Animals that Start with A

Starting with AA
  1. aardvark
  2. aardwolf

Starting with AB
  1. abalone
  2. abomasum
  3. abramis
  4. abrocoma
  5. abrocome
  6. abudefduf
  7. abyssinian

Starting with AC
  1. acanthisitta
  2. acanthisittidae
  3. acanthocephala
  4. acanthocephalan
  5. acanthocybium
  6. acanthophis
  7. acanthopterygian
  8. acanthopterygii
  9. acanthoscelides
  10. acanthuridae
  11. acanthurus
  12. acarid
  13. acaridae
  14. acarina
  15. acarine
  16. acarus
  17. accentor
  18. accipiter
  19. accipitridae
  20. accipitriformes
  21. acherontia
  22. acheta
  23. achoerodus
  24. acidophil
  25. acidophile
  26. acidophilus
  27. acinonyx
  28. acipenser
  29. acipenseridae
  30. acnidosporidia
  31. acridid
  32. acrididae
  33. acridotheres
  34. acris
  35. acrobates
  36. acrocephalus
  37. acrodont
  38. acropora
  39. actias
  40. actinaria
  41. actinia
  42. actinian
  43. actiniaria
  44. actiniarian
  45. actinomyces
  46. actinomycetaceae
  47. actinomycetales
  48. actinomyxidia
  49. actinomyxidian
  50. actinopod
  51. actinopoda
  52. actinozoa
  53. actinozoan
  54. actitis
  55. aculea
  56. aculeus

Starting with AD
  1. adalia
  2. adapid
  3. addax
  4. adder
  5. adelges
  6. adelgid
  7. adelgidae
  8. adelie
  9. adenota
  10. adjutant
  11. admiral
  12. adult

Starting with AE
  1. aedes
  2. aegina
  3. aegypiidae
  4. aegypius
  5. aegyptopithecus
  6. aepyceros
  7. aepyornidae
  8. aepyorniformes
  9. aepyornis
  10. aerobacter
  11. aerobe
  12. aetobatus

Starting with AF
  1. affenpinscher
  2. affirmed
  3. afghan
  4. africander
  5. aftershaft

Starting with AG
  1. agama
  2. agamid
  3. agamidae
  4. agapornis
  5. agelaius
  6. agkistrodon
  7. agnatha
  8. agnathan
  9. agonidae
  10. agonus
  11. agouti
  12. agriocharis
  13. agrobacterium
  14. agua

Starting with AI
  1. ailuropoda
  2. ailuropodidae
  3. ailurus
  4. airedale
  5. aix

Starting with AJ
  1. ajaia

Starting with AK
  1. akeridae

Starting with AL
  1. ala
  2. alauda
  3. alaudidae
  4. albacore
  5. albatross
  6. albula
  7. albulidae
  8. alca
  9. alcedinidae
  10. alcedo
  11. alcelaphus
  12. alces
  13. alcidae
  14. alcyonacea
  15. alcyonaria
  16. alderfly
  17. alectis
  18. alectoris
  19. alectura
  20. alepisaurus
  21. alewife
  22. aleyrodes
  23. aleyrodidae
  24. alga
  25. algae
  26. algeripithecus
  27. allantois
  28. allice
  29. alligator
  30. alligatorfish
  31. alligatoridae
  32. allis
  33. allmouth
  34. allosaur
  35. allosaurus
  36. alopex
  37. alopiidae
  38. alopius
  39. alosa
  40. alouatta
  41. alpaca
  42. alphavirus
  43. alsatian
  44. alsophila
  45. alula
  46. alytes

Starting with AM
  1. amadavat
  2. amazon
  3. amazona
  4. amberfish
  5. amberjack
  6. ambloplites
  7. amblyrhynchus
  8. ambulacrum
  9. ambystoma
  10. ambystomatidae
  11. ambystomid
  12. ameba
  13. ameiuridae
  14. ameiurus
  15. amia
  16. amiidae
  17. ammodytes
  18. ammodytidae
  19. ammotragus
  20. amnion
  21. amnios
  22. amniota
  23. amniote
  24. amoeba
  25. amoebida
  26. amoebina
  27. amphibia
  28. amphibian
  29. amphibolips
  30. amphidiploid
  31. amphineura
  32. amphioxidae
  33. amphioxus
  34. amphipod
  35. amphipoda
  36. amphiprion
  37. amphisbaena
  38. amphisbaenia
  39. amphisbaenidae
  40. amphiuma
  41. amphiumidae

