Names that Start with F

Starting with FA
  1. Fabian
  2. Fabiana
  3. Fabiano
  4. Fabien
  5. Fabienne
  6. Fabio
  7. Fabius
  8. Fabrice
  9. Fabricia
  10. Fabricio
  11. Fabrizio
  12. Facunda
  13. Facundo
  14. Fadil
  15. Fadime
  16. Fadrique
  17. Faheem
  18. Faik
  19. Faith
  20. Faizan
  21. Falur
  22. Fanni
  23. Fannie
  24. Fanny
  25. Fareed
  26. Faruk
  27. Fatih
  28. Fatima
  29. Fatimata
  30. Fatma
  31. Fatmir
  32. Fauna
  33. Fausta
  34. Faustiniano
  35. Faustino
  36. Fausto
  37. Fay
  38. Faye
  39. Fayette

Starting with FE
  1. Fearchar
  2. Fearghas
  3. Federica
  4. Federico
  5. Felice
  6. Felicia
  7. Feliciana
  8. Feliciano
  9. Felicianus
  10. Felicidad
  11. Felicita
  12. Felicitas
  13. Félicité
  14. Felicity
  15. Feliks
  16. Felikss
  17. Felip
  18. Felipa
  19. Felipe
  20. Felisa
  21. Felix
  22. Felizia
  23. Felizitas
  24. Femja
  25. Fenella
  26. Ferda
  27. Ferdi
  28. Ferdinand
  29. Ferdinando
  30. Ferenc
  31. Fergus
  32. Ferhat
  33. Feridun
  34. Ferit
  35. Fermín
  36. Fermina
  37. Fern
  38. Fernán
  39. Fernand
  40. Fernanda
  41. Fernande
  42. Fernando
  43. Fernão
  44. Ferran
  45. Ferrando
  46. Ferrante
  47. Ferruccio
  48. Fevzi

Starting with FI
  1. Fi
  2. Fidel
  3. Fides
  4. Fie
  5. Fikir
  6. Fikret
  7. Fikri
  8. Filiberto
  9. Filip
  10. Filipa
  11. Filipe
  12. Filippa
  13. Filippo
  14. Filips
  15. Filomena
  16. Fingal
  17. Finja
  18. Finlay
  19. Finley
  20. Finn
  21. Finnacán
  22. Finnbogi
  23. Finnian
  24. Finnja
  25. Finnr
  26. Finnur
  27. Fiona
  28. Fionn
  29. Fionnghall
  30. Fionnghuala
  31. Fiore
  32. Fiorella
  33. Fiorello
  34. Fiorenza
  35. Fiorenzo
  36. Fiorina
  37. Firmin
  38. Firminus

Starting with FJ
  1. Fjodors

Starting with FL
  1. Flaminia
  2. Flaminio
  3. Flavia
  4. Flavio
  5. Flemming
  6. Fleur
  7. Fleurine
  8. Flieur
  9. Fliss
  10. Fllavie
  11. Fllipin
  12. Flo
  13. Flora
  14. Flore
  15. Florence
  16. Florencia
  17. Florent
  18. Florentin
  19. Florentina
  20. Florentine
  21. Floria
  22. Florian
  23. Florin
  24. Florina
  25. Florinda
  26. Florio
  27. Floris
  28. Floro
  29. Florrie
  30. Flossie
  31. Flossy
  32. Floy
  33. Floyd
  34. Flynn

Starting with FO
  1. Folco
  2. Folke
  3. Folkert
  4. Forrest
  5. Fortunato

Starting with FR
  1. Fran
  2. Franc
  3. France
  4. Franceis
  5. Frances
  6. Francesca
  7. Francesco
  8. Francie
  9. Francine
  10. Francis
  11. Francisca
  12. Francisco
  13. Franciscus
  14. Francisquito
  15. Franciszek
  16. Franciszka
  17. Franck
  18. Franco
  19. François
  20. Françoise
  21. Frands
  22. Frangaid
  23. Frank
  24. Frankie
  25. Franklin
  26. Frannie
  27. Franny
  28. Frans
  29. František
  30. Františka
  31. Franz
  32. Franziska
  33. Franziskus
  34. Fraser
  35. Frasse
  36. Frauke
  37. Fraunchinot
  38. Fraunchoun
  39. Fraunchounette
  40. Frauncis
  41. Fred
  42. Freda
  43. Fredde
  44. Freddie
  45. Freddy
  46. Frede
  47. Frederic
  48. Frederica
  49. Frederick
  50. Frederico
  51. Frederik
  52. Frederikke
  53. Frédérique
  54. Fredrick
  55. Fredrik
  56. Fredrika
  57. Freja
  58. Freya
  59. Freyja
  60. Freyr
  61. Fricis
  62. Frida
  63. Frideborg
  64. Fridegunde
  65. Friderica
  66. Fridericus
  67. Fridolf
  68. Fridrihs
  69. Fridtjof
  70. Fridtjov
  71. Frieda
  72. Friedegund
  73. Friedegunde
  74. Friederike
  75. Friedrich
  76. Frithiof
  77. Frithjof
  78. Fritiof
  79. Fritjof
  80. Frits
  81. Fritz
  82. Frode
  83. Froila
  84. Froilán
  85. Froilana
  86. Fructuós
  87. Frøya
  88. Frøydis

Starting with FU
  1. Fuat
  2. Fulberta
  3. Fulberto
  4. Fulca
  5. Fulco
  6. Fülöp
  7. Fulvio
  8. Funda
  9. Furkan

Names that Start with F

This is a list of names Starting with F, the meaning and an example are also included. Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment.

Famouns names that start with F

  • Forest Whitaker: TV and film actor.
  • Fred Savage: TV and film actor.
  • Faith Evans: Singer.
  • Fred Durst: Singer.
  • Frank Caliendo: Comedian.

We hope you have enjoyed this list of the names that start with F.