Starting with AA
Starting with AB
Starting with AC
- acanthisitta
- acanthisittidae
- acanthocephala
- acanthocephalan
- acanthocybium
- acanthophis
- acanthopterygian
- acanthopterygii
- acanthoscelides
- acanthuridae
- acanthurus
- acarid
- acaridae
- acarina
- acarine
- acarus
- accentor
- accipiter
- accipitridae
- accipitriformes
- acherontia
- acheta
- achoerodus
- acidophil
- acidophile
- acidophilus
- acinonyx
- acipenser
- acipenseridae
- acnidosporidia
- acridid
- acrididae
- acridotheres
- acris
- acrobates
- acrocephalus
- acrodont
- acropora
- actias
- actinaria
- actinia
- actinian
- actiniaria
- actiniarian
- actinomyces
- actinomycetaceae
- actinomycetales
- actinomyxidia
- actinomyxidian
- actinopod
- actinopoda
- actinozoa
- actinozoan
- actitis
- aculea
- aculeus
Starting with AD
Starting with AE
- aedes
- aegina
- aegypiidae
- aegypius
- aegyptopithecus
- aepyceros
- aepyornidae
- aepyorniformes
- aepyornis
- aerobacter
- aerobe
- aetobatus
Starting with AF
Starting with AG
- agama
- agamid
- agamidae
- agapornis
- agelaius
- agkistrodon
- agnatha
- agnathan
- agonidae
- agonus
- agouti
- agriocharis
- agrobacterium
- agua
Starting with AI
Starting with AJ
Starting with AK
Starting with AL
- ala
- alauda
- alaudidae
- albacore
- albatross
- albula
- albulidae
- alca
- alcedinidae
- alcedo
- alcelaphus
- alces
- alcidae
- alcyonacea
- alcyonaria
- alderfly
- alectis
- alectoris
- alectura
- alepisaurus
- alewife
- aleyrodes
- aleyrodidae
- alga
- algae
- algeripithecus
- allantois
- allice
- alligator
- alligatorfish
- alligatoridae
- allis
- allmouth
- allosaur
- allosaurus
- alopex
- alopiidae
- alopius
- alosa
- alouatta
- alpaca
- alphavirus
- alsatian
- alsophila
- alula
- alytes
Starting with AM
- amadavat
- amazon
- amazona
- amberfish
- amberjack
- ambloplites
- amblyrhynchus
- ambulacrum
- ambystoma
- ambystomatidae
- ambystomid
- ameba
- ameiuridae
- ameiurus
- amia
- amiidae
- ammodytes
- ammodytidae
- ammotragus
- amnion
- amnios
- amniota
- amniote
- amoeba
- amoebida
- amoebina
- amphibia
- amphibian
- amphibolips
- amphidiploid
- amphineura
- amphioxidae
- amphioxus
- amphipod
- amphipoda
- amphiprion
- amphisbaena
- amphisbaenia
- amphisbaenidae
- amphiuma
- amphiumidae
Starting with AN
- anabantidae
- anabas
- anabrus
- anacanthini
- anaconda
- anaerobe
- anagasta
- anapsid
- anapsida
- anarhichadidae
- anarhichas
- anas
- anasa
- anaspid
- anaspida
- anastomus
- anatidae
- anatotitan
- anchovy
- ancistrodon
- ancylidae
- ancylostomatidae
- ancylus
- andrena
- andrenid
- andrenidae
- andricus
- aneides
- anemone
- angelfish
- angler
- anglerfish
- anglewing
- angleworm
- angora
- anguidae
- anguilla
- anguillidae
- anguilliformes
- anguillula
- anguis
- angus
- angwantibo
- anhima
- anhimidae
- anhinga
- anhingidae
- ani
- animalcule
- animalculum
- animalia
- anisoptera
- anisotremus
- ankylosaur
- ankylosaurus
- annelid
- annelida
- anniellidae
- anoa
- anobiidae
- anodonta
- anole
- anolis
- anomala
- anomalopidae
- anomalops
- anomalopteryx
- anomia
- anomiidae
- anopheles
- anopheline
- anoplura
- anostraca
- anser
- anseres
- anseriformes
- anserinae
- ant
- antbird
- anteater
- antedon
- antedonidae
- antelope
- antenna
- antennariidae
- antheraea
- anthidium
- anthonomus
- anthozoa
- anthozoan
- anthropoid
- anthropoidea
- anthus
- antidorcas
- antigonia
- antilocapra
- antilocapridae
- antilope
- antler
- antlion
- antrozous
- anura
- anuran
Starting with AO
Starting with AP
- apar
- apatosaur
- apatosaurus
- apatura
- ape
- aperea
- aphasmidia
- aphid
- aphididae
- aphidoidea
- aphis
- aphriza
- aphrophora
- apidae
- apis
- aplacophora
- aplacophoran
- aplodontia
- aplodontiidae
- aplysia
- aplysiidae
- apodeme
- apodemus
- apodidae
- apodiformes
- apogon
- apogonidae
- apoidea
- apolemia
- appaloosa
- appendicularia
- appenzeller
- aptenodytes
- apterygidae
- apterygiformes
- apteryx
- apus
Starting with AQ
Starting with AR
- ara
- arab
- arabian
- arachnid
- arachnida
- arachnoid
- arame
- aramus
- aranea
- araneae
- araneida
- araneus
- arborvirus
- arbovirus
- arca
- arcella
- arcellidae
- archaebacteria
- archaebacterium
- archaeobacteria
- archaeopteryx
- archaeornis
- archaeornithes
- archenteron
- archeobacteria
- archeopteryx
- archerfish
- archiannelid
- archiannelida
- archidiskidon
- archilochus
- architeuthis
- archosargus
- archosaur
- archosauria
- archosaurian
- arcidae
- arctictis
- arctiid
- arctiidae
- arctocebus
- arctocephalus
- arctonyx
