Starting with LA
- labdanum
- labiatae
- lablab
- lablab purpureus
- labrador tea
- laburnum
- laburnum alpinum
- laburnum anagyroides
- laccopetalum
- laccopetalum giganteum
- lace fern
- lacebark
- lacepod
- lacewood
- lacquer tree
- lactarius
- lactarius delicioso
- lactuca
- lactuca sativa
- lactuca sativa capitata
- lactuca sativa crispa
- lactuca scariola
- lactuca serriola
- ladanum
- lady fern
- lady palm
- lady slipper
- lady tulip
- laelia
- lagarostrobus
- lagarostrobus colensoi
- lagenaria
- lagenaria siceraria
- lagenophera
- lagerstroemia
- lagerstroemia indica
- lagerstroemia speciosa
- laguncularia
- laguncularia racemosa
- lalthyrus tingitanus
- lamb succory
- lambertia
- lambertia formosa
- lambkill
- lamella
- lamellate placentation
- lamiaceae
- lamium
- lamium album
- lamium amplexicaule
- lanceolate leaf
- lanceolate spleenwort
- lancewood
- lancewood tree
- land cress
- langsat
- langset
- languas speciosa
- lanseh tree
- lansium domesticum
- lantana
- laportea
- laportea canadensis
- lappula
- larch
- larch tree
- lardizabala
- lardizabala family
- lardizabalaceae
- large crabgrass
- large cranberry
- large periwinkle
- large tooth aspen
- large white petunia
- largeleaf holly
- larix
- larix decidua
- larix laricina
- larix lyallii
- larix occidentalis
- larix russica
- larix siberica
- larkspur
- larrea
- larrea tridentata
- lasthenia
- lasthenia chrysostoma
- lastreopsis
- latanier
- latanier palm
- late purple aster
- lathyrus
- lathyrus hirsutus
- lathyrus japonicus
- lathyrus latifolius
- lathyrus maritimus
- lathyrus niger
- lathyrus nissolia
- lathyrus odoratus
- lathyrus palustris
- lathyrus pratensis
- lathyrus sativus
- lathyrus splendens
- lathyrus sylvestris
- lathyrus tuberosus
- lathyrus vernus
- laticifer
- lauhala
- lauraceae
- laurel
- laurel cherry
- laurel family
- laurel oak
- laurel sumac
- laurel willow
- laurelwood
- laurus
- laurus nobilis
- lavandula
- lavandula angustifolia
- lavandula latifolia
- lavandula officinalis
- lavandula stoechas
- lavatera
- lavatera arborea
- lavender
- lavender cotton
- lawyer bush
- lawyer cane
- lawyerbush
- layia
- layia platyglossa
Starting with LE
- lead plant
- lead tree
- leadplant
- leadwort
- leadwort family
- leaf
- leaf beet
- leaf blade
- leaf bud
- leaf lettuce
- leaf mustard
- leaf node
- leafage
- leaflet
- leafstalk
- leafy liverwort
- leafy spurge
- leak fungus
- leather fern
- leather flower
- leatherleaf
- leatherleaf fern
- leatherleaf saxifrage
- leatherleaf wood fern
- leatherwood
- leathery grape fern
- leathery polypody
- lecanopteris
- lecanora
- lecanoraceae
- leccinum
- leccinum fibrillosum
- lechanorales
- lecythidaceae
- ledum
- ledum groenlandicum
- ledum palustre
- leek
- legume
- legume family
- leguminosae
- leguminous plant
- leiophyllum
- leiophyllum buxifolium
- leitneria
- leitneria floridana
- leitneriaceae
- lemaireocereus
- lemaireocereus chichipe
- lemanderin
- lemma
- lemna
- lemna minor
- lemna trisulca
- lemnaceae
- lemon
- lemon balm
- lemon geranium
- lemon grass
- lemon lily
- lemon mint
- lemon sumac
- lemon tree
- lemongrass
- lemonwood
- lemonwood tree
- lennoaceae
- lens
- lens culinaris
- lent lily
- lenten rose
- lentibulariaceae
- lenticel
- lentil
- lentil plant
- lentinus
- lentinus edodes
- lentinus lepideus
- lentisk
- leonotis
