Objects that Start with B

Starting with BA
  1. babel
  2. babushka
  3. baccy
  4. bacitracin
  5. back
  6. backband
  7. backbench
  8. backboard
  9. backbone
  10. backcloth
  11. backdoor
  12. backdrop
  13. background
  14. backhoe
  15. backlighting
  16. backpack
  17. backplate
  18. backrest
  19. backroom
  20. backsaw
  21. backscratcher
  22. backseat
  23. backspace
  24. backspacer
  25. backstage
  26. backstairs
  27. backstay
  28. backstitch
  29. backstop
  30. backsword
  31. backup
  32. backwater
  33. backyard
  34. bactericide
  35. badlands
  36. baffle
  37. bag
  38. bagatelle
  39. baggage
  40. bagger
  41. bagging
  42. bagnio
  43. bagpipe
  44. baikal
  45. bailey
  46. bait
  47. baize
  48. bakehouse
  49. bakery
  50. bakeshop
  51. balaclava
  52. balalaika
  53. balance
  54. balaton
  55. balbriggan
  56. balcony
  57. baldachin
  58. baldric
  59. baldrick
  60. bale
  61. balk
  62. balkans
  63. ball
  64. ballast
  65. balldress
  66. ballista
  67. ballistocardiograph
  68. balloon
  69. ballpark
  70. ballpen
  71. ballpoint
  72. ballroom
  73. balm
  74. balmoral
  75. balsam
  76. baltic
  77. baluster
  78. balusters
  79. balustrade
  80. band
  81. bandage
  82. bandana
  83. bandanna
  84. bandbox
  85. bandeau
  86. bandelet
  87. bandelette
  88. banderilla
  89. banding
  90. bandlet
  91. bandoleer
  92. bandolier
  93. bandoneon
  94. bandsaw
  95. bandstand
  96. bandwagon
  97. banger
  98. bangle
  99. banian
  100. banister
  101. banjo
  102. bank
  103. banner
  104. bannister
  105. banquette
  106. banyan
  107. baptistery
  108. baptistry
  109. bar
  110. barb
  111. barbacan
  112. barbecue
  113. barbell
  114. barbeque
  115. barbershop
  116. barbette
  117. barbican
  118. barbital
  119. barbitone
  120. barbiturate
  121. barbwire
  122. bard
  123. bareboat
  124. barge
  125. bargello
  126. baritone
  127. bark
  128. barn
  129. barndoor
  130. barnyard
  131. barograph
  132. barometer
  133. barong
  134. barouche
  135. barque
  136. barrack
  137. barrel
  138. barrelhouse
  139. barrette
  140. barretter
  141. barricade
  142. barrier
  143. barroom
  144. barrow
  145. bars
  146. baryon
  147. bascule
  148. base
  149. baseball
  150. baseboard
  151. basement
  152. basic
  153. basilica
  154. basilisk
  155. basin
  156. basinet
  157. basket
  158. basketball
  159. bass
  160. bassinet
  161. bassoon
  162. baste
  163. baster
  164. bastille
  165. bastion
  166. bat
  167. bath
  168. bathhouse
  169. bathometer
  170. bathrobe
  171. bathroom
  172. bathtub
  173. bathymeter
  174. bathyscape
  175. bathyscaph
  176. bathyscaphe
  177. bathysphere
  178. batik
  179. batiste
  180. baton
  181. batten
  182. battery
  183. battledore
  184. battlement
  185. battleship
  186. battlesight
  187. battlewagon
  188. batwing
  189. bauble
  190. baulk
  191. bawdyhouse
  192. bay
  193. baykal
  194. bayonet
  195. bayou
  196. bazaar
  197. bazar
  198. bazooka

Starting with BE
  1. beach
  2. beachball
  3. beachfront
  4. beachwear
  5. beacon
  6. bead
  7. beading
  8. beads
  9. beadwork
  10. beaker
  11. beam
  12. beanbag
  13. beanie
  14. beany
  15. bearing
  16. bearskin
  17. beater
  18. beaver
  19. becket
  20. bed
  21. bedchamber
  22. bedclothes
  23. bedcover
  24. bedding
  25. bedframe
  26. bedlam
  27. bedpan
  28. bedpost
  29. bedrock
  30. bedroll
  31. bedroom
  32. bedsit
  33. bedsitter
  34. bedspread
  35. bedspring
  36. bedstead
  37. beefcake
  38. beehive
  39. beeper
  40. beetle
  41. belay
  42. belfry
  43. bell
  44. belladonna
  45. bellarmine
  46. bellows
  47. bellpull
  48. bellyband
  49. belmont
  50. belsen
  51. belt
  52. beltway
  53. belvedere
  54. bema
  55. ben
  56. bench
  57. bend
  58. bender
  59. bentwood
  60. benzocaine
  61. benzodiazepine
  62. benzylpenicillin
  63. beret
  64. berg
  65. berkshires
  66. berlin
  67. berm
  68. berretta
  69. berth
  70. besom
  71. betatron
  72. betelgeuse
  73. bethel
  74. bevatron
  75. bevel
  76. bezel

