Starting with RA
- rabbit
- rabbitfish
- raccoon
- racehorse
- racer
- racerunner
- rachycentridae
- rachycentron
- racoon
- radiolaria
- radiolarian
- rail
- raja
- rajidae
- rajiformes
- rallidae
- ram
- rambouillet
- ramphastidae
- ramphomicron
- rana
- ranatra
- rangifer
- ranid
- ranidae
- raphicerus
- raphidae
- raphidiidae
- raphus
- raptor
- raptores
- rasher
- rat
- ratel
- ratitae
- ratite
- rattail
- ratter
- rattle
- rattler
- rattlesnake
- rattus
- raven
- ray
- razorback
- razorbill
Starting with RE
- recombinant
- recurvirostra
- recurvirostridae
- red fox
- redbelly
- redbird
- redbone
- redbreast
- redfish
- redhead
- redhorse
- redpoll
- redshank
- redstart
- redtail
- reduviid
- reduviidae
- redwing
- reedbird
- reeve
- regalecidae
- reglaecus
- regulus
- reindeer
- reithrodontomys
- relative
- remilegia
- remora
- remount
- reoviridae
- reovirus
- reptantia
- reptile
- reptilia
- reptilian
- reticulitermes
- reticulum
- retriever
- retrovirus
- reynard
Starting with RH
- rhabdoviridae
- rhabdovirus
- rhagoletis
- rhea
- rheidae
- rheiformes
- rhesus
- rhincodon
- rhincodontidae
- rhino
- rhinobatidae
- rhinoceros
- rhinocerotidae
- rhinolophidae
- rhinonicteris
- rhinoptera
- rhinotermitidae
- rhinovirus
- rhiptoglossa
- rhizobiaceae
- rhizobium
- rhizopod
- rhizopoda
- rhizopodan
- rhodophyceae
- rhodophyta
- rhodymenia
- rhodymeniaceae
- rhyacotriton
- rhynchocephalia
- rhynchoelaps
Starting with RI
- ribbonfish
- ricebird
- richmondena
- rickettsiaceae
- rickettsiales
- ridgel
- ridgeling
- ridgil
- ridgling
- ridley
- riflebird
- ringdove
- ringhals
- ringlet
- ringtail
- rinkhals
- riparia
- rissa
- rivulus
Starting with RO
- roach
- roadkill
- roadrunner
- roan
- robalo
- robin
- roccus
- rockchuck
- rockfish
- rockweed
- rod
- rodent
- rodentia
- rodolia
- roe
- roebuck
- roller
- rook
- rooster
- rorqual
- rosefish
- rostrum
- rotavirus
- rotifer
- rotifera
- rottweiler
- roughleg
- roundworm
- royal
Starting with RU
Starting with RY
Animals that Start with R
Ratitae, ratite, raven and recurvirostridae are a few examples of animals that start with R. In the following text you will be a few animals that start with R.
Mammals that start with R
Rabbit: any of various burrowing animals of the family Leporidae having long ears and short tails; some domesticated and raised for pets or food.
- That rabbit has huge ears! Such a lovely animal.
Raccoon: an omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to North America and Central America.
- I saw a raccoon last night around my garbage bag.
Ram: uncastrated adult male sheep.
- Rams have a powerful attack that can really hurt a person.
Rasher: a commercially important fish of the Pacific coast of North America.
- I just got a new rasher in my fish tank.
Birds that start with R
Redbird: crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male.
- That redbird is a truly beautiful bird.
Rhea:larger of two tall fast-running flightless birds similar to ostriches but three-toed; found from Brazil to Patagonia.
- The rhea can not fly, but is very fast!
Robin:small Old World songbird with a reddish breast.
- My robin can really sing a beautiful song in the morning.
Regulus: a genus of birds of the family Sylviidae including kinglets.
- Look at my beautiful regulus, he was a gift from my family in Europe.