Starting with EA
Starting with EB
Starting with EC
- echeneididae
- echeneis
- echidna
- echidnophaga
- echinoderm
- echinodermata
- echinoidea
- echovirus
- ecrevisse
- ectoblast
- ectoderm
- ectoparasite
- ectopistes
- ectoproct
- ectoprocta
- ectotherm
- ectozoan
- ectozoon
Starting with ED
Starting with EE
Starting with EF
Starting with EG
Starting with EI
Starting with EL
- elagatis
- elanoides
- elanus
- elaphe
- elaphure
- elaphurus
- elapid
- elapidae
- elasmobranch
- elasmobranchii
- elater
- elaterid
- elateridae
- elbow
- electrophoridae
- electrophorus
- eleotridae
- elephant
- elephantidae
- elephas
- eleutherodactylus
- eliomys
- elk
- elkhound
- elopidae
- elops
- elver
- elytron
Starting with EM
Starting with EN
- encolure
- endameba
- endamoeba
- endamoebidae
- endoblast
- endoderm
- endoparasite
- endoprocta
- endozoan
- engraulidae
- engraulis
- enhydra
- ensis
- entellus
- enterobacteriaceae
- enterobius
- enterovirus
- entire
- entlebucher
- entoblast
- entoderm
- entomostraca
- entoparasite
- entoproct
- entoprocta
- entozoan
- entozoon
Starting with EO
Starting with EP
- ephemeral
- ephemerid
- ephemerida
- ephemeridae
- ephemeron
- ephemeroptera
- ephemeropteran
- ephestia
- ephippidae
- ephippiorhynchus
- epilachna
- epinephelus
- epizoan
- epizoon
- eptatretus
- eptesicus
Starting with EQ
Starting with ER
- erethizon
- erethizontidae
- eretmochelys
- erignathus
- erinaceidae
- erinaceus
- eriosoma
- erithacus
- ermine
- ern
- erne
- erolia
- erwinia
- erythrocebus
Starting with ES
Starting with ET
Starting with EU
- euarctos
- eubacteria
- eubacteriales
- eubacterium
- eucaryote
- eucinostomus
- euderma
- eudyptes
- euglena
- euglenaceae
- euglenid
- euglenoid
- euglenophyceae
- euglenophyta
- euglenophyte
- eukaryote
- eumeces
- eumenes
- eumetopias
- eumops
- eunectes
- euphagus
- euphausiacea
- euphractus
- euplectella
- euproctis
- euronithopod
- euronithopoda
- euryale
- euryalida
- eurylaimi
- eurylaimidae
- eurypterid
- eurypterida
- eutamias
- eutheria
- eutherian
- euthynnus
Starting with EW
Starting with EX
Starting with EY
Animals that Start with E
Species all over the world have strange scientific names. Some of them are very difficult to pronounce. Here are some names of animals that start with the letter E.
Mammals that start with E
Edentata: order of mammals having few or no teeth including New World anteaters; sloths; armadillos.
– I have always thought that the edentata is a prehistoric animal living in modern times.
Enhydra: sea otters.
– The Enhydra looked lovely trying to open a clam. It’s amazing how it swims backward.
Euarctos: American black bears; in some classifications not a separate genus from Ursus.
– The scientific name of the American black bear is euarctos.
Eumetopias: sea lions.
– We could see from the helicopter some eumetopias sunbathing on some rocks.
Eutamias: chipmunks of western America and Asia.
-The eutamias looked so funny with all those nuts stuck in their mouths. They keep running to their hole in the trunk. I bet they have a big amount of food for the winter.
Reptiles that start with E
Elaphe: North American rat snakes.
– The elaphe or ratsnake likes to hide under rocks, logs, even under rugs and mats. Watch your step.
Eunectes: anacondas.
– He laid on the grass next to the eunectes; it was larger than him. Why does he have a snake as a pet?
Elapidae: cobras; kraits; mambas; coral snakes; Australian taipan and tiger snakes.
– Family of elapidae includes 300 species of venomous snakes. Many of them are endemic to Australia.
Eretmochelys: hawksbills.
-It is true that the eretmochelys mouth looks like a hawk beak. Of course, there’s no way for them to be related.
Birds that start with E
Eider: duck of the northern hemisphere much valued for the fine soft down of the females.
– Eider feathers are used to fill pillows. Can you believe that? Poor birds.
Erne: bulky greyish-brown eagle with a short wedge-shaped white tail; of Europe and Greenland.
– A gorgeous bird, that erne perched on the log looking to the sky.
Egretta: small Old and New World herons.
– The Egretta moves through the water with gracious steps. It is funny that children think herons bring them.
Eudyptes: rock hoppers.
– Okay, eudyptes penguins rock their modern looks with those crazy feathers.
Eaglet: a young eagle.
The young eaglet tried to fly for the first time. It spreads the wings into the air.
Insects and critters that start with E
Elateridae: click beetles and certain fireflies.
– There is a big collection of elateridae in the Museum of Natural History.
Emperor: large richly colored butterfly.
– My mother embroidered emperor butterflies on a tablecloth.
Epilachna: genus of ladybugs native to Mexico and Central America; both larvae and adults feed on plants.
– Epilachna is very cute insects with their black dots on the back.
Earthworm: -terrestrial worm that burrows into and helps aerate soil; often surfaces when the ground is cool or wet; used as bait by anglers.
– The little kid likes to play with the wiggly earthworms in the garden. I can’t stand seeing him.