Animals that Start with H

Starting with HA
  1. hack
  2. hackee
  3. hackle
  4. hackney
  5. haddock
  6. hadrosaur
  7. hadrosauridae
  8. hadrosaurus
  9. haematobia
  10. haematopodidae
  11. haematopus
  12. haemopis
  13. haemoproteid
  14. haemoproteidae
  15. haemoproteus
  16. haemosporidia
  17. haemosporidian
  18. haemulidae
  19. haemulon
  20. hag
  21. hagfish
  22. hair
  23. hairstreak
  24. hairtail
  25. hake
  26. halcyon
  27. haldea
  28. halfbeak
  29. haliaeetus
  30. halibut
  31. halicoeres
  32. halictidae
  33. haliotidae
  34. haliotis
  35. halobacter
  36. halobacteria
  37. halobacterium
  38. halophil
  39. halophile
  40. halter
  41. haltere
  42. hamadryad
  43. haminoea
  44. hammerhead
  45. hampshire
  46. hamster
  47. hand
  48. hangbird
  49. hanuman
  50. haploid
  51. haplosporidia
  52. haplosporidian
  53. hare
  54. harpia
  55. harpy
  56. harrier
  57. hart
  58. hartebeest
  59. harvestfish
  60. harvestman
  61. hatchling
  62. haunch
  63. hausen
  64. hawfinch
  65. hawk
  66. hawkbill
  67. hawkmoth
  68. hawksbill

Starting with HE
  1. head
  2. headfish
  3. heathfowl
  4. hedgehog
  5. heifer
  6. heleodytes
  7. helicidae
  8. heliothis
  9. heliozoa
  10. heliozoan
  11. helix
  12. hellbender
  13. helleri
  14. hellgrammiate
  15. helminth
  16. heloderma
  17. helodermatidae
  18. hemachatus
  19. hemerobiid
  20. hemerobiidae
  21. hemigalus
  22. hemigrammus
  23. hemimetabola
  24. hemipode
  25. hemiprocnidae
  26. hemiptera
  27. hemipteran
  28. hemipteron
  29. hemipteronatus
  30. hemiramphidae
  31. hemitripterus
  32. hen
  33. herbivore
  34. hereford
  35. hermissenda
  36. heron
  37. herpes
  38. herpestes
  39. herrerasaur
  40. herrerasaurus
  41. herring
  42. hesperiphona
  43. heterocephalus
  44. heterodon
  45. heterokontae
  46. heterokontophyta
  47. heteromyidae
  48. heteroploid
  49. heteroptera
  50. heteroscelus
  51. heterosomata
  52. heterostracan
  53. heterostraci
  54. heterotrichales
  55. hexagrammidae
  56. hexagrammos
  57. hexamita
  58. hexanchidae
  59. hexanchus
  60. hexapod
  61. hexapoda

Starting with HI
  1. hide
  2. himantopus
  3. hind
  4. hindfoot
  5. hindlimb
  6. hindquarters
  7. hinny
  8. hippo
  9. hippobosca
  10. hippoboscid
  11. hippoboscidae
  12. hippocampus
  13. hippodamia
  14. hippoglossoides
  15. hippoglossus
  16. hippopotamidae
  17. hippopotamus
  18. hipposideridae
  19. hipposideros
  20. hippotragus
  21. hipsurus
  22. hirudinea
  23. hirudinean
  24. hirudinidae
  25. hirudo
  26. hirundinidae
  27. hirundo
  28. hiv

Starting with HO
  1. hoactzin
  2. hoatzin
  3. hobby
  4. hog
  5. hogchoker
  6. hogfish
  7. hogg
  8. hogget
  9. holbrookia
  10. holibut
  11. holocentridae
  12. holocentrus
  13. holocephalan
  14. holocephali
  15. holocephalian
  16. holometabola
  17. holothuria
  18. holothurian
  19. holothuridae
  20. holothuroidea
  21. holstein
  22. homaridae
  23. homarus
  24. homeotherm
  25. homer
  26. hominid
  27. hominidae
  28. hominoid
  29. homoiotherm
  30. homona
  31. homoptera
  32. homopteran
  33. homotherm
  34. honeybee
  35. honeycreeper
  36. honeysucker
  37. honker
  38. hood
  39. hoof
  40. hookworm
  41. hoopoe
  42. hoopoo
  43. hooter
  44. hopper
  45. horn
  46. hornbill
  47. hornet
  48. hornpout
  49. horse
  50. horseback
  51. horsefish
  52. horsefly
  53. horsehead
  54. horseleech
  55. host
  56. hound
  57. housedog
  58. howler

