
Colors Related to this Name: Blue

Qualities Related to this Name: Romantic, Nurturing

Popularity: This is a very popular name in the US. Ranking #335 in 2013 and #375 in 2014.


In English

Origin: Latin form of Berenice, from Ancient Greek Φερενίκη ‎(Phereníkē). Influenced by the Church Latin phrase vera icon "true image" associated with the legend of Saint Veronica who wiped the face of Jesus on the way to Calvary.


-( female name -comes from the Ancient Greek language-).

In Swedish


-Veronica. ( female name).

In Norwegian


-( female name), related to English Veronica.

In Translingual

Origin: This entry lacks etymological information. If you are familiar with the origin of this term, please add it to the page as described here.


-(taxon genus tribe Veroniceae many species of herbaceous plants, many with blue flowers, including speedwells)