Starting with AN
  1. anabantidae
  2. anabas
  3. anabrus
  4. anacanthini
  5. anaconda
  6. anaerobe
  7. anagasta
  8. anapsid
  9. anapsida
  10. anarhichadidae
  11. anarhichas
  12. anas
  13. anasa
  14. anaspid
  15. anaspida
  16. anastomus
  17. anatidae
  18. anatotitan
  19. anchovy
  20. ancistrodon
  21. ancylidae
  22. ancylostomatidae
  23. ancylus
  24. andrena
  25. andrenid
  26. andrenidae
  27. andricus
  28. aneides
  29. anemone
  30. angelfish
  31. angler
  32. anglerfish
  33. anglewing
  34. angleworm
  35. angora
  36. anguidae
  37. anguilla
  38. anguillidae
  39. anguilliformes
  40. anguillula
  41. anguis
  42. angus
  43. angwantibo
  44. anhima
  45. anhimidae
  46. anhinga
  47. anhingidae
  48. ani
  49. animalcule
  50. animalculum
  51. animalia
  52. anisoptera
  53. anisotremus
  54. ankylosaur
  55. ankylosaurus
  56. annelid
  57. annelida
  58. anniellidae
  59. anoa
  60. anobiidae
  61. anodonta
  62. anole
  63. anolis
  64. anomala
  65. anomalopidae
  66. anomalops
  67. anomalopteryx
  68. anomia
  69. anomiidae
  70. anopheles
  71. anopheline
  72. anoplura
  73. anostraca
  74. anser
  75. anseres
  76. anseriformes
  77. anserinae
  78. ant
  79. antbird
  80. anteater
  81. antedon
  82. antedonidae
  83. antelope
  84. antenna
  85. antennariidae
  86. antheraea
  87. anthidium
  88. anthonomus
  89. anthozoa
  90. anthozoan
  91. anthropoid
  92. anthropoidea
  93. anthus
  94. antidorcas
  95. antigonia
  96. antilocapra
  97. antilocapridae
  98. antilope
  99. antler
  100. antlion
  101. antrozous
  102. anura
  103. anuran

Starting with AO
  1. aotus
  2. aoudad

Starting with AP
  1. apar
  2. apatosaur
  3. apatosaurus
  4. apatura
  5. ape
  6. aperea
  7. aphasmidia
  8. aphid
  9. aphididae
  10. aphidoidea
  11. aphis
  12. aphriza
  13. aphrophora
  14. apidae
  15. apis
  16. aplacophora
  17. aplacophoran
  18. aplodontia
  19. aplodontiidae
  20. aplysia
  21. aplysiidae
  22. apodeme
  23. apodemus
  24. apodidae
  25. apodiformes
  26. apogon
  27. apogonidae
  28. apoidea
  29. apolemia
  30. appaloosa
  31. appendicularia
  32. appenzeller
  33. aptenodytes
  34. apterygidae
  35. apterygiformes
  36. apteryx
  37. apus

Starting with AQ
  1. aquila

Starting with AR
  1. ara
  2. arab
  3. arabian
  4. arachnid
  5. arachnida
  6. arachnoid
  7. arame
  8. aramus
  9. aranea
  10. araneae
  11. araneida
  12. araneus
  13. arborvirus
  14. arbovirus
  15. arca
  16. arcella
  17. arcellidae
  18. archaebacteria
  19. archaebacterium
  20. archaeobacteria
  21. archaeopteryx
  22. archaeornis
  23. archaeornithes
  24. archenteron
  25. archeobacteria
  26. archeopteryx
  27. archerfish
  28. archiannelid
  29. archiannelida
  30. archidiskidon
  31. archilochus
  32. architeuthis
  33. archosargus
  34. archosaur
  35. archosauria
  36. archosaurian
  37. arcidae
  38. arctictis
  39. arctiid
  40. arctiidae
  41. arctocebus
  42. arctocephalus
  43. arctonyx
  44. ardea
  45. ardeidae
  46. arenaria
  47. arenaviridae
  48. arenavirus
  49. argal
  50. argali
  51. argasid
  52. argasidae
  53. argentina
  54. argentine
  55. argentinidae
  56. argentinosaur
  57. argiope
  58. argiopidae
  59. argonaut
  60. argonauta
  61. argonautidae
  62. argus
  63. argusianus
  64. argynnis
  65. argyrotaenia
  66. ariidae
  67. arilus
  68. ariomma
  69. arista
  70. arius
  71. arizona
  72. armadillidiidae
  73. armadillidium
  74. armadillo
  75. armor
  76. armour
  77. armyworm
  78. arrowworm
  79. artamidae
  80. artamus
  81. artemia
  82. arthropod
  83. arthropoda
  84. artiodactyl
  85. artiodactyla
  86. arui
  87. arvicola

