Starting with HA
- hack
- hackee
- hackle
- hackney
- haddock
- hadrosaur
- hadrosauridae
- hadrosaurus
- haematobia
- haematopodidae
- haematopus
- haemopis
- haemoproteid
- haemoproteidae
- haemoproteus
- haemosporidia
- haemosporidian
- haemulidae
- haemulon
- hag
- hagfish
- hair
- hairstreak
- hairtail
- hake
- halcyon
- haldea
- halfbeak
- haliaeetus
- halibut
- halicoeres
- halictidae
- haliotidae
- haliotis
- halobacter
- halobacteria
- halobacterium
- halophil
- halophile
- halter
- haltere
- hamadryad
- haminoea
- hammerhead
- hampshire
- hamster
- hand
- hangbird
- hanuman
- haploid
- haplosporidia
- haplosporidian
- hare
- harpia
- harpy
- harrier
- hart
- hartebeest
- harvestfish
- harvestman
- hatchling
- haunch
- hausen
- hawfinch
- hawk
- hawkbill
- hawkmoth
- hawksbill
Starting with HE
- head
- headfish
- heathfowl
- hedgehog
- heifer
- heleodytes
- helicidae
- heliothis
- heliozoa
- heliozoan
- helix
- hellbender
- helleri
- hellgrammiate
- helminth
- heloderma
- helodermatidae
- hemachatus
- hemerobiid
- hemerobiidae
- hemigalus
- hemigrammus
- hemimetabola
- hemipode
- hemiprocnidae
- hemiptera
- hemipteran
- hemipteron
- hemipteronatus
- hemiramphidae
- hemitripterus
- hen
- herbivore
- hereford
- hermissenda
- heron
- herpes
- herpestes
- herrerasaur
- herrerasaurus
- herring
- hesperiphona
- heterocephalus
- heterodon
- heterokontae
- heterokontophyta
- heteromyidae
- heteroploid
- heteroptera
- heteroscelus
- heterosomata
- heterostracan
- heterostraci
- heterotrichales
- hexagrammidae
- hexagrammos
- hexamita
- hexanchidae
- hexanchus
- hexapod
- hexapoda
Starting with HI
- hide
- himantopus
- hind
- hindfoot
- hindlimb
- hindquarters
- hinny
- hippo
- hippobosca
- hippoboscid
- hippoboscidae
- hippocampus
- hippodamia
- hippoglossoides
- hippoglossus
- hippopotamidae
- hippopotamus
- hipposideridae
- hipposideros
- hippotragus
- hipsurus
- hirudinea
- hirudinean
- hirudinidae
- hirudo
- hirundinidae
- hirundo
- hiv
Starting with HO
- hoactzin
- hoatzin
- hobby
- hog
- hogchoker
- hogfish
- hogg
- hogget
- holbrookia
- holibut
- holocentridae
- holocentrus
- holocephalan
- holocephali
- holocephalian
- holometabola
- holothuria
- holothurian
- holothuridae
- holothuroidea
- holstein
- homaridae
- homarus
- homeotherm
- homer
- hominid
- hominidae
- hominoid
- homoiotherm
- homona
- homoptera
- homopteran
- homotherm
- honeybee
- honeycreeper
- honeysucker
- honker
- hood
- hoof
- hookworm
- hoopoe
- hoopoo
- hooter
- hopper
- horn
- hornbill
- hornet
- hornpout
- horse
- horseback
- horsefish
- horsefly
- horsehead
- horseleech
- host
- hound
- housedog
- howler
Starting with HU
Starting with HY
- hyaena
- hyaenidae
- hyalophora
- hyalospongiae
- hybrid
- hydra
- hydrobates
- hydrobatidae
- hydrochoeridae
- hydrochoerus
- hydrodamalis
- hydroid
- hydromantes
- hydromyinae
- hydromys
- hydrophidae
- hydrozoa
- hydrozoan
- hyemoschus
- hyena
- hyla
- hylactophryne
- hylidae
- hylobates
- hylobatidae
- hylocichla
- hylophylax
- hymenopter
- hymenoptera
- hymenopteran
- hymenopteron
- hynerpeton
- hypentelium
- hypermastigina
- hypermastigote
- hyperoartia
- hyperodontidae
- hyperoglyphe
- hyperoodon
- hyperotreta
- hyphantria
- hypoblast
- hypoderma
- hypodermatidae
- hypodermis
- hypopachus
- hypsiglena
- hypsiprymnodon
- hyracoidea
- hyracotherium
- hyrax
- hystricidae
- hystricomorpha
Animals that Start with H
There are very common animals around the world, and people have learned from them since childhood. But what would you say if you discover there are many animals on the planet whose names start with H ?
Mammals that start with H
Hart: a male deer, especially an adult male red deer.
– Just in the sunset a hart looked his harem far away.
Hedgehog: small nocturnal Old World mammal covered with both hair and protective spines. Relatively large rodents with sharp erectile bristles mingled with the fur.
– The hedgehogs got spines as the only way to protect themselves from predators.
Hippopotamidae: hippopotami.
– There are two living species in the Hippopotamidae family. Both of them are endangered.
Hogg: a sheep up to the age of one year; one yet to be sheared.
– The hoggs pastured in the fields. They will be shear soon.
Hyena: Doglike nocturnal mammal of Africa and southern Asia that feeds chiefly on carrion.
– The spotted hyena runs fast trying to catch its prey.
Hydrochoeridae: capybara.
– The monkeys look silly riding on the hydrochoeridae back.
Reptiles that start with H
Haldea: Ground snakes.
– The haldea is distinguished from its flat head.
Hamadryad: large cobra of southeastern Asia and the East Indies; the largest venomous snake; sometimes placed in genus Naja.
– The hamadryad or King Cobra is the largest venomous snake. I have to say it is impressive.
Holbrookia: earless lizards.
– The little Holbrookia is a cute earless lizard that feeds on insects.
Hydrophidae: sea snakes.
– The hydrophidae is a meter long. It is very dangerous, and its bite is fatal.
Hypsiglena: night snakes.
– Ronald is a wildlife photographer. He shot some great pictures of a Hypsiglena.
Birds that start with H
Harpy: large black-and-white crested eagle of tropical America. Any of various fruit bats of the genus Nyctimene distinguished by nostrils drawn out into diverging tubes.
– The harpy eagle is a magnificent bird. It cab is perch for about twenty hours waiting for a meal.
Heron: gray or white wading bird with long neck and long legs and (usually) long bill.
– Herons are tall and elegant birds that gracefully wades in wetlands.
Hobby: small Old World falcon formerly trained and flown at small birds.
– A group of birdwatchers had the opportunity to see a hobby in its natural environment.
Homer: pigeon trained to return home.
– Homer Pigeons have an innate ability that make them return to their nests.
Hummingbird: tiny American bird having brilliant iridescent plumage and long slender bills; wings are specialized for vibrating flight.
– Each morning a couple of hummingbirds visit my garden. I bet they like my flowers!
Insects and critters that start with H
Haemopis: leeches.
– Haemopis are creepy creatures with their wet skins and no eyes or ears.
Hairstreak: small butterflies having striped markings under the wings.
– The hairstreak loves to feed on aphid honeydew.
Helicidae: land snails including the common edible snail and some pests.
– The little boy put some Helicidae on his hands. They are such cute creatures!
Homopteran: insects having membranous forewings and hind wings.
– There are many species of homopteran. Many insects have forewings and hindwings.
Humblebee: robust, hairy social bee of temperate regions.
– Humblebees make me feel so nervous with their buzzing sound and hairy bodies.