Objects that Start with A

Starting with AA
  1. aare

Starting with AB
  1. abacus
  2. abatis
  3. abattis
  4. abattoir
  5. abaya
  6. abbey
  7. abila
  8. abm
  9. abode
  10. aborticide
  11. abortifacient
  12. abradant
  13. abrader
  14. abstraction
  15. abstractionism
  16. abukir
  17. abutment
  18. abyla
  19. abysm
  20. abyss

Starting with AC
  1. academy
  2. accelerator
  3. accelerometer
  4. access
  5. accessory
  6. acclivity
  7. accommodation
  8. accordion
  9. accouterment
  10. accoutrement
  11. accumulator
  12. ace
  13. acebutolol
  14. acetaminophen
  15. acetanilid
  16. acetanilide
  17. acetate
  18. acetophenetidin
  19. acetphenetidin
  20. acheron
  21. achondrite
  22. acicula
  23. acid
  24. aconcagua
  25. acoustic
  26. acropolis
  27. acrylic
  28. actinometer
  29. actinomycin
  30. action
  31. activewear
  32. actuator

Starting with AD
  1. adam
  2. adams
  3. adapter
  4. adaptor
  5. adder
  6. addition
  7. additive
  8. addressograph
  9. adige
  10. adirondacks
  11. adit
  12. adjunct
  13. adjuvant
  14. admixture
  15. adobe
  16. adornment
  17. adps
  18. adrenergic
  19. adriatic
  20. adumbration
  21. adz
  22. adze

Starting with AE
  1. aegean
  2. aegis
  3. aegospotami
  4. aegospotamos
  5. aerator
  6. aerial
  7. aerie
  8. aerodrome
  9. aerofoil
  10. aerogenerator
  11. aerolite
  12. aeroplane
  13. aerosol
  14. aery

Starting with AF
  1. affluent
  2. afghan
  3. africa
  4. afrl
  5. afterburner
  6. afterdeck
  7. afterthought

Starting with AG
  1. agateware
  2. agent
  3. agglomerator
  4. aggregate
  5. aglet
  6. agonist
  7. agora

Starting with AH
  1. ahpcrc

Starting with AI
  1. aiglet
  2. aigret
  3. aigrette
  4. aiguilette
  5. aileron
  6. airbrake
  7. airbrush
  8. airbus
  9. aircraft
  10. airdock
  11. airdrome
  12. aire
  13. airfield
  14. airfoil
  15. airframe
  16. airgun
  17. airline
  18. airliner
  19. airlock
  20. airmailer
  21. airplane
  22. airport
  23. airscrew
  24. airship
  25. airstrip
  26. airway
  27. aisle

Starting with AL
  1. alabama
  2. alarm
  3. alb
  4. album
  5. alcazar
  6. alcove
  7. aldebaran
  8. alehouse
  9. alembic
  10. algol
  11. algometer
  12. alhambra
  13. alidad
  14. alidade
  15. alleghenies
  16. allegheny
  17. alleviant
  18. alleviator
  19. alley
  20. alleyway
  21. alluvion
  22. alluvium
  23. aloes
  24. alp
  25. alpaca
  26. alpenstock
  27. alps
  28. altair
  29. altar
  30. altarpiece
  31. altazimuth
  32. alternator
  33. altimeter
  34. altocumulus
  35. altostratus
  36. alum

Starting with AM
  1. amati
  2. amazon
  3. ambo
  4. ambulance
  5. ambulatory
  6. america
  7. americana
  8. amethopterin
  9. amex
  10. amidopyrine
  11. aminophylline
  12. aminopyrine
  13. ammeter
  14. ammo
  15. ammonite
  16. ammonoid
  17. ammunition
  18. amobarbital
  19. amphetamine
  20. amphibian
  21. amphitheater
  22. amphitheatre
  23. amphora
  24. amphotericin
  25. amplifier
  26. ampoule
  27. ampul
  28. ampule
  29. ampulla
  30. amulet
  31. amur

