Objects that Start with H

Starting with HA
  1. haart
  2. haberdashery
  3. habergeon
  4. habiliment
  5. habit
  6. habitation
  7. hacienda
  8. hack
  9. hackamore
  10. hackbut
  11. hackney
  12. hacksaw
  13. hadron
  14. haematinic
  15. haematocrit
  16. haemostat
  17. haft
  18. hagbut
  19. haick
  20. haik
  21. hail
  22. hair
  23. hairball
  24. hairbrush
  25. haircloth
  26. hairgrip
  27. hairnet
  28. hairpiece
  29. hairpin
  30. hairspring
  31. halberd
  32. halftone
  33. hall
  34. halliard
  35. hallstand
  36. hallucinogen
  37. hallway
  38. halothane
  39. halter
  40. halyard
  41. hame
  42. hammer
  43. hammerhead
  44. hammock
  45. hamper
  46. hand
  47. handbag
  48. handball
  49. handbarrow
  50. handbasin
  51. handbasket
  52. handbell
  53. handbow
  54. handcar
  55. handcart
  56. handcraft
  57. handcuff
  58. handgrip
  59. handgun
  60. handhold
  61. handicraft
  62. handiwork
  63. handkerchief
  64. handle
  65. handlebar
  66. handline
  67. handlock
  68. handloom
  69. handrail
  70. handrest
  71. handsaw
  72. handset
  73. handspike
  74. handstamp
  75. handwear
  76. handwheel
  77. handwork
  78. hang glider
  79. hangar
  80. hanger
  81. hank
  82. hankey
  83. hankie
  84. hanky
  85. hansom
  86. harbor
  87. harbour
  88. hard hat
  89. hardback
  90. hardcover
  91. hardtop
  92. hardware
  93. hareem
  94. harem
  95. harmonica
  96. harmonium
  97. harness
  98. harp
  99. harpoon
  100. harpsichord
  101. harquebus
  102. harrow
  103. harvard
  104. harvester
  105. haschisch
  106. hash
  107. hasheesh
  108. hashish
  109. hasp
  110. hassock
  111. hat
  112. hatband
  113. hatbox
  114. hatch
  115. hatchback
  116. hatchel
  117. hatchet
  118. hatchway
  119. hatpin
  120. hatrack
  121. hauberk
  122. hautbois
  123. havelock
  124. haven
  125. haversack
  126. hawk
  127. hawse
  128. hawsehole
  129. hawsepipe
  130. hawser
  131. hayfork
  132. hayloft
  133. haymaker
  134. haymow
  135. hayrack
  136. hayrig
  137. haywire
  138. hazard

Starting with HE
  1. head
  2. headband
  3. headboard
  4. headdress
  5. header
  6. headfast
  7. headgear
  8. heading
  9. headlamp
  10. headland
  11. headlight
  12. headphone
  13. headpiece
  14. headpin
  15. headquarters
  16. headrace
  17. headrest
  18. headsail
  19. headscarf
  20. headset
  21. headshot
  22. headstall
  23. headstock
  24. headstone
  25. headstream
  26. heap
  27. hearse
  28. heart
  29. hearth
  30. hearthrug
  31. hearthstone
  32. heat
  33. heater
  34. heaume
  35. heaver
  36. heckelphone
  37. heckle
  38. hectograph
  39. hedge
  40. hedgerow
  41. heel
  42. heilong
  43. helicon
  44. helicopter
  45. heliograph
  46. heliogravure
  47. heliometer
  48. heliotype
  49. heliport
  50. helix
  51. helm
  52. helmet
  53. helminthic
  54. helve
  55. hem
  56. hematinic
  57. hematocrit
  58. hemodialyzer
  59. hemostat
  60. hemp
  61. hemstitch
  62. hemstitching
  63. hencoop
  64. henhouse
  65. henroost
  66. heraldry
  67. hercules
  68. herm
  69. hermitage
  70. heroin
  71. herringbone
  72. hesperus
  73. hessian
  74. heterocycle
  75. hexachlorophene

Starting with HI
  1. hibachi
  2. hideaway
  3. high
  4. highboard
  5. highchair
  6. highland
  7. highlighter
  8. highroad
  9. highway
  10. hijab
  11. hill
  12. hillock
  13. hillside
  14. hilt
  15. himalaya
  16. himalayas
  17. hinderance
  18. hindrance
  19. hinge
  20. hipflask
  21. hippodrome
  22. hit
  23. hitch
  24. hitchrack
  25. hive