Starting with AS
  1. ascaphidae
  2. ascaphus
  3. ascaridae
  4. ascaridia
  5. ascaris
  6. aschelminthes
  7. ascidiaceae
  8. ascidian
  9. ascophyllum
  10. asilidae
  11. asio
  12. asp
  13. aspidelaps
  14. aspidiotus
  15. aspidophoroides
  16. aspis
  17. astacidae
  18. astacura
  19. astacus
  20. asteroidea
  21. astrophyton
  22. astropogon

Starting with AT
  1. ateles
  2. athene
  3. atherinidae
  4. atherinopsis
  5. atherurus
  6. athiorhodaceae
  7. atrichornis
  8. atrichornithidae
  9. atropidae
  10. atticus

Starting with AU
  1. audad
  2. auk
  3. auklet
  4. aulacorhyncus
  5. aulostomidae
  6. aulostomus
  7. auriparus
  8. aurochs
  9. australopithecus
  10. automeris

Starting with AV
  1. avadavat
  2. avahi
  3. aves
  4. avocet

Starting with AX
  1. axolotl

Starting with AY
  1. ayrshire
  2. aythya

Animals that Start with A

Everybody has seen an alligator in books or television, or maybe even in real life! Or, perhaps they’ve seen an albatross or an armadillo. These are very common animals that people may have learned about at a young age. But what would you say if you discovered that there are many other animals on the planet whose names start with the letter “A”, animals that you have no idea existed? Well, there is a wide variety of animals, some of them with very strange names!


Mammals that start with A

Aardvark: nocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Africa that feeds on termites; sole extant representative of the order Tubulidentata.

– He took great pictures of the huge, black aardvark, while it roamed in its natural habitat.


Abrocome: ratlike rodent with soft fur and large ears of the Andes.

– If you ever travel to the Andes, it’s probable that you will see an abrocome; this little one looks like a chinchilla.


Acinonyx: cheetahs.

-The Acinonyx, a Namibian cheetah, suffers from dental erosion.


Affenpinscher: European breed of small dog resembling a terrier with dark, wiry hair and a tufted muzzle.

– In Germany, it’s very common that families have an affenpinscher as a pet because of its small size.


Alopex: arctic foxes.

– Have you ever seen an alopex? It is a shame these beautiful creatures are endangered, like many other arctic animals.



Reptiles that start with A


Acanthophis: Australian elapid snakes.

– Australia is famous because of its wide variety of reptiles, such as the acanthophis, a venomous Australian snake.


Adder: small terrestrial viper common in northern Eurasia.

– You could cross an adder if you walk on a heathland, but be careful, there is no known antidote for its bite.


Agama: small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the Old World.

– The agama is a bright red and blue lizard mostly found in Liberia.


Amblyrhynchus: marine iguanas.

– The Amblyrhynchus lives in the Galapagos, feeds on leaves, and dives for algae.


Anapsida: oldest known reptiles; turtles and extinct Permian forms.

– During my visit to the Natural History Museum I had the opportunity to see a skeleton of an anapsida.



Birds that start with A


Accentor: a small sparrow-like songbird of mountainous regions of Eurasia.

– The bird watchers tried to find an accentor, but had no luck.


Accipitridae: hawks; Old World vultures; kites; harriers; eagles.

Accipitridae is the family classification of prey birds such as eagles and hawks.


Adelie: medium-sized penguins occurring in large colonies on the Adelie Coast of Antarctica.

– The Adelie penguins are the cutest birds I have ever seen!


Amadavat: red Asian weaverbirds often kept as cage birds.

– It is a shame that people keep the amadavats in cages.


Anatidae: swimming birds having heavy short-legged bodies and bills with a horny tip: swans; geese; ducks.

– The pond looks beautiful with the Anatidae swimming around, they are commonly known as swans and ducks.


Insects and Critters that start with A


Actias: luna moths.

– Sweetgum and pine trees are the actias’ favorites.


Aedes: yellow-fever mosquitos.

– The patient was infected with dengue, it seems he was bitten by an aedes during his trip to Brazil.


Ancylostomatidae: hookworms.

– The Ancylostomatidae is the family of the worms, even the hookworms used for fishing are included in it.


Anisoptera: dragonflies.

– When I went out, the garden was filled with beautiful Anisopteras that flapped their wings quickly.