Starting with AN
  1. anachronism
  2. anaesthetic
  3. anaglyph
  4. analeptic
  5. analgesic
  6. analyser
  7. analyzer
  8. anamorphism
  9. anamorphosis
  10. anapurna
  11. anastigmat
  12. anchor
  13. ancohuma
  14. andes
  15. andiron
  16. android
  17. andromeda
  18. anemometer
  19. aneroid
  20. anesthetic
  21. anesthyl
  22. angara
  23. angel
  24. angiocardiogram
  25. angiogram
  26. angioscope
  27. angledozer
  28. animalization
  29. anion
  30. anklet
  31. anklets
  32. ankus
  33. annapurna
  34. annex
  35. annexe
  36. annulet
  37. annunciator
  38. anode
  39. anodyne
  40. anorak
  41. anovulant
  42. antagonist
  43. antarctica
  44. antares
  45. antechamber
  46. antefix
  47. antenna
  48. anteroom
  49. anthelminthic
  50. anthelmintic
  51. anthill
  52. antiaircraft
  53. antiarrhythmic
  54. antibacterial
  55. antibaryon
  56. antibiotic
  57. anticholinergic
  58. anticholinesterase
  59. anticoagulant
  60. anticonvulsant
  61. antidepressant
  62. antidiabetic
  63. antidiarrheal
  64. antidiuretic
  65. antidote
  66. antielectron
  67. antiemetic
  68. antiepileptic
  69. antiflatulent
  70. antifungal
  71. antihistamine
  72. antihypertensive
  73. antilepton
  74. antimacassar
  75. antimalarial
  76. antimeson
  77. antimetabolite
  78. antimicrobial
  79. antimicrobic
  80. antimuon
  81. antimycin
  82. antimycotic
  83. antineoplastic
  84. antineutrino
  85. antineutron
  86. antiparticle
  87. antiperspirant
  88. antiproton
  89. antiprotozoal
  90. antipruritic
  91. antipsychotic
  92. antipyretic
  93. antiquark
  94. antique
  95. antiquity
  96. antiseptic
  97. antispasmodic
  98. antisyphilitic
  99. antitauon
  100. antitussive
  101. antiviral
  102. antlia
  103. anvil
  104. anxiolytic

Starting with AP
  1. apadana
  2. apalachicola
  3. apartment
  4. apc
  5. apennines
  6. aperient
  7. aperture
  8. apiary
  9. apishamore
  10. apomorphine
  11. appalachians
  12. apparatus
  13. apparel
  14. appendage
  15. appendicle
  16. applecart
  17. appliance
  18. application
  19. applicator
  20. applier
  21. applique
  22. appointment
  23. approach
  24. appurtenance
  25. apron
  26. apse
  27. apsis
  28. apus

Starting with AQ
  1. aquaplane
  2. aquarium
  3. aquarius
  4. aquatint
  5. aqueduct
  6. aquifer
  7. aquila

Starting with AR
  1. ara
  2. arabesque
  3. araguaia
  4. araguaya
  5. ararat
  6. araroba
  7. aras
  8. arauca
  9. araxes
  10. arbalest
  11. arbalist
  12. arbor
  13. arboretum
  14. arbour
  15. arcade
  16. arch
  17. archipelago
  18. architecture
  19. architrave
  20. archive
  21. archway
  22. arctic
  23. arcturus
  24. area
  25. areaway
  26. arena
  27. arete
  28. argo
  29. argun
  30. argyle
  31. argyll
  32. aries
  33. aristarchus
  34. ark
  35. arkansas
  36. arm
  37. armament
  38. armature
  39. armband
  40. armchair
  41. armet
  42. armguard
  43. armhole
  44. armilla
  45. armlet
  46. armoire
  47. armor
  48. armory
  49. armour
  50. armoury
  51. armrest
  52. arms
  53. arnica
  54. arno
  55. arquebus
  56. arras
  57. array
  58. arrester
  59. arrow
  60. arrowhead
  61. arroyo
  62. arsenal
  63. art
  64. arteriogram
  65. artery
  66. arthrogram
  67. arthroscope
  68. artillery

