Food that Starts with S

Starting with SA
  1. sabayon
  2. saccharin
  3. sack
  4. saddle
  5. safflower oil
  6. saffron
  7. sage
  8. sailfish
  9. sake
  10. salad
  11. salad burnet
  12. salami
  13. salmagundi
  14. salmi
  15. salmon
  16. salsa
  17. salsify
  18. salt
  19. saltine
  20. sambuca
  21. samosa
  22. sandwich
  23. sangria
  24. sapodilla
  25. sapote
  26. sapsago
  27. sardine
  28. sarsaparilla
  29. sashimi
  30. saskatoon
  31. sassafras
  32. satsuma
  33. sauce
  34. sauerbraten
  35. sauerkraut
  36. sausage
  37. savarin
  38. saveloy
  39. savoy
  40. savoy cabbage
  41. sazerac

Starting with SC
  1. scallion
  2. scallop
  3. scampi
  4. scampo
  5. scarlet runner
  6. schnecken
  7. schnitzel
  8. schrod
  9. scone
  10. scorzonera
  11. scouse
  12. scrag
  13. scrapple
  14. scratch
  15. scrod
  16. scrumpy
  17. scup
  18. scuppernong

Starting with SE
  1. seafood
  2. seasoner
  3. seckel
  4. section
  5. seedcake
  6. semolina
  7. serviceberry
  8. seville orange

Starting with SH
  1. shad
  2. shadberry
  3. shaddock
  4. shake
  5. shallot
  6. shank
  7. shell bean
  8. shellfish
  9. sherbet
  10. shin
  11. shortbread
  12. shortcake
  13. shoulder
  14. shrimp

Starting with SI
  1. side
  2. sieva bean
  3. silage
  4. sillabub
  5. simnel
  6. sinker
  7. sirloin
  8. sirup

Starting with SK
  1. skilly
  2. skin

Starting with SL
  1. slaw
  2. slivovitz
  3. sloe
  4. slumgullion

Starting with SM
  1. smelt
  2. smitane
  3. smoothie

Starting with SN
  1. snack
  2. snail
  3. snap
  4. snapper
  5. snow pea
  6. snowball

Starting with SO
  1. sockeye
  2. soda
  3. sole
  4. soochong
  5. sorb
  6. sorb apple
  7. sorbet
  8. sorghum
  9. sorrel
  10. souari nut
  11. soubise
  12. souchong
  13. souffle
  14. soup
  15. sour
  16. sour cherry
  17. sour gourd
  18. sour orange
  19. sourball
  20. soursop
  21. souse
  22. souvlaki
  23. sowbelly
  24. soy
  25. soya bean
  26. soybean
  27. soymilk

Starting with SP
  1. spaghetti
  2. spaghetti squash
  3. spaghettini
  4. spam
  5. spanish lime
  6. sparerib
  7. spareribs
  8. special
  9. spice
  10. spiceberry
  11. spinach
  12. spinach beet
  13. spirits
  14. split
  15. sprat
  16. spread
  17. sprinkles
  18. sprout
  19. spud

Starting with SQ
  1. squab
  2. squash
  3. squid

Starting with ST
  1. star anise
  2. starches
  3. starter
  4. stayman
  5. steak
  6. steamer
  7. stew
  8. stick
  9. stilton
  10. stock
  11. stockfish
  12. stodge
  13. stout
  14. stover
  15. strawberry
  16. streusel
  17. strudel
  18. stuffing

Starting with SU
  1. sub
  2. submarine
  3. succade
  4. succotash
  5. suet
  6. sugar
  7. sugar beet
  8. sugar pea
  9. sugar snap pea
  10. sugarberry
  11. sugarloaf
  12. sugarplum
  13. sukiyaki
  14. sultana
  15. summer savory
  16. summer squash
  17. sunchoke
  18. sundae
  19. sunfish
  20. supper
  21. surinam cherry
  22. sushi
  23. sustenance

Starting with SW
  1. swede
  2. swedish turnip
  3. sweet
  4. sweet basil
  5. sweet cicely
  6. sweet corn
  7. sweet melon
  8. sweet pepper
  9. sweet potato
  10. sweet woodruff
  11. sweetbread
  12. sweetener
  13. sweetmeat
  14. sweetsop
  15. swill
  16. swiss chard
  17. swizzle
  18. swordfish

Starting with SY
  1. syllabub
  2. syrup

Food that Starts with S

The list of food that starts with S found here can be used for many purposes and it will hopefully stimulate your appetite. Please let us know in the comments section if you find that we are missing any of them


Fruits that start with S

Sapodilla: tropical fruit with a rough brownish skin and very sweet brownish pulp.

  • The best sapodilla that I have ever eaten was in Mexico.

Spiceberry: spicy red berrylike fruit; source of wintergreen oil.

  • A spiceberry can be quite strong if you find them fresh in some regions of East Asia.


Meats that start with S

 Sausage: highly seasoned minced meat stuffed in casings.

  • A sausage can be very delicious if cooked properly.

 Spam: a canned meat made largely from pork.

  • Spam is very popular is some parts of Hawaii.


Vegetables that start with S

Soybean: the most highly proteinaceous vegetable known; the fruit of the soybean plant is used in a variety of foods and as fodder (especially as a replacement for animal protein).

  • A soybean is packed with protein and can help you recover after a tough day of physical activities.