Starting with BH
  1. bhang

Starting with BI
  1. bib
  2. bicorn
  3. bicorne
  4. bicycle
  5. bier
  6. bifocals
  7. biggin
  8. bighorn
  9. bight
  10. bijou
  11. bike
  12. bikini
  13. bilestone
  14. bilge
  15. bilges
  16. bill
  17. billabong
  18. billboard
  19. billet
  20. billfold
  21. billhook
  22. billy
  23. billystick
  24. bin
  25. binary
  26. binder
  27. bindery
  28. binnacle
  29. binoculars
  30. bioarm
  31. biochip
  32. biohazard
  33. bioscope
  34. bioweapon
  35. biplane
  36. biprism
  37. birch
  38. birchbark
  39. bird
  40. birdbath
  41. birdcage
  42. birdcall
  43. birdfeeder
  44. birdhouse
  45. birdie
  46. birdnest
  47. biretta
  48. biro
  49. birretta
  50. bishop
  51. bistro
  52. bit
  53. biteplate
  54. bitewing
  55. bitmap
  56. bitstock
  57. bitt
  58. bitthead
  59. bitumastic
  60. bivouac

Starting with BL
  1. black
  2. black hills
  3. blackboard
  4. blackbody
  5. blackface
  6. blackjack
  7. blackwash
  8. bladder
  9. blade
  10. blank
  11. blanket
  12. blazer
  13. blazon
  14. blazonry
  15. bleachers
  16. blender
  17. blimp
  18. blind
  19. blinder
  20. blindfold
  21. blinker
  22. block
  23. blockade
  24. blockage
  25. blockbuster
  26. blocker
  27. blockhouse
  28. bloodmobile
  29. bloomers
  30. blouse
  31. blow
  32. blower
  33. blowgun
  34. blowhole
  35. blowlamp
  36. blowpipe
  37. blowtorch
  38. blucher
  39. bludgeon
  40. blue
  41. blue devil
  42. bluebonnet
  43. blueprint
  44. bluff
  45. blunderbuss
  46. blusher

Starting with BO
  1. boa
  2. board
  3. boardinghouse
  4. boardroom
  5. boards
  6. boardwalk
  7. boat
  8. boater
  9. boathouse
  10. boatyard
  11. bob
  12. bobber
  13. bobbin
  14. bobbysock
  15. bobbysocks
  16. bobfloat
  17. bobsled
  18. bobsleigh
  19. bodega
  20. bodensee
  21. bodice
  22. bodkin
  23. body
  24. bodywork
  25. bog
  26. bogey
  27. bogie
  28. bogy
  29. boiler
  30. boilerplate
  31. boilersuit
  32. bola
  33. bolero
  34. bollard
  35. bolo
  36. bologram
  37. bolograph
  38. bolometer
  39. bolster
  40. bolt
  41. bolus
  42. bomb
  43. bombard
  44. bombardon
  45. bombazine
  46. bomber
  47. bombie
  48. bomblet
  49. bombproof
  50. bombshell
  51. bombsight
  52. bonanza
  53. bond
  54. bones
  55. boneshaker
  56. bonete
  57. bongo
  58. bonnet
  59. book
  60. bookbindery
  61. bookcase
  62. bookend
  63. bookmark
  64. bookmarker
  65. bookmobile
  66. bookshelf
  67. bookshop
  68. bookstall
  69. bookstore
  70. boom
  71. boomerang
  72. booster
  73. boot
  74. bootee
  75. bootes
  76. booth
  77. boothose
  78. bootjack
  79. bootlace
  80. bootleg
  81. bootstrap
  82. bordello
  83. border
  84. bore
  85. borer
  86. borstal
  87. bosom
  88. boson
  89. bosporus
  90. boss
  91. bota
  92. botanical
  93. bottle
  94. bottlebrush
  95. bottlecap
  96. bottleneck
  97. bottom
  98. bottomland
  99. boucle
  100. boudoir
  101. boulder
  102. boule
  103. boulevard
  104. boulle
  105. bounty
  106. bouquet
  107. bourdon
  108. bourse
  109. boutique
  110. boutonniere
  111. bow
  112. bower
  113. bowknot
  114. bowl
  115. bowlder
  116. bowler
  117. bowline
  118. bowsprit
  119. bowstring
  120. bowtie
  121. box
  122. boxcar
  123. boxers
  124. boxershorts

