponder
  32. transport
  33. transportation
  34. transporter
  35. tranylcypromine
  36. trap
  37. trapeze
  38. trapezium
  39. trapping
  40. trappings
  41. trash
  42. trave
  43. traverse
  44. trawl
  45. trawler
  46. tray
  47. tread
  48. treadle
  49. treadmill
  50. treadwheel
  51. treasure
  52. treasury
  53. trebuchet
  54. trebucket
  55. treenail
  56. trefoil
  57. treillage
  58. trellis
  59. trenail
  60. trench
  61. trencher
  62. trent
  63. trepan
  64. trephine
  65. trestle
  66. trestlework
  67. trews
  68. trey
  69. triangle
  70. triangulum
  71. tribromoethanol
  72. tribune
  73. tributary
  74. trichloromethane
  75. trichobezoar
  76. triclinium
  77. tricolor
  78. tricolour
  79. tricorn
  80. tricorne
  81. tricot
  82. tricycle
  83. tricyclic
  84. trident
  85. trifle
  86. trigger
  87. trigon
  88. triiodomethane
  89. trike
  90. trilby
  91. trim
  92. trimaran
  93. trimmer
  94. trimmings
  95. trinitrotoluene
  96. trinket
  97. triode
  98. trip
  99. triphammer
  100. triplicate
  101. tripod
  102. tripper
  103. triptych
  104. trireme
  105. triskele
  106. triskelion
  107. triton
  108. trivet
  109. trivia
  110. triviality
  111. troika
  112. troll
  113. trolley
  114. trolleybus
  115. trombone
  116. troopship
  117. trophy
  118. tropopause
  119. troposphere
  120. trotline
  121. trough
  122. trouser
  123. trousering
  124. trousers
  125. trousseau
  126. trowel
  127. truck
  128. truckle
  129. trump
  130. trumpery
  131. trumpet
  132. truncheon
  133. trundle
  134. trunk
  135. trunks
  136. trunnel
  137. truss

Starting with TS
  1. tsatske
  2. tshatshke

Starting with TU
  1. tub
  2. tuba
  3. tube
  4. tubeless
  5. tubing
  6. tucana
  7. tuck
  8. tucker
  9. tudung
  10. tuffet
  11. tug
  12. tugboat
  13. tugela
  14. tuileries
  15. tuille
  16. tulle
  17. tumbler
  18. tumbrel
  19. tumbril
  20. tumulus
  21. tun
  22. tundra
  23. tuner
  24. tunguska
  25. tunic
  26. tunnel
  27. tupek
  28. tupik
  29. tupungato
  30. turban
  31. turbine
  32. turbofan
  33. turbogenerator
  34. turbojet
  35. turboprop
  36. tureen
  37. turf
  38. turnaround
  39. turnbuckle
  40. turner
  41. turnery
  42. turnoff
  43. turnout
  44. turnpike
  45. turnspit
  46. turnstile
  47. turntable
  48. turnup
  49. turret
  50. turtle
  51. turtleneck
  52. tutu
  53. tux
  54. tuxedo

Starting with TW
  1. tweed
  2. tweeter
  3. tweezer
  4. twill
  5. twin
  6. twin falls
  7. twine
  8. twinjet
  9. twinkler
  10. two

Starting with TY
  1. tympan
  2. tympani
  3. tympanum
  4. tyne
  5. type
  6. typewriter
  7. tyre
  8. tyrocidin
  9. tyrocidine
  10. tyrolean
  11. tyrothricin

Objects that Start with T

The following is a list that we have put together of objects that start with T.

Furniture that start with T

Table: a set of data arranged in rows and columns.”&CHAR(10)&”-a company of people assembled at a table for a meal or game

  • A table can have multiple purposes, but I normally use it to eat and do my homework.

Clothing that start with T

Tablecloth: a covering spread over a dining table.

  • A Tablecloth can be used to make a table really nice and beautiful.

Electronics that start with T

Telephone: electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sounds.

  • I use my telephone everyday to call my parents from school.