- leonotis leonurus
- leonotis nepetaefolia
- leonotis nepetifolia
- leontodon
- leontodon autumnalis
- leontopodium
- leontopodium alpinum
- leonurus
- leonurus cardiaca
- leopard lily
- leopard plant
- leopardbane
- leotia lubrica
- lepechinia
- lepechinia calycina
- leper lily
- lepidium
- lepidium alpina
- lepidium sativum
- lepidobotryaceae
- lepidobotrys
- lepidodendraceae
- lepidodendrales
- lepidothamnus
- lepidothamnus fonkii
- lepiota
- lepiota americana
- lepiota cepaestipes
- lepiota clypeolaria
- lepiota morgani
- lepiota naucina
- lepiota procera
- lepiota rhacodes
- lepiota rubrotincta
- lepiotaceae
- lepista irina
- leptarrhena
- leptarrhena pyrolifolia
- leptopteris
- leptopteris superba
- leptosporangium
- lespedeza
- lespedeza bicolor
- lespedeza cuneata
- lespedeza sericea
- lespedeza stipulacea
- lespedeza striata
- lesquerella
- lesser bullrush
- lesser burdock
- lesser butterfly orchid
- lesser calamint
- lesser celandine
- lesser centaury
- lesser duckweed
- lesser galangal
- lesser hemlock
- lesser knapweed
- lesser spearwort
- lesser twayblade
- lesser wintergreen
- lesser yellow trefoil
- lettuce
- leucadendron
- leucadendron argenteum
- leucaena
- leucaena glauca
- leucaena leucocephala
- leucanthemum
- leucanthemum lacustre
- leucanthemum maximum
- leucanthemum superbum
- leucanthemum vulgare
- leucogenes
- leucogenes leontopodium
- leucothoe
- leucothoe editorum
- leucothoe fontanesiana
- leucothoe racemosa
- levant cotton
- levant garlic
- levisticum
- levisticum officinale
- lewisia
- lewisia cotyledon
- lewisia rediviva
- leycesteria
- leycesteria formosa
- leymus
- leymus arenaria
- leymus condensatus
Starting with LI
- liana
- liatris
- liatris punctata
- liatris pycnostachya
- liberian coffee
- libocedrus
- libocedrus bidwillii
- libocedrus decurrens
- libocedrus plumosa
- lichee
- lichen
- lichenales
- lichenes
- licorice
- licorice fern
- licorice root
- lightwood
- ligneous plant
- lignosae
- lignum
- lignum vitae
- ligularia
- ligule
- ligustrum
- ligustrum amurense
- ligustrum ibolium
- ligustrum japonicum
- ligustrum lucidum
- ligustrum obtusifolium
- ligustrum ovalifolium
- ligustrum vulgare
- lilac
- liliaceae
- liliaceous plant
- liliales
- liliid monocot family
- liliid monocot genus
- liliidae
- liliopsid
- liliopsid family
- liliopsid genus
- liliopsida
- lilium
- lilium auratum
- lilium canadense
- lilium candidum
- lilium catesbaei
- lilium columbianum
- lilium lancifolium
- lilium longiflorum
- lilium maritinum
- lilium martagon
- lilium michiganense
- lilium pardalinum
- lilium philadelphicum
- lilium superbum
- lily
- lily family
- lily of the incas
- lily of the nile
- lily of the valley
- lily pad
- lily turf
- lilyturf
- lima bean
- lima bean plant
- limb
- limber pine
- lime
- lime tree
- limestone fern
- limnobium
- limnodium spongia
- limonium
- linaceae
- linanthus
- linanthus dianthiflorus
- linanthus dichotomus
- linaria
- linaria canadensis
- linaria vulgaris
- linden
- linden family
- linden tree
- lindera
- lindera benzoin
- lindheimera
- lindheimera texana
- linear leaf
- ling
- ling ko
- lingberry
- lingenberry
- lingonberry
- linnaea
- linnaea borealis
- linosyris vulgaris
- linum
- lip
- lip fern
- liparis
- liparis loeselii
- lipfern
- lipstick plant
- liquidambar
- liquidambar styraciflua
- liquorice
