Starting with SA
- sabertooth
- sable
- saddle
- saddlebill
- sagitta
- sagittariidae
- sagittarius
- saiga
- sailfish
- saimiri
- salamander
- salamandra
- salamandridae
- salientia
- salientian
- salmo
- salmon
- salmonella
- salmonid
- salmonidae
- salp
- salpa
- salpidae
- salpinctes
- saluki
- salvelinus
- sambar
- sambur
- samia
- samoyed
- samoyede
- sanderling
- sandfish
- sandfly
- sandgrouse
- sandhopper
- sandpiper
- saratoga
- sarcocystidean
- sarcocystieian
- sarcocystis
- sarcodina
- sarcodine
- sarcodinian
- sarcophaga
- sarcophilus
- sarcoptes
- sarcoptidae
- sarcorhamphus
- sarcosporidia
- sarcosporidian
- sarda
- sardina
- sardine
- sardinops
- sargasso
- sargassum
- sassaby
- saturnia
- saturniid
- saturniidae
- satyridae
- saurel
- sauria
- saurian
- saurischia
- saurischian
- sauromalus
- sauropod
- sauropoda
- sauropodomorpha
- sauropterygia
- saurosuchus
- saury
- sawbill
- sawfish
- sawfly
- sawyer
- saxicola
- sayornis
Starting with SC
- scad
- scale
- scallop
- scandentia
- scaphiopus
- scaphopod
- scaphopoda
- scapular
- scarab
- scarabaean
- scarabaeid
- scarabaeidae
- scarabaeus
- scardinius
- scaridae
- scartella
- scaup
- scavenger
- sceliphron
- sceloglaux
- sceloporus
- schipperke
- schistosoma
- schistosomatidae
- schistosome
- schizomycetes
- schizophyceae
- schizophyta
- schizopoda
- schnauzer
- schoolmaster
- schrod
- sciaena
- sciaenid
- sciaenidae
- sciaenops
- sciara
- sciarid
- sciaridae
- scincella
- scincid
- scincidae
- scincus
- scissortail
- sciuridae
- sciuromorpha
- sciurus
- sclerite
- scleropages
- scleroparei
- scolopacidae
- scolopax
- scolytidae
- scolytus
- scomber
- scomberesocidae
- scomberesox
- scomberomorus
- scombresocidae
- scombresox
- scombridae
- scombroid
- scombroidea
- scooter
- scophthalmus
- scorpaena
- scorpaenid
- scorpaenidae
- scorpaenoid
- scorpaenoidea
- scorpion
- scorpionfish
- scorpionida
- scoter
- scottie
- screamer
- scrod
- scrubbird
- sculpin
- scup
- scut
- scute
- scutigera
- scutigerella
- scutigeridae
- scyliorhinidae
- scyphozoa
- scyphozoan
Starting with SE
- sea wrack
- seabird
- seafowl
- seagrass
- seagull
- seahorse
- seal
- sealyham
- searcher
- searobin
- seashell
- seasnail
- seaweed
- sebastodes
- secretariat
- seismosaur
- seismosaurus
- seiurus
- selachian
- selachii
- selar
- selenarctos
- selene
- sennenhund
- sepia
- sepiidae
- sergeant major
- sericterium
- serictery
- seriema
- serin
- serinus
- seriola
- seriphus
- serotine
- serow
- serpent
- serpentes
- serranid
- serranidae
- serranus
- serrasalmus
- serratia
- sertularia
- sertularian
- serval
- seta
- setophaga
- setter
- sewellel
Starting with SH
- shad
- shadfly
- shaft
- shank
- shanny
- shark
- shearwater
- sheatfish
- sheep
- sheepdog
- sheepshead
- sheldrake
- shelduck
- shell
- shellfish
- shetland
- shield
- shigella
- shiner
- shipworm
- shire
- shoat
- shoebill
- shoebird
- shorebird
- shorthorn
- shote
- shoveler
- shovelhead
- shoveller
- shrew
- shrewmouse
- shrike
- shrimp
- shrimpfish
Starting with SI
- sialia
- sialidae
- sialis
- siamang
- siamese
- sidewinder
- sierra
- sigmodon
- sika
- sild
- silkworm
- sillaginidae
- sillago
- silurid
- siluridae
- siluriformes
- silurus
- silverback
- silverfish
- silverside
- silversides
- silverspot
- silvertip
- silvia
- simian
- simuliidae
- simulium
- sinanthropus
- sinornis
- siphon
- siphonaptera
- siphonophora
- siphonophore
- sipuncula
- sipunculid
- sire
- siren
- sirenia
- sirenian
- sirenidae
- siskin
- sistrurus
- sisyridae
- sitophylus
- sitotroga
- sitta
- sitter
- sittidae
- sivapithecus
Starting with SK
Starting with SL
Starting with SM
Starting with SN
- snail
- snailfish
- snake
- snakebird
- snakeblenny
- snakefish
- snakefly
- snapper
- snipe
- snipefish
- snoek
- snook
- snout
- snowbird
- snowflake
Starting with SO
- soapfish
- sockeye
- solan
- soldier
- soldierfish
- sole
- solea
- soleidae
- solenichthyes
- solenidae
- solenogaster
- solenogastres
- solenopsis
- solitaire
- somateria