Starting with AS
  1. ascent
  2. ascot
  3. asdic
  4. ashbin
  5. ashcan
  6. ashlar
  7. ashtray
  8. asia
  9. aspergill
  10. aspersorium
  11. asphyxiator
  12. aspirator
  13. aspirin
  14. assagai
  15. assegai
  16. assemblage
  17. assembly
  18. asterism
  19. asteroid
  20. asterope
  21. asthenosphere
  22. astragal
  23. astringent
  24. astrodome
  25. asylum

Starting with AT
  1. ataractic
  2. atelier
  3. athanor
  4. athenaeum
  5. atheneum
  6. atherodyde
  7. athodyd
  8. atlantic
  9. atlas
  10. atm
  11. atmometer
  12. atmosphere
  13. atoll
  14. atomiser
  15. atomizer
  16. atrium
  17. atropine
  18. attache
  19. attachment
  20. attenuator
  21. attic
  22. attire

Starting with AU
  1. auberge
  2. audio
  3. audiocassette
  4. audiogram
  5. audiometer
  6. audiotape
  7. audiovisual
  8. auditorium
  9. auger
  10. auriga
  11. auriscope
  12. auroscope
  13. auschwitz
  14. australia
  15. auto
  16. autobahn
  17. autobus
  18. autoclave
  19. autocue
  20. autofocus
  21. autogiro
  22. autogyro
  23. autoinjector
  24. autoloader
  25. automat
  26. automatic
  27. automation
  28. automaton
  29. automobile
  30. autopilot
  31. autoradiograph
  32. autostrada
  33. autotype

Starting with AV
  1. aventail
  2. avenue
  3. aviary
  4. avon

Starting with AW
  1. awl
  2. awning

Starting with AX
  1. ax
  2. axe
  3. axis
  4. axle
  5. axletree

Objects that Start with A

Have you ever thought about how many objects names start with the letter “a”?  How many objects with the letter “a” could you name in a minute? Well, if you have a hard time trying to think about objects with the letter a, here are some nouns.


Furniture that starts with A


Adornment: a decoration of color or interest that is added to relieve plainness.

– The new house is completely furnished including appliances, even the adornments. I can’t wait to move in.


Americana: any artifact (such as books or furniture or art) that is distinctive of America.

– Grandma’s house is decorated with many Americana pieces, such as quilts, paintings, and rugs.



Armchair: chair with a support on each side for arms.

– He asked me to sit in the purple velvet armchair while he read me a beautiful poem written by him.


Clothing names that start with A


Abaya: (Arabic) a loose black robe from head to toe; traditionally worn by Muslim women.

– The elegant woman came out wearing a black abaya, her body was covered from head to toe. She was also wearing a veil.


Accouterment: clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing.

– Diving accouterments include snorkel and flippers.


Active wear: attire is worn for sport or casual wear.

– The new active wear I bought for yoga classes is very comfortable.


Anklets: a sock that reaches just above the ankle.

– Her new clothing line includes sophisticated lingerie, lace anklets, and jewelry.


Anorak: a kind of heavy jacket (`windcheater’ is a British term).

– The mother put on a pretty flower patterned anorak to her baby girl. It was cold outside.


Electronic objects that start with A


Addressograph: a printer that automatically prints addresses on letters for mailing.

– In the 20th century, addressographs were used very often to print mailing labels.


Amplifier: electronic equipment that increases strength of signals passing through it.

The music sounded through the amplifier and the crowd go crazy. The concert was a success.



Plastic objects that start with A


Abs: -any of a class of composite plastics used to make car bodies and cases for computers and other appliances.

– Many new cars parts are manufactured with abs, which is a lightweight plastic.


Acrylic: -a synthetic fabric used especially by artists.

– The costumes wore by the actors in the play, were made of acrylic.