- liriodendron
- liriodendron tulipifera
- liriope
- liriope muscari
- listera
- listera convallarioides
- listera cordata
- listera ovata
- litchi
- litchi chinensis
- litchi tree
- lithocarpus
- lithocarpus densiflorus
- lithocarpus glaber
- lithocarpus glabra
- lithophragma
- lithophragma affine
- lithophragma affinis
- lithophyte
- lithophytic plant
- lithops
- lithospermum
- lithospermum canescens
- lithospermum officinale
- little club moss
- little ebony spleenwort
- little golden zinnia
- live oak
- livelong
- liverleaf
- liverwort
- living granite
- living rock
- living stone
- livingstone daisy
- livistona
- livistona australis
- lizard orchid
Starting with LO
- loasa
- loasa family
- loasaceae
- lobe
- lobed leaf
- lobed spleenwort
- lobelia
- lobelia cardinalis
- lobelia dortmanna
- lobelia family
- lobelia inflata
- lobelia siphilitica
- lobeliaceae
- loblolly pine
- lobster plant
- lobularia
- lobularia maritima
- locoweed
- locust
- locust bean
- locust pod
- locust tree
- loddon pondweed
- lodgepole
- lodgepole pine
- loganberry
- logania
- loganiaceae
- logwood
- logwood tree
- loiseleuria
- loiseleuria procumbens
- lolium
- lolium multiflorum
- lolium perenne
- lolium temulentum
- lomariopsidaceae
- lomatia
- lombardy poplar
- loment
- lomogramma
- lonas
- lonas annua
- lonas inodora
- lonchocarpus
- london plane
- long beech fern
- long moss
- long pepper
- longan
- longanberry
- longar palm
- longheaded thimbleweed
- longleaf pine
- longroot
- lonicera
- lonicera albiflora
- lonicera canadensis
- lonicera caprifolium
- lonicera dioica
- lonicera flava
- lonicera hirsuta
- lonicera involucrata
- lonicera japonica
- lonicera morrowii
- lonicera periclymenum
- lonicera sempervirens
- lonicera tatarica
- lonicera xylosteum
- lontar
- loofa
- loofah
- looking glass tree
- loose smut
- loosestrife
- loosestrife family
- lophophora
- lophophora williamsii
- lophosoria
- lophosoriaceae
- loquat
- loquat tree
- loranthaceae
- loranthus
- loranthus europaeus
- lorchel
- lotus
- lotus americanus
- lotus berthelotii
- lotus corniculatus
- lotus tetragonolobus
- lotus tree
- loufah sponge
- lovage
- love apple
- love grass
- love tree
- love vine
- lovoa
- lovoa klaineana
- low blueberry
- low gallberry holly
- lowbush penstemon
- lowland fir
- lowland white fir
- loxoma
- loxomataceae
Starting with LU
- lucerne
- luffa
- luffa acutangula
- luffa cylindrica
- lunaria
- lunaria annua
- lungen
- lupin
- lupine
- lupinus
- lupinus albus
- lupinus arboreus
- lupinus luteus
- lupinus perennis
- lupinus subcarnosus
- lupinus texensis
Starting with LY
- lychins chalcedonica
- lychins floscuculi
- lychnis
- lychnis alba
- lychnis coronaria
- lychnis dioica
- lycium
- lycium barbarum
- lycium carolinianum
- lycium halimifolium
- lycoperdaceae
- lycoperdales
- lycoperdon
- lycopersicon
- lycopersicon esculentum
- lycopersicum
- lycophyta
- lycopod
- lycopodiaceae
- lycopodiales
- lycopodiate
- lycopodineae
- lycopodium
- lycopodium alpinum
- lycopodium clavitum
- lycopodium complanatum
- lycopodium lucidulum
- lycopodium obscurum
- lycopodium selago
- lycopsida
- lycopus
- lycopus americanus
- lycopus europaeus
- lycopus virginicus
- lyginopteridales
- lyginopteris
- lygodium
- lygodium microphyllum
- lygodium palmatum
- lyme grass
- lyonia
- lyonia ligustrina
- lyonia lucida