- ardea
- ardeidae
- arenaria
- arenaviridae
- arenavirus
- argal
- argali
- argasid
- argasidae
- argentina
- argentine
- argentinidae
- argentinosaur
- argiope
- argiopidae
- argonaut
- argonauta
- argonautidae
- argus
- argusianus
- argynnis
- argyrotaenia
- ariidae
- arilus
- ariomma
- arista
- arius
- arizona
- armadillidiidae
- armadillidium
- armadillo
- armor
- armour
- armyworm
- arrowworm
- artamidae
- artamus
- artemia
- arthropod
- arthropoda
- artiodactyl
- artiodactyla
- arui
- arvicola
Starting with AS
- ascaphidae
- ascaphus
- ascaridae
- ascaridia
- ascaris
- aschelminthes
- ascidiaceae
- ascidian
- ascophyllum
- asilidae
- asio
- asp
- aspidelaps
- aspidiotus
- aspidophoroides
- aspis
- astacidae
- astacura
- astacus
- asteroidea
- astrophyton
- astropogon
Starting with AT
- ateles
- athene
- atherinidae
- atherinopsis
- atherurus
- athiorhodaceae
- atrichornis
- atrichornithidae
- atropidae
- atticus
Starting with AU
Starting with AV
Starting with AX
Starting with AY
Animals that Start with A
Everybody has seen an alligator in books or television, or maybe even in real life! Or, perhaps they’ve seen an albatross or an armadillo. These are very common animals that people may have learned about at a young age. But what would you say if you discovered that there are many other animals on the planet whose names start with the letter “A”, animals that you have no idea existed? Well, there is a wide variety of animals, some of them with very strange names!
Mammals that start with A
Aardvark: nocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Africa that feeds on termites; sole extant representative of the order Tubulidentata.
– He took great pictures of the huge, black aardvark, while it roamed in its natural habitat.
Abrocome: ratlike rodent with soft fur and large ears of the Andes.
– If you ever travel to the Andes, it’s probable that you will see an abrocome; this little one looks like a chinchilla.
Acinonyx: cheetahs.
-The Acinonyx, a Namibian cheetah, suffers from dental erosion.
Affenpinscher: European breed of small dog resembling a terrier with dark, wiry hair and a tufted muzzle.
– In Germany, it’s very common that families have an affenpinscher as a pet because of its small size.
Alopex: arctic foxes.
– Have you ever seen an alopex? It is a shame these beautiful creatures are endangered, like many other arctic animals.
Reptiles that start with A
Acanthophis: Australian elapid snakes.
– Australia is famous because of its wide variety of reptiles, such as the acanthophis, a venomous Australian snake.
Adder: small terrestrial viper common in northern Eurasia.
– You could cross an adder if you walk on a heathland, but be careful, there is no known antidote for its bite.
Agama: small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the Old World.
– The agama is a bright red and blue lizard mostly found in Liberia.
Amblyrhynchus: marine iguanas.
– The Amblyrhynchus lives in the Galapagos, feeds on leaves, and dives for algae.
Anapsida: oldest known reptiles; turtles and extinct Permian forms.
– During my visit to the Natural History Museum I had the opportunity to see a skeleton of an anapsida.
Birds that start with A
Accentor: a small sparrow-like songbird of mountainous regions of Eurasia.
– The bird watchers tried to find an accentor, but had no luck.
Accipitridae: hawks; Old World vultures; kites; harriers; eagles.
– Accipitridae is the family classification of prey birds such as eagles and hawks.
Adelie: medium-sized penguins occurring in large colonies on the Adelie Coast of Antarctica.
– The Adelie penguins are the cutest birds I have ever seen!
Amadavat: red Asian weaverbirds often kept as cage birds.
– It is a shame that people keep the amadavats in cages.
Anatidae: swimming birds having heavy short-legged bodies and bills with a horny tip: swans; geese; ducks.
– The pond looks beautiful with the Anatidae swimming around, they are commonly known as swans and ducks.
Insects and Critters that start with A
Actias: luna moths.
– Sweetgum and pine trees are the actias’ favorites.
Aedes: yellow-fever mosquitos.
– The patient was infected with dengue, it seems he was bitten by an aedes during his trip to Brazil.
Ancylostomatidae: hookworms.
– The Ancylostomatidae is the family of the worms, even the hookworms used for fishing are included in it.
Anisoptera: dragonflies.
– When I went out, the garden was filled with beautiful Anisopteras that flapped their wings quickly.