Starting with HO
  1. hoarding
  2. hob
  3. hobble
  4. hobby
  5. hobbyhorse
  6. hobnail
  7. hod
  8. hodometer
  9. hodoscope
  10. hoe
  11. hogan
  12. hogback
  13. hogshead
  14. hoist
  15. hold
  16. holdall
  17. holder
  18. holdfast
  19. hole
  20. holler
  21. hollow
  22. holloware
  23. hollowware
  24. hologram
  25. holograph
  26. holster
  27. holystone
  28. homburg
  29. home
  30. homeroom
  31. homespun
  32. homestead
  33. homestretch
  34. hone
  35. honeycomb
  36. honkytonk
  37. hood
  38. hoodmold
  39. hoodmould
  40. hoodoo
  41. hook
  42. hookah
  43. hookup
  44. hoop
  45. hoopskirt
  46. hoosegow
  47. hoosgow
  48. hooter
  49. hopper
  50. hopsack
  51. hopsacking
  52. horn
  53. hornpipe
  54. horologe
  55. horoscope
  56. horror
  57. horse
  58. horseback
  59. horsebox
  60. horsecar
  61. horsecloth
  62. horsehair
  63. horsepond
  64. horseshoe
  65. horsewhip
  66. horst
  67. hose
  68. hosepipe
  69. hosiery
  70. hospice
  71. hospital
  72. host
  73. hostel
  74. hostelry
  75. hot spot
  76. hotbed
  77. hotbox
  78. hotel
  79. hothouse
  80. hotplate
  81. hotspot
  82. houdah
  83. hourglass
  84. housatonic
  85. house
  86. houseboat
  87. housecoat
  88. houselights
  89. housepaint
  90. housetop
  91. housing
  92. hovel
  93. hovercraft
  94. howdah
  95. howitzer
  96. hoy

Starting with HU
  1. huarache
  2. huaraches
  3. huascaran
  4. hub
  5. hubbard
  6. hubcap
  7. huck
  8. huckaback
  9. hudson
  10. hulk
  11. hull
  12. humanoid
  13. humber
  14. humidifier
  15. hummock
  16. hunter
  17. hurdle
  18. huron
  19. hut
  20. hutch
  21. hutment

Starting with HY
  1. hydantoin
  2. hydra
  3. hydrant
  4. hydroflumethiazide
  5. hydrofoil
  6. hydrometer
  7. hydroplane
  8. hydrosphere
  9. hydrus
  10. hygrodeik
  11. hygrometer
  12. hygroscope
  13. hyoscine
  14. hyoscyamine
  15. hypercoaster
  16. hypermarket
  17. hyperon
  18. hypnotic
  19. hypo
  20. hypodermic
  21. hypsometer
  22. hysterosalpingogram

Objects that Start with H

Have you ever thought about how many objects names start with H? Clothing, furniture and many other objects in our daily lives start with the letter H. The following list shows some of them.


Furniture that starts with H

Hallstand: a piece of furniture where coats and hats and umbrellas can be hung; usually has a mirror.

– You can put your coat and umbrella in the hallstand at the entrance.


Hatrack: a rack with hooks for temporarily holding coats and hats.

– She displays her hat collection in a hatrack.


Highchair: a chair for feeding a very young child; has four long legs and a footrest and a detachable tray.

– The twins sat on their highchairs for the first time. There were smiling and having a blast!



Clothing that start with H

Habiliment: a covering designed to be worn on a person’s body.

– The new habiliment orders arrived today.


Haik: an outer garment consisting of a large piece of white cloth; worn by men and women in northern Africa.

– Moroccan women wear white haiks daily to go out their homes.


Halter: a woman’s top that fastens in the back and neck leaving the back and arms uncovered.
– I bought a red halter dress to go out on a date with my husband.


Handwear: clothing for the hands.

– Is a must to use handwear in cold places like Canada.


Headgear: clothing for the head.

– The princess looked very sophisticated wearing headgear.

Homburg: a hat made of felt with a creased crown.

– Many actors from old movies wore homburgs. It gave them a touch of elegance.


Electronic objects that start with H

Haematocrit: a measuring instrument to determine (usually by centrifugation) the relative amounts of corpuscles and plasma in the blood.

– The hematocrit is an essential tool for blood labs.


Headlamp: a powerful light with reflector; attached to the front of an automobile or locomotive.

– The bikers wear headlamps during their night trips.


Heater: device that heats water or supplies warmth to a room.

– Don’t switch off the heater it is still cold in here.


Humidifier: an appliance designed to add moisture to the air in a building.

– Each room in the hotel has a humidifier that make them more comfortable.



Plastic objects that start with H

Handball: a small rubber ball used in playing the game of handball.

– The new handballs are ready for this season. An important manufacturer provided them.


Hardhat: a lightweight protective helmet (plastic or metal) worn by construction workers.

– Thankfully he was wearing a hardhat when he fell off the bike.