- lyonia mariana
- lyrate leaf
- lyreflower
- lysichiton
- lysichiton americanum
- lysichitum
- lysiloma
- lysiloma bahamensis
- lysiloma latisiliqua
- lysiloma sabicu
- lysimachia
- lysimachia ciliatum
- lysimachia nemorum
- lysimachia nummularia
- lysimachia quadrifolia
- lysimachia terrestris
- lysimachia vulgaris
- lythraceae
- lythrum
- lythrum hyssopifolia
- lythrum salicaria
Plants that Start with L
Wherever you turn around you can see beautiful trees, flowers and plants that decorate your city, parks or gardens. There are millions of species that we can’t even imagine, and their names start with the letter “L”.
Herbs that start with L
Labiatae: a large family of aromatic herbs and shrubs having flowers resembling the lips of a mouth and four-lobed ovaries yielding four one-seeded nutlets and including mint; thyme; sage; rosemary.
– The labitae has very aromatic leaves.
Lactuca: an herb with milky juice: lettuce; prickly lettuce.
– You can buy Lactuca as a powder. It is made from the whole plant.
Lad’s love: aromatic herb of temperate Eurasia and North Africa having a bitter taste used in making the liqueur absinthe.
– The leaves of the lad’s love are used in sachets to repel moths and fleas.
Lemon mint: mint with leaves having perfume like that of the bergamot orange. An annual horsemint of central and western United States and northern Mexico.
– The lemon mint belongs to the mint family but has a refreshing lemon flavor. It has many medicinal properties.
Leonotis: small genus of tropical herbs and subshrubs of South Africa.
– The Leonotis is also known as Lion’s Tail. It is used with medical purposes.
Flowers that start with L
Laccopetalum: one species: giant buttercup.
– The laccopetalum flower looks like a big cabbage with a yellow center.
Lady Tulip: Eurasian tulip with small flowers blotched at the base.
– The church was decorated with lady tulips. It looked gorgeous!
Lemon Lily: a daylily with yellow flowers.
– While we were hiking, we found a field covered with lemon lilies.
Lilium: type genus of Liliaceae.
– Arnold sent his mother an orange lilium bouquet for her 60th birthday.
Trees that start with L
Lacebark: small tree or shrub of New Zealand having a profusion of axillary clusters of honey-scented paper-white flowers and whose bark is used for cordage.
– Originally the lacebark tree was native to China, now you can find it in the United States.
Liberian coffee: small tree of West Africa.
– There are many plantations of Liberian coffee tree in America.
Lignum vitae: small evergreen tree of Caribbean and southern Central America to northern South America; a source of lignum vitae wood, hardest of commercial timbers, and a medicinal
– The Wood of the lignum vitae is one of the hardest and durable Woods in the world.
Liriodendron: tulip trees.
– The Liriodendron grows very fast, and it is resistant to pollution.
Jungle and swamps that start with L
Lemna: Minute aquatic herbs floating on or below the water surface of still water consisting of a leaflike frond or plant body and single root.
– Lemna is pretty tiny leaves that resemble clovers. It usually covers the water surface.
Lesser spearwort: semiaquatic Eurasian perennial crowfoot with leaves shaped like spears; naturalized in New Zealand.
-The lesser spearwort grows flowers and fruits typical of buttercups.