- somite
- songbird
- songster
- sonora
- sorex
- soricidae
- sorrel
- soupfin
- souslik
- sow
Starting with SP
- spadefish
- spadefoot
- spalacidae
- spalax
- spaniel
- sparid
- sparidae
- sparrow
- spat
- spatangoida
- spawn
- spawner
- spearfish
- spermophile
- spermophilus
- sphecidae
- sphecius
- sphecoid
- sphecoidea
- sphecotheres
- spheniscidae
- sphenisciformes
- spheniscus
- sphenodon
- sphingid
- sphingidae
- sphyraena
- sphyraenidae
- sphyrapicus
- sphyrna
- sphyrnidae
- spider
- spilogale
- spine
- spinus
- spirilla
- spirillaceae
- spirillum
- spirochaeta
- spirochaetaceae
- spirochaetales
- spirogyra
- spirula
- spirulidae
- spittlebug
- spitz
- spizella
- splitworm
- spodoptera
- sponge
- spongefly
- spongillafly
- spoonbill
- sporozoa
- sporozoan
- sporozoite
- spouter
- sprat
- sprigtail
- spring chicken
- springbok
- springbuck
- springer
- springtail
- spyeria
Starting with SQ
- squab
- squalidae
- squalus
- squama
- squamata
- squaretail
- squatina
- squatinidae
- squealer
- squid
- squilla
- squillidae
- squirrel
- squirrelfish
Starting with ST
- stablemate
- stag
- staghound
- stallion
- staph
- staphylinidae
- staphylococci
- staphylococcus
- starfish
- stargazer
- starling
- staurikosaur
- staurikosaurus
- stayer
- steamer
- steatornis
- steatornithidae
- steed
- steenbok
- steeplechaser
- steer
- steganopus
- stegocephalia
- stegosaur
- stegosaurus
- steinbok
- stenopelmatidae
- stenopelmatus
- stenopterygius
- stenotomus
- stentor
- stepper
- stercorariidae
- stercorarius
- stereospondyli
- sterna
- sterninae
- sternotherus
- stichaeidae
- stickleback
- sticktight
- stictomys
- stictopelia
- stilt
- stiltbird
- stingray
- stinkbird
- stinkpot
- stint
- stirk
- stizidae
- stizostedion
- stoat
- stock
- stocker
- stomatopod
- stomatopoda
- stonechat
- stonefish
- stonefly
- stonewort
- storeria
- stork
- strawworm
- stray
- strep
- strepera
- strepsiceros
- strepsirhini
- streptobacillus
- streptococci
- streptococcus
- streptomyces
- streptomycetaceae
- streptopelia
- strigidae
- strigiformes
- strix
- stromateid
- stromateidae
- strombidae
- strombus
- struthio
- struthiomimus
- struthionidae
- struthioniformes
- strymon
- studhorse
- stumpknocker
- stunt
- sturgeon
- sturnella
- sturnidae
- sturnus
- style
- stylet
- styracosaur
- styracosaurus
Starting with SU
- suckerfish
- suidae
- sula
- sulidae
- sumpter
- sunfish
- superbug
- superslasher
- surfbird
- surffish
- surfperch
- surgeonfish
- suricata
- suricate
- surmullet
- surnia
- survivor
- sus
- suslik
Starting with SW
Starting with SY
Animals that Start with S
sabertooth, sable, saddle and saddlebill are only a couple of animals which start with the letter S. In the following sections you may find other animals that start with S.
Mammals that start with S
Sambar: a deer of southern Asia with antlers that have three tines.
- That sambar had a wonderful and peaceful appearance.
Seal: any of numerous marine mammals that come on shore to breed; chiefly of cold regions.
- A seal can withstand very low temperatures.
Skunk: American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled; in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae.
- A skunk can defend himself by releasing a very strong and awful smell.
Sloth: any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals of South America and Central America; they hang from branches back downward and feed on leaves and fruits.
- I saw a sloth in a zoo that was calmly eating most of the leaves in a tree.
Birds that start with S
Scrubbird: small fast-running Australian bird resembling a wren and frequenting brush or scrub.
- Scrubbirds are extremely fast and beautiful birds.
Songbird: any bird having a musical call.
- A had a songbird that used to sing a lovely melody when I was a child.
Sialia: North American bluebirds.
- A sialia can have a blue, rose and white body parts.
Sparrow: small brownish European songbird.
- A sparrow is a small passive bird that can sing a great tune!