Starting with BR
  1. bra
  2. brace
  3. bracelet
  4. bracer
  5. braces
  6. bracket
  7. brad
  8. bradawl
  9. brae
  10. brahmaputra
  11. braid
  12. brail
  13. brainchild
  14. brake
  15. brakes
  16. branch
  17. brand
  18. brasier
  19. brass
  20. brassard
  21. brasserie
  22. brassie
  23. brassiere
  24. brattice
  25. brazier
  26. brazos
  27. breach
  28. breadbasket
  29. breadboard
  30. breadbox
  31. break
  32. breakable
  33. breaker
  34. breakwater
  35. breastpin
  36. breastplate
  37. breastwork
  38. breathalyser
  39. breathalyzer
  40. breather
  41. breech
  42. breechblock
  43. breechcloth
  44. breechclout
  45. breeches
  46. breechloader
  47. bren
  48. brewery
  49. brewpub
  50. briar
  51. brick
  52. brickbat
  53. brickfield
  54. brickkiln
  55. brickwork
  56. brickyard
  57. bricole
  58. bridge
  59. bridgework
  60. bridle
  61. bridoon
  62. briefcase
  63. briefs
  64. brig
  65. brigandine
  66. brigantine
  67. brilliantine
  68. brim
  69. briny
  70. briquet
  71. briquette
  72. bristle
  73. britches
  74. broach
  75. broadax
  76. broadaxe
  77. broadcaster
  78. broadcloth
  79. broadloom
  80. broadside
  81. broadsword
  82. brocade
  83. brochette
  84. brogan
  85. brogue
  86. broiler
  87. brokerage
  88. brolly
  89. bronchodilator
  90. bronchoscope
  91. bronze
  92. brooch
  93. brooder
  94. brook
  95. brooklet
  96. broom
  97. broomstick
  98. brothel
  99. brougham
  100. brown
  101. brownstone
  102. brush

Starting with BU
  1. bubble
  2. bubblejet
  3. bubbler
  4. buchenwald
  5. buck
  6. buckboard
  7. bucket
  8. buckle
  9. buckler
  10. buckram
  11. bucksaw
  12. buckshot
  13. buckskins
  14. buff
  15. buffer
  16. buffet
  17. bug
  18. buggy
  19. bugle
  20. buhl
  21. building
  22. bulb
  23. bulkhead
  24. bulla
  25. bulldozer
  26. bullet
  27. bullfight
  28. bullhorn
  29. bullion
  30. bullnose
  31. bullpen
  32. bullring
  33. bulwark
  34. bumboat
  35. bumper
  36. bundle
  37. bung
  38. bungalow
  39. bungee
  40. bunk
  41. bunker
  42. bunsen
  43. bunting
  44. bur
  45. burberry
  46. burden
  47. bureau
  48. buret
  49. burette
  50. burin
  51. burka
  52. burlap
  53. burner
  54. burqa
  55. burr
  56. burrow
  57. burster
  58. burthen
  59. bus
  60. busbar
  61. busby
  62. buskin
  63. bust
  64. bustier
  65. bustle
  66. butacaine
  67. butchery
  68. butte
  69. buttery
  70. buttonhook
  71. buttress
  72. buzzer

Starting with BY
  1. bypass
  2. bypath
  3. byproduct
  4. byre
  5. byrnie
  6. byroad
  7. byway

Objects that Start with B

Look around the house; probably you can name most of the objects in there. Now take a look at the following list of objects that start with B. Do you have any idea of what a balaclava is?


Furniture that start with B


Backbench: -any of the seats occupied by backbenchers in the House of Commons.

-The backbenches used in the House of Commons are very old they need some polish job.

Banquette: an upholstered bench.

-After the renovation, new banquettes and booths welcome the clients.


Bed: a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep.
– Mommy and daddy bought a new bed for the baby girl. She is a big girl now.


Bench: a long seat for more than one person.
– And the couple sat on a bench at the park while people walked ignoring them.


Bookcase: a piece of furniture with shelves for storing books.

-My father’s library has many bookcases, all of them filled with old books he inherited from my granddad.


Clothing that start with B


Babushka: a woman’s headscarf folded into a triangle and tied under the chin; worn by Russian peasant women.

-Ally brought me a beautiful purple and blue babushka from her trip to Russia.


Balaclava: a cap that is close-fitting and woolen and covers all of the head but the face.

– It seems like bank burglars choose balaclavas to hide their face.


Balbriggan: cotton knit fabric used for underwear.

– It’s unbelievable that fifty dozens of balbriggan underwear were sold at 25 cents!


Ball dress: – suit or dress for formal occasions.

– He bought her an emerald green ball dress for the party. He can’t wait her to wear it.


Electronic objects that start with B


Bathometer: an instrument that measures the depth of water.

-Nowadays divers have replaced bathometers with computer devices.


Bathymeter: -an instrument that measures the depth of water.

-The scientists use a bathymeter to measure the depth of water in Lake Tahoe.


Battery: a device that produces electricity; may have several primary or secondary cells arranged in parallel or series.
– The car ran out of battery again, it probably needs a new one.


Beeper: an electronic device that generates a series of beeps when the person carrying it is being paged.

– It is easier to reach a doctor using a beeper than a cell phone.


Plastic objects that start with B


Bag: a flexible container with a single opening.

– I prefer plastic bags with a zipper. They preserve food better.

Bale: a large bundle bound for storage or transport.

-The clothing is wrapped with plastic in a large bale.


Beaker: a cup (usually without a handle). -a flat bottomed jar made of glass or plastic; used for chemistry.

-The students mixed some strange substances in a beaker. The lab smelled awful.