Starting with HU
  1. human
  2. humanity
  3. humblebee
  4. hummingbird
  5. humpback
  6. husky

Starting with HY
  1. hyaena
  2. hyaenidae
  3. hyalophora
  4. hyalospongiae
  5. hybrid
  6. hydra
  7. hydrobates
  8. hydrobatidae
  9. hydrochoeridae
  10. hydrochoerus
  11. hydrodamalis
  12. hydroid
  13. hydromantes
  14. hydromyinae
  15. hydromys
  16. hydrophidae
  17. hydrozoa
  18. hydrozoan
  19. hyemoschus
  20. hyena
  21. hyla
  22. hylactophryne
  23. hylidae
  24. hylobates
  25. hylobatidae
  26. hylocichla
  27. hylophylax
  28. hymenopter
  29. hymenoptera
  30. hymenopteran
  31. hymenopteron
  32. hynerpeton
  33. hypentelium
  34. hypermastigina
  35. hypermastigote
  36. hyperoartia
  37. hyperodontidae
  38. hyperoglyphe
  39. hyperoodon
  40. hyperotreta
  41. hyphantria
  42. hypoblast
  43. hypoderma
  44. hypodermatidae
  45. hypodermis
  46. hypopachus
  47. hypsiglena
  48. hypsiprymnodon
  49. hyracoidea
  50. hyracotherium
  51. hyrax
  52. hystricidae
  53. hystricomorpha

Animals that Start with H

There are very common animals around the world, and people have learned from them since childhood. But what would you say if you discover there are many animals on the planet whose names start with H ?


Mammals that start with H

Hart: a male deer, especially an adult male red deer.

– Just in the sunset a hart looked his harem far away.


Hedgehog: small nocturnal Old World mammal covered with both hair and protective spines. Relatively large rodents with sharp erectile bristles mingled with the fur.

– The hedgehogs got spines as the only way to protect themselves from predators.


Hippopotamidae: hippopotami.

– There are two living species in the Hippopotamidae family. Both of them are endangered.


Hogg: a sheep up to the age of one year; one yet to be sheared.

– The hoggs pastured in the fields. They will be shear soon.


Hyena: Doglike nocturnal mammal of Africa and southern Asia that feeds chiefly on carrion.

– The spotted hyena runs fast trying to catch its prey.

Hydrochoeridae: capybara.

– The monkeys look silly riding on the hydrochoeridae back.


Reptiles that start with H

Haldea: Ground snakes.

– The haldea is distinguished from its flat head.


Hamadryad: large cobra of southeastern Asia and the East Indies; the largest venomous snake; sometimes placed in genus Naja.

– The hamadryad or King Cobra is the largest venomous snake. I have to say it is impressive.


Holbrookia: earless lizards.

– The little Holbrookia is a cute earless lizard that feeds on insects.


Hydrophidae: sea snakes.

– The hydrophidae is a meter long. It is very dangerous, and its bite is fatal.


Hypsiglena: night snakes.

– Ronald is a wildlife photographer. He shot some great pictures of a Hypsiglena.



Birds that start with H

Harpy: large black-and-white crested eagle of tropical America. Any of various fruit bats of the genus Nyctimene distinguished by nostrils drawn out into diverging tubes.

– The harpy eagle is a magnificent bird. It cab is perch for about twenty hours waiting for a meal.


Heron: gray or white wading bird with long neck and long legs and (usually) long bill.

Herons are tall and elegant birds that gracefully wades in wetlands.


Hobby: small Old World falcon formerly trained and flown at small birds.

– A group of birdwatchers had the opportunity to see a hobby in its natural environment.


Homer: pigeon trained to return home.

Homer Pigeons have an innate ability that make them return to their nests.


Hummingbird: tiny American bird having brilliant iridescent plumage and long slender bills; wings are specialized for vibrating flight.

– Each morning a couple of hummingbirds visit my garden. I bet they like my flowers!


Insects and critters that start with H

Haemopis: leeches.

Haemopis are creepy creatures with their wet skins and no eyes or ears.


Hairstreak: small butterflies having striped markings under the wings.

– The hairstreak loves to feed on aphid honeydew.


Helicidae: land snails including the common edible snail and some pests.

– The little boy put some Helicidae on his hands. They are such cute creatures!


Homopteran: insects having membranous forewings and hind wings.

– There are many species of homopteran. Many insects have forewings and hindwings.


Humblebee: robust, hairy social bee of temperate regions.

Humblebees make me feel so nervous with their buzzing